NotebooksLearn Python for free using open-source notebooks in Hebrew.
Stars: ✭ 877 (+300.46%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, learn-to-code, learning-python
Numerical Computing Is FunLearning numerical computing with notebooks for all ages.
Stars: ✭ 730 (+233.33%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, learn-to-code, learning-python
Python TutorialA Python 3 programming tutorial for beginners.
Stars: ✭ 647 (+195.43%)
Mutual labels: learn-to-code, learning-python
Stars: ✭ 6,040 (+2657.99%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, learning-python
Python Introducing PandasIntroduction to pandas Treehouse course
Stars: ✭ 24 (-89.04%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, learn-to-code
Start Machine Learning In 2020A complete guide to start and improve in machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) in 2021 without ANY background in the field and stay up-to-date with the latest news and state-of-the-art techniques!
Stars: ✭ 357 (+63.01%)
Mutual labels: learn-to-code, learning-python
Qiskit TextbookA university quantum algorithms/computation course supplement based on Qiskit
Stars: ✭ 404 (+84.47%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, learn-to-code
JuliatutorialsLearn Julia via interactive tutorials!
Stars: ✭ 732 (+234.25%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, learn-to-code
python-tutorial-codesPython 🐍 Tutorials
Stars: ✭ 23 (-89.5%)
Mutual labels: learning-python, learn-to-code
Python Note《Python 学习手册》(第四版 + 第五版)笔记
Stars: ✭ 74 (-66.21%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, learning-python
100daysofcode With Python CourseCourse materials and handouts for #100DaysOfCode in Python course
Stars: ✭ 1,391 (+535.16%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, learn-to-code
Learn Python3Jupyter notebooks for teaching/learning Python 3
Stars: ✭ 4,418 (+1917.35%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, learning-python
Python referenceUseful functions, tutorials, and other Python-related things
Stars: ✭ 3,125 (+1326.94%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, learning-python
Awesome Cn超赞列表合集
Stars: ✭ 449 (+105.02%)
Mutual labels: learn-to-code, learning-python
Ultimate PythonUltimate Python study guide for newcomers and professionals alike. 🐍 🐍 🐍
Stars: ✭ 3,309 (+1410.96%)
Mutual labels: learn-to-code, learning-python
start-machine-learningA complete guide to start and improve in machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) in 2022 without ANY background in the field and stay up-to-date with the latest news and state-of-the-art techniques!
Stars: ✭ 3,066 (+1300%)
Mutual labels: learning-python, learn-to-code
Mud PiA simple MUD server in Python, for teaching purposes, which could be run on a Raspberry Pi
Stars: ✭ 184 (-15.98%)
Mutual labels: learn-to-code, learning-python
Developer HandbookAn opinionated guide on how to become a professional Web/Mobile App Developer.
Stars: ✭ 1,830 (+735.62%)
Mutual labels: learn-to-code, learning-python