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dimaskiddo / Go Whatsapp Rest

Go WhatsApp Implementation in REST API

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Go WhatsApp Implementation in REST API

This repository contains example of implementation Rhymen/go-whatsapp package. This example is using a codebase from dimaskiddo/codebase-go-rest-lite.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Prequisites package:

  • Go (Go Programming Language)
  • Dep (Go Dependencies Management Tool)
  • Make (Automated Execution using Makefile)

Optional package:

  • GoReleaser (Go Automated Binaries Build)
  • Docker (Application Containerization)


Below is the instructions to make this codebase running:

  • Create a Go Workspace directory and export it as the extended GOPATH directory
cd <your_go_workspace_directory>
export GOPATH=$GOPATH:"`pwd`"
  • Under the Go Workspace directory create a source directory
mkdir -p src/
  • Move to the created directory and pull codebase
cd src/
git clone -b master .
  • Run following command to pull dependecies package
make vendor
  • Until this step you already can run this code by using this command
make run

Running The Tests

Currently the test is not ready yet :)


To build this code to binaries for distribution purposes you can run following command:

make release

The build result will shown in build directory Or use Docker Images available in dimaskiddo/go-whatsapp-rest

API Access

You can access any endpoint under ROUTER_BASE_PATH configuration by default located at /api/v1/whatsapp. Configuration files are located in share/etc directory.

Built With

  • Go - Go Programming Languange
  • Dep - Go Dependency Management Tool
  • GoReleaser - Go Automated Binaries Build
  • Make - GNU Make Automated Execution
  • Docker - Application Containerization


  • Dimas Restu Hidayanto - Initial Work - DimasKiddo

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project


You can seek more information for the make command parameters in the Makefile

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