All Git Users → typicode

29 open source projects by typicode

1. Json Server
Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
2. Lowdb
Simple to use local JSON database (supports Node, Electron and the browser)
3. Steno
Specialized fast async file writer
4. Pkg Ok
👌 Checks paths and scripts defined in package.json before you publish
5. Please Upgrade Node
💁 Show a message to your users to upgrade Node instead of a stacktrace
6. Jsop
JSON file reader/writer (powered by Object.observe)
✭ 207
7. Tlapse
📷 Create a timelapse of your web development... or just automatically take screenshots of your hard work ;)
8. Pinst
🍺 dev only postinstall hooks (package.json)
9. User Startup
Auto start commands when you log in (cross-platform)
10. Cult
cult monitors gulpfile changes and reloads gulp
✭ 118
11. Hotel
🏩 A simple process manager for developers. Start apps from your browser and access them using local domains
12. Logan
Mini template system for the console and colors
✭ 80
13. Pegasus
Load JSON while still loading other scripts
✭ 697
14. Katon
(use hotel instead)
✭ 693
15. React Fake Props
🔮 Magically generate fake props for your React tests
16. Husky
Git hooks made easy 🐶 woof!
17. Fetchival
Easy window.fetch requests
✭ 505
18. Jsonplaceholder
A simple online fake REST API server
19. Lodash Id
Makes it easy to manipulate id-based resources with lodash or lowdb
20. Stop Server
📱 Shut down your computer with your phone
✭ 323
21. React Lodash
⚛️ 🔧 Lodash as React components
22. minihost
Easily start and access servers
23. xv
❌ ✔️ zero-config test runner for simple projects
24. server-ready-cli
Run commands only when a server is available
✭ 18
25. server-ready
Know when a server is ready to receive requests
✭ 20
26. demo
A demo repository for My JSON Server (Alpha)
✭ 276
27. husky-4-to-7
Quickly migrate your hooks from husky v4 to husky@latest
28. shoutjs
Make your ShellJS commands explicit and get a beautiful output
✭ 28
29. backbone-pegasus
Load models and collections data while loading Backbone
1-29 of 29 user projects