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01010111 / tiny-haxe-engine

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01010111's Tiny Haxe Engine

This is a tiny haxe engine for making tiny HTML5 games! It's loosely inspired by Pico 8, and aims to provide similar functionality!

Cheat Sheet


To start a new project, simply start coding in MyScene! A Scene must have two things to run properly, an update() function and a draw() function. These are called by the main game loop 60 times per second. If you want to load a new scene, use Game.s = new MyNewScene().


There are several built in functions for drawing:

// Clear the canvas

// Draw a black stroked circle at x:32, y:64, with a radius of 8 pixels, and a line width of 4
circ('black', 32, 64, 8, 4);
// Draw a red filled circle at x:12, y:56, with a radius of 12 pixels
fcirc('#FF004D', 12, 56, 12);

// Draw a green stroked rectangle at x:8, y:16, with a width of 32, a height of 12, and a line width of 2 pixels
rect('green', 8, 16, 32, 12, 2);
// Draw a yellow filled rectangle at the same position of the same size
frect('#FF0', 8, 16, 32, 12);

// Draw a purple line from x:0, y:0 to x:100, y:100 with a default line width of 1 pixel
line('purple', 0, 0, 100, 100);


To use sprites, prepare a spritesheet with the graphics to use in your game. It should be a grid of frames. Before using it, you must load it.

// Load an image to be used in game with an integer ID
Spr.l('my-sprites.png', 0);

// Draw a portion of the sprite (with an ID of 0) to screen at x:8, y:12, the portion is found at x:16, y:32 on the sprite and has a width of 24 and a height of 64
spr(0, 8, 12, 16, 32, 24, 64);

// Instead of referencing all those numbers you can store an atlas frame with a given ID (in this case we'll use 9), and the same arguments for offset and size
Spr.a(9, 0, 16, 32, 24, 64);
atl(9, 8, 12);


You can use keyboard and mouse (or tap) to control your game!

// `Controls.p()` to see if a button is pressed, `` to see if a button was just pressed. Just pass through the keycode of the key you want to check!
console.log(Controls.p(32)); // will log whether the spacebar was pressed

// It also tracks mouse clicks. You can refernce them like this:
Controls.p(-1); // Left mouse button
Controls.p(-2); // Middle mouse button
Controls.p(-3); // Right mouse button

// If you need the mouse position reference `Controls.M`
console.log(Controls.M.x, Controls.M.y); // logs mouse x and y position is my favorite place to quickly determine the keycode of a specific key!


First, make sure haxe (at least version 4) is installed. You also need to install uglifyjs: haxelib install uglifyjs

Run haxe build.hxml from the the project's root folder to generate several files:

  • bin/app.js - this is the unminified version of your game, you can ignore it!
  • bin/app.min.js - the minified tiny version of your game
  • bin/index.html copied from .template/index.html (if you want to edit it, edit the one in the .template folder!)

Make sure to add your assets to the bin folder as well!

Then you need to spin up a server and open index.html in your browser!


To resize your game, change the Game.init() call in .template/index.html - by default it sets the game to 128x128px.

To resize the screen, you can mess with the CSS in .template/index.html.


Use these substitutes to save some space!

  • Array.remove - use Array.splice instead
  • Map<String,Dynamic> - use an Int Map instead: Map<Int,Dynamic>


  • Audio
  • Responsiveness
  • Sprite features
    • FlipX/Y
    • Rotation?
  • Vibration
  • Saving/loading
  • Use requestAnimationFrame()
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