All Projects â†’ typicode â†’ Stop Server

typicode / Stop Server

Licence: mit
📱 Shut down your computer with your phone

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Shut down your computer with your phone 📱 (works on OS X, Linux and Windows)


npm install -g stop-server
stop-server start # Need to be done only once


Visit http://your-local-ip:5709 on your phone. You should see this page:

Important if you're on OS X or Linux, you need to allow commands to be used without sudo:

# Run 'sudo visudo' and add
your-username ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown       # OS X and Linux
your-username ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pm-suspend # Linux only

Tip for easier access, you can get a QR code by going to http://localhost:5709/qr.html from your computer


npm rm -g stop-server

How it works?

stop-server is a simple Express server with only 2 routes:

POST http://your-local-ip:5709/power-off
POST http://your-local-ip:5709/sleep


MIT - typicode 🌵

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