hellokoding / Hellokoding Courses
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HelloKoding provides practical coding guides series of Spring Boot, Java, Algorithms, and other topics on software engineering
Stars: ✭ 490
Programming Languages
68154 projects - #9 most used programming language
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Hellokoding Courses
Spring Boot Shopping Cart
Simple shopping cart web app made using Spring Boot + Thymeleaf
Stars: ✭ 85 (-82.65%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Source code for the tutorials published on the Javadevjournal site.
Stars: ✭ 141 (-71.22%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Spring Cloud Flycloud
🔥🔥🔥FlyClould 微服务实战项目框架,在该框架中,包括了用 Spring Cloud 构建微服务的一系列基本组件和框架,对于后台服务框架的搭建有很大的参考价值,大家可以参考甚至稍加修改可以直接应用于自己的实际的项目开发中,该项目没有采用Maven进行项目构建,Maven通过xml进行依赖管理,导致整个配置文件太过臃肿,另外灵活性也不是很强,所以我采用Gradle进行项目构建和依赖管理,在FlyTour项目中我们见证了Gradle的强大,通过简单的一些配置就可以轻松的实现组件化的功能。该项目共有11个Module工程。其中10个位微服务工程,这10个微服务工程构成了一个完整的微服务系统,微服务系统包含了8个基础服务,提供了一整套微服务治理功能,他们分别是配置中心module_c…
Stars: ✭ 1,514 (+208.98%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Springboot Starterkit
Starter Kit for Spring Boot based (REST APIs and WebMVC) micro services.
Stars: ✭ 596 (+21.63%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Important Java Concepts
🚀 Complete Java - A to Z ║ 📚 Notes and Programs of all Important Concepts of Java - OOPS, Data Structures, Algorithms, Design Patterns & Development + Kotlin + Android 🔥
Stars: ✭ 135 (-72.45%)
Mutual labels: algorithms, data-structures, spring-boot
Spring Boot based production grade starter kit.
Stars: ✭ 59 (-87.96%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Spring Boot Blog
Simple blog web app made using Spring Boot + Thymeleaf
Stars: ✭ 121 (-75.31%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Simple web-market: Spring, JSP, REST, Hibernate (under modernization)
Stars: ✭ 47 (-90.41%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Spring Reddit Clone
Reddit clone built using Spring Boot, Spring Security with JPA Authentication, Spring Data JPA with MySQL, Spring MVC. The frontend is built using Angular - You can find the frontend source code here - https://github.com/SaiUpadhyayula/angular-reddit-clone
Stars: ✭ 210 (-57.14%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Registration Login Spring Hsql
Registration and Login Example with Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, HSQL, JSP
Stars: ✭ 208 (-57.55%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Springboot Restful Angular
springBoot,restful,jwt,angular4 搭建的前后端分离后台管理系统
Stars: ✭ 121 (-75.31%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Spring Webmvc Jwt Sample
Secures REST APIs with Spring Security and JWT Token based Authentication
Stars: ✭ 299 (-38.98%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Spring Microservice Sample
Spring Boot based Mircoservice sample
Stars: ✭ 199 (-59.39%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Spring Boot Enterprise Application Development
Spring Boot Enterprise Application Development.《Spring Boot 企业级应用开发实战》
Stars: ✭ 261 (-46.73%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
Spring Boot Tutorial For Beginners
Stars: ✭ 450 (-8.16%)
Mutual labels: spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring-security
基于Spring Boot/Spring Security/thymeleaf的通用后台管理系统
Stars: ✭ 411 (-16.12%)
Mutual labels: spring-boot, spring-security
Spring Security Tutorial
Spring Security Tutorial takes you to learn Spring Security step by step with a large number of samples. Spring Security Tutorial 是一本关于 Spring Security 学习的开源书。利用业余时间写了本书,图文并茂,用大量实例带你一步一步走进 Spring Security 的世界。
Stars: ✭ 409 (-16.53%)
Mutual labels: spring-boot, spring-security
Js Data Structures And Algorithms
从 0 到 1 学习 JavaScript 数据结构与算法
Stars: ✭ 425 (-13.27%)
Mutual labels: algorithms, data-structures
A Python module for learning all major algorithms
Stars: ✭ 4,256 (+768.57%)
Mutual labels: algorithms, data-structures
Spring Boot In Action
Spring Boot 系列实战合集
Stars: ✭ 4,153 (+747.55%)
Mutual labels: spring-boot, spring-security
HelloKoding - Practical Coding Guides
HelloKoding provides practical coding guides series of Spring Boot, Java, Algorithms and other topics on software engineering
Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks,
for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner.
If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].