SwiftlyextSwiftlyExt is a collection of useful extensions for Swift 3 standard classes and types 🚀
Stars: ✭ 31 (-97.37%)
Mutual labels: swift-framework, xcode, cocoapods, carthage, swift-package-manager
BadgehubA way to quickly add a notification badge icon to any view. Make any view of a full-fledged animated notification center.
Stars: ✭ 592 (-49.83%)
Mutual labels: hacktoberfest, swift-framework, xcode, cocoapods, animations
CdmarkdownkitAn extensive Swift framework providing simple and customizable markdown parsing.
Stars: ✭ 158 (-86.61%)
Mutual labels: xcode, cocoapods, carthage, swift-package-manager
L10n SwiftLocalization of the application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural form in any language.
Stars: ✭ 177 (-85%)
Mutual labels: swift-framework, cocoapods, carthage, swift-package-manager
Skeletonview☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting
Stars: ✭ 10,804 (+815.59%)
Mutual labels: hacktoberfest, carthage, swift-package-manager, ios-animation
AlamofireElegant HTTP Networking in Swift
Stars: ✭ 36,896 (+3026.78%)
Mutual labels: xcode, cocoapods, carthage, swift-package-manager
NatriumA pre-build (Swift) script to alter your Xcode project at pre-build-time per environment, build configuration and target.
Stars: ✭ 131 (-88.9%)
Mutual labels: xcode, cocoapods, carthage, swift-package-manager
Bfkit SwiftBFKit-Swift is a collection of useful classes, structs and extensions to develop Apps faster.
Stars: ✭ 963 (-18.39%)
Mutual labels: xcode, cocoapods, carthage, swift-package-manager
Nextgrowingtextview📝 The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 8 and above.
Stars: ✭ 1,540 (+30.51%)
Mutual labels: hacktoberfest, xcode, cocoapods, carthage
HeroElegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
Stars: ✭ 20,547 (+1641.27%)
Mutual labels: xcode, carthage, animations, ios-animation
StepsliderStepSlider its custom implementation of slider such as UISlider for preset integer values.
Stars: ✭ 391 (-66.86%)
Mutual labels: xcode, cocoapods, carthage, labels
SwiftframeworktemplateA template for new Swift iOS / macOS / tvOS / watchOS Framework project ready with travis-ci, cocoapods, Carthage, SwiftPM and a Readme file
Stars: ✭ 527 (-55.34%)
Mutual labels: framework, cocoapods, carthage, swift-package-manager
TaniwhatextfieldMy first cocoapod framework
Stars: ✭ 26 (-97.8%)
Mutual labels: framework, swift-framework, cocoapods, swift-package-manager
SwifterswiftA handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
Stars: ✭ 10,706 (+807.29%)
Mutual labels: xcode, cocoapods, carthage, swift-package-manager
XmlmapperA simple way to map XML to Objects written in Swift
Stars: ✭ 90 (-92.37%)
Mutual labels: xcode, cocoapods, carthage, swift-package-manager
Amplitude IosNative iOS/tvOS/macOS SDK
Stars: ✭ 216 (-81.69%)
Mutual labels: hacktoberfest, cocoapods, carthage, swift-package-manager
SwiftinstagramInstagram API client written in Swift
Stars: ✭ 570 (-51.69%)
Mutual labels: swift-framework, xcode, cocoapods, carthage
KeyboardhidemanagerCodeless manager to hide keyboard by tapping on views for iOS written in Swift
Stars: ✭ 57 (-95.17%)
Mutual labels: framework, swift-framework, library, cocoapods
Preferences⚙ Add a preferences window to your macOS app in minutes
Stars: ✭ 898 (-23.9%)
Mutual labels: cocoapods, carthage, swift-package-manager
TkswitchercollectionAn animation switch collection
Stars: ✭ 877 (-25.68%)
Mutual labels: cocoapods, carthage, ios-animation