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massiveinteractive / mloader

Licence: MIT license
A cross platform Haxe library for loading resources with utilities for queueing and caching requests. Supports AVM2, JavaScript, Neko and C++.

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MLoader is a cross platform Haxe library for loading resources with utilities for queueing and caching requests. Supports AVM2, JavaScript, Neko and C++.

  • Signal based notification of loading events and errors
  • Leverages type parameters to type loaded content
  • Utilities for caching and queuing loaders
  • Supports local urls in Neko

Note: MassiveLoader includes a patch to haxe.Http to enable abortable Http requests. The patch is clearly documented in haxe/Http.hx


Install mloader from haxelib:

haxelib install mloader

Or if you want to install the latest directly from github:

haxelib git mloader src/lib

And to point to your local fork:

haxelib dev mloader /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_REPO/src/lib

Basic Usage

You can download an more comprehensive cross platform example project here.

To load a string:

import mloader.Loader;

class Main
	public static function main()
		var loader = new mloader.StringLoader("something.txt");

	static function onLoaded(event:LoaderEvent<String>)
		switch (event.type)
			case Complete: trace(;
			case Fail(e): trace("Loader failed: " + e);

You can also listen for specific events using msignal's forType method:


XmlLoader and JsonLoader will attempt to parse the response:

import mloader.Loader;

class Main
	public static function main()
		var loader = new mloader.XmlLoader("something.xml");

	static function onLoaded(event:LoaderEvent<Xml>)
		switch (event.type)
			case Complete:

			case Fail(e):
				switch (e)
					case Format(info): trace("Could not parse Xml: " + info);
					case IO(info): trace("URL could not be reached: " + info);
					default: trace(e);

LoaderQueue will sequentially load a list of loaders:

import mloader.Loader;
import mloader.LoaderQueue;
import mloader.ImageLoader;
import mloader.JsonLoader;

class Main
	public static function main()
		var queue = new LoaderQueue();
		queue.maxLoading = 2; // max concurrent
		queue.ignoreFailures = false; // carry on regardless

		var json = new JsonLoader("data.json");

		queue.add(new ImageLoader("image-01.jpg"));
		queue.add(new ImageLoader("image-02.jpg"));
		queue.add(new ImageLoader("image-03.jpg"));
		queue.add(new ImageLoader("image-04.jpg"));
		queue.addWithPriority(jsonLoader, 1); // load first

		// start the queue

function queueComplete(event:LoaderEvent<Dynamic>)
	trace("LoaderQueue completed!");

function jsonComplete(event:LoaderEvent<Dynamic>)
	trace("JSON data loaded " + Std.string(;


The API documentation is available on the haxelib project page.

Or you can just read through the source ;)

How to contribute

If you find a bug, report it.

If you want to help, fork it.

If you want to make sure it works, install munit so you can run the test suite from the project root:

haxelib run munit test -js -as3 -neko


This project is brought to you by David and Mike from Massive Interactive

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].