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mcandre / hello-kafka-connect

Licence: other
example Kafka Connect source and sink

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hello-kafka-connect - example Kafka Connect source and sink


$ gradle cucumber
Feature: Kafka Connect integration

  Scenario: Hello World kafka connect                             # kafka-connect.feature:2
    Given redis is running at URI "redis://"   # StepDefinitions.redisIsRunningAtURI(String)
    When a supplier generates names onto redis list "names"       # StepDefinitions.aSupplierGeneratesNamesOntoRedisList(String)
    Then connectors welcome the names onto redis list "greetings" # StepDefinitions.connectorsWelcomeTheNamesOntoRedisList(String)

1 Scenarios (1 passed)
3 Steps (3 passed)


Total time: 4.514 secs


Kafka Connect is a secondary system on top of Kafka that simplifies common Kafka workflows, such as copying data between Kafka and databases, triggering actions on Kafka events, and supplying data feeds to Kafka.

hello-kafka-connect is a demonstration of how to develop and deploy source and sink connectors to a Kafka Connect cluster, using Redis as an example of an external system that can integrate with Kafka, and docker(-compose) as an example way to provision a Kafka Connect cluster.


Download Docker image confluent/kafka

We've done most of the work with Docker Compose, but there is a small workaround required to account for the lack of an official Confluent entry on DockerHub.

$ git clone [email protected]:confluentinc/docker-images.git
$ cd docker-images/kafka/
$ docker build -t confluent/kafka .
$ cd ../../

Download the hello-kafka-connect source

$ git clone [email protected]:mcandre/hello-kafka-connect.git
$ cd hello-kafka-connect/

Package the connectors as a JAR, including any dependencies

$ gradle clean shadowJar

Place the JAR in the CLASSPATH of the Kafka Connect node

$ docker-compose build --no-cache

Configure Docker Compose

The Kafka and Kafka Connect nodes require advertised hostname configuration. Due to Docker kernel requirements, advertised hostnames may not simply match localhost AKA on non-Linux system; Instead, advertised hostnames must match the Docker Machine IP address.

docker-compose-docker-machine.yml.sample provides an example configuration assuming a Docker Machine IP address of; tweak to match your echo $(docker-machine ip default) address, or whichever Docker Machine environment you use.

non-Linux hosts

non-Linux users (e.g. Mac OS) can configure docker-compose with:

$ ln -sf docker-compose-docker-machine.yml.sample docker-compose.yml

Windows users can create a soft link in an administrator shell, using mklink:

C:\ admin> cmd /c mklink docker-compose.yml docker-compose-docker-machine.yml.sample

Linux hosts

$ ln -sf docker-compose-linux-host.yml.sample docker-compose.yml

Launch Kafka Connect

$ docker-compose rm -f && docker-compose up --force-recreate

Ensure full Kafka topic creation

Work around an issue with Kafka Connect topic creation by manually creating topics:

$ kafka-topics --zookeeper $(docker-machine ip default):2181 --create --topic names --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
Created topic "names".

$ kafka-topics --zookeeper $(docker-machine ip default):2181 --list

Submit connectors to Kafka Connect

$ curl -XPOST $(docker-machine ip default):8083/connectors \
       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -d "{
             \"name\": \"name-source\",
             \"config\": {
               \"connector.class\": \"us.yellosoft.hellokafkaconnect.NameSource\",
               \"tasks.max\": \"1\",
               \"topics\": \"names\",
               \"kafka_partitions\": \"1\",
               \"redis_address\": \"redis://$(docker-machine ip default):6379\",
               \"name_list_key\": \"names\"
           }" | jq .

  "name": "name-source",
  "config": {
    "connector.class": "us.yellosoft.hellokafkaconnect.NameSource",
    "tasks.max": "1",
    "topics": "names",
    "kafka_partitions": "1",
    "redis_address": "redis://",
    "name_list_key": "names",
    "name": "name-source"
  "tasks": []

$ curl $(docker-machine ip default):8083/connectors | jq .


$ curl -XPOST $(docker-machine ip default):8083/connectors \
       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -d "{
             \"name\": \"greeting-sink\",
             \"config\": {
               \"connector.class\": \"us.yellosoft.hellokafkaconnect.GreeterSink\",
               \"tasks.max\": \"1\",
               \"topics\": \"names\",
               \"redis_address\": \"redis://$(docker-machine ip default):6379\",
               \"greeting_list_key\": \"greetings\"
           }" | jq .

  "name": "greeting-sink",
  "config": {
    "connector.class": "us.yellosoft.hellokafkaconnect.GreeterSink",
    "tasks.max": "1",
    "topics": "names",
    "redis_address": "redis://",
    "greeting_list_key": "greetings",
    "name": "greeting-sink"
  "tasks": []

$ curl $(docker-machine ip default):8083/connectors | jq .


Supply sample data

Finally, generate sample data to trigger data flowing through the system: a Redis list -> source connector -> names Kafka topic -> sink connector -> another Redis list.

$ redis-cli -h $(docker-machine ip default) lpush names 'Alice'
(integer) 1

$ redis-cli -h $(docker-machine ip default) lpush names 'Bob'
(integer) 2

In seconds, data flows through Kafka Connect and back to the external Redis system:

$ redis-cli -h $(docker-machine ip default) lpop greetings
"Welcome, Bob"

$ redis-cli -h $(docker-machine ip default) lpop greetings
"Welcome, Alice"



See Also

For a more basic Kafka hello world example, see

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