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Licence: Apache-2.0 license
MongoDB Cmdlets for PowerShell

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MongoDB Cmdlets for PowerShell

Mdbc is the PowerShell module based on the official MongoDB C# driver. Mdbc makes MongoDB data and operations PowerShell friendly.

  • The PSGallery package is for PowerShell Core and PowerShell v5.1 .NET 4.7.2
  • The NuGet package is for PowerShell v3-v5.1, .NET 4.7.2

Quick start

Step 1: Get and install

Package from PSGallery

Mdbc for PowerShell Core and v5.1 is published as the PSGallery module Mdbc.

You can install the module by this command:

Install-Module Mdbc

Package from NuGet

Mdbc for PowerShell v3-v5.1 is published as the NuGet package Mdbc. Download it by NuGet tools or directly. In the latter case save it as ".zip" and unzip. Use the package subdirectory "tools/Mdbc".

Copy the directory Mdbc to one of the PowerShell module directories, see $env:PSModulePath, for example like this:


Step 2: In a PowerShell command prompt import the module:

Import-Module Mdbc

Step 3: Take a look at help and available commands:

help about_Mdbc
help Connect-Mdbc -Full
Get-Command -Module Mdbc

Step 4: Make sure mongod is running and try some commands:

# Load the module
Import-Module Mdbc

# Connect the new collection test.test
Connect-Mdbc . test test -NewCollection

# Add two documents
@{_id = 1; value = 42}, @{_id = 2; value = 3.14} | Add-MdbcData

# Get documents as PS objects
Get-MdbcData -As PS | Format-Table

# Get the document by _id
Get-MdbcData @{_id = 1}

# Update the document, set 'value' to 100
Update-MdbcData @{_id = 1} @{'$set' = @{value = 100}}

# Get the document again, 'value' is 100
$doc = Get-MdbcData @{_id = 1}

# Remove the document
$doc | Remove-MdbcData

# Count documents, 1
Get-MdbcData -Count

Next Steps

Read cmdlet help topics and take a look at examples for some basic use cases.

Use Scripts/Mdbc.ArgumentCompleters.ps1 for database and collection name completion and property completion. Scripts/Update-MongoFiles.ps1 is a toy for making test data but may be useful for tracking file changes. See also tests, for example:

Driver methods and module commands

Driver Module Output
MongoClient Connect-Mdbc $Client $Database $Collection
GetDatabase Get-MdbcDatabase database(s)
DropDatabase Remove-MdbcDatabase none
Transactions Use-MdbcTransaction -
Watch Watch-MdbcChange -Client cursor
RunCommand Invoke-MdbcCommand document
GetCollection Get-MdbcCollection collection(s)
CreateCollection Add-MdbcCollection none
RenameCollection Rename-MdbcCollection none
DropCollection Remove-MdbcCollection none
Watch Watch-MdbcChange -Database cursor
InsertOne Add-MdbcData none
Find Get-MdbcData documents
CountDocuments Get-MdbcData -Count count
Distinct Get-MdbcData -Distinct values
FindOneAndDelete Get-MdbcData -Remove old document
FindOneAndReplace Get-MdbcData -Set old or new document
FindOneAndUpdate Get-MdbcData -Update old or new document
DeleteOne Remove-MdbcData none or info (-Result)
DeleteMany Remove-MdbcData -Many none or info (-Result)
ReplaceOne Set-MdbcData none or info (-Result)
UpdateOne Update-MdbcData none or info (-Result)
UpdateMany Update-MdbcData -Many none or info (-Result)
Aggregate Invoke-MdbcAggregate documents
Watch Watch-MdbcChange -Collection cursor

See also

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