's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
ChigraphA visual systems language for beginners compiled using LLVM
30 Seconds Of Angular[WIP] Curated collection of Angular snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less
JavascriptGitBook teaching programming basics with Javascript
Mud PiA simple MUD server in Python, for teaching purposes, which could be run on a Raspberry Pi
BlocklikeBridging the gap between block programming and JavaScript.
Hackclub🏫 Hack Club is a nonprofit network of computer science clubs where members learn to code through tinkering and building projects
Creative ScalaQuick, graphical, fun introduction to programming in Scala.
Go MonkeyCode for "Writing An Interpreter in Go"
RtutorCreating interactive R Problem Sets. Automatic hints and solution checks. (Shiny or RStudio)
InginiousINGInious is a secure and automated exercises assessment platform using your own tests, also providing a pluggable interface with your existing LMS.
CarmelThe Open Digital Innovation Marketplace
ZiglearnRepo for content. Get up to speed with Zig quickly.
Developer HandbookAn opinionated guide on how to become a professional Web/Mobile App Developer.
Git KataWhen you know the bases of git but sometimes you have problemes with it. This "code kata" could help you to deal with git problems
W3developsThe open source codebase - Learn, build, and meetup with other developers on DISCORD and YOUTUBE
Freecodecamp.cnFCC China open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
EndbasicBASIC environment with a REPL, a web interface, and RPi support written in Rust
Java8 Guides TutorialsJava 8 Guides and Tutorials - A lot of awesome examples using Java 8 features like Stream, Lambda, Functional Interface, Date and Time API and much more
Instuigram🎓 Learning Ruby on Rails through building the Instagram Application.
CCollection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science, physics, etc implemented in C for educational purposes.
Dayasadev📗 A course to teach non-technical team members what developers do 📗
CodeworldEducational computer programming environment using Haskell
Tetris TutorialFrom rags to riches; building Tetris with no programming experience.
TutorialsMaterials from LSH members' tutorials/talks.
KoochoolooMake your URLs shorter (smaller) and more memorable in Go
Ideoxan👩💻 Ideoxan is a free to use online tool to learn programming.
NotebooksLearn Python for free using open-source notebooks in Hebrew.
30 Seconds Of JavaCurated collection of useful little Java functions that you can understand quickly
LearnyounodeLearn You The Node.js For Much Win! An intro to Node.js via a set of self-guided workshops.
CommunityRepository for public issue-tracking and discussions
DodonaLearn to code for secondary and higher education
The Complete Guide To Modern JavascriptA comprehensive, easy-to-follow ebook to learn everything from the basics of JavaScript to ES2020. Read more on my blog or buy it here Get the course here
Curriculum👩🏫 👨🏫 The open-source curriculum of Enki!