Dynamic.css🚀 Awesome Library of CSS3 animations 🎉
Stars: ✭ 38 (-97.7%)
Mutual labels: css3, css3-animations, animation-library
css-collection🧙♂️ CSS芸人への道(CSSでつくったもの集)| I want to be CSS Magician
Stars: ✭ 82 (-95.03%)
Mutual labels: css3, css-animations, css3-animations
web-animation-clubCSS controlled animations with transitionEnd, onTransitionEnd, animationend, onAnimationEnd events and frame throwing. Tiny javascript library with cross-browser methods to handle css animation/transition callbacks and event loop frame throwing. 📚🖥️📱
Stars: ✭ 52 (-96.85%)
Mutual labels: css3, css-animations, animation-library
Landing-Page-AnimationLanding page animation made using CSS
Stars: ✭ 45 (-97.27%)
Mutual labels: css3, css-animations, css3-animations
react-awesome-loaders🚀 High quality, super responsive and completely customisable Loading Animations to insert into your website with single line of code.
Stars: ✭ 146 (-91.16%)
Mutual labels: css3, animation-library
learn-css-animationLearn CSS animation with fun. It is simple, easy to use, and fun to learn.
Stars: ✭ 54 (-96.73%)
Mutual labels: css3, css-animations
ComoFazerUmaPerguntaPT🤔 Farto de fazer perguntas e não ser respondido? Aprenda agora a melhor forma de fazer uma pergunta 🔥
Stars: ✭ 28 (-98.3%)
Mutual labels: helper, helpers
TuesdayA quirky CSS Animation Library by Shakr
Stars: ✭ 446 (-72.99%)
Mutual labels: animation-library, css-animations
30diasDeCSSDesafio criar 30 mini projetos utilizando HTML e CSS em 30 dias, participe também!
Stars: ✭ 38 (-97.7%)
Mutual labels: css3, css3-animations
You Need To Know Css💄CSS tricks for web developers~
Stars: ✭ 3,777 (+128.77%)
Mutual labels: css3, css-animations
AgilejsAgileJS - The Css3 Creation Engine 🍖🌭🍔
Stars: ✭ 489 (-70.38%)
Mutual labels: css3, css-animations
MERN-BUS-APPThis is a MFRP (My first Real Project) assigned to me during my internship at Cognizant. Made with MERN Stack technology.
Stars: ✭ 92 (-94.43%)
Mutual labels: css3, css-animations
smoothrA custom React router that leverages the Web Animations API and CSS animations.
Stars: ✭ 28 (-98.3%)
Mutual labels: css-animations, animation-library
MagicCSS3 Animations with special effects
Stars: ✭ 7,253 (+339.31%)
Mutual labels: css3, css3-animations
Logging HelpersBasic template helpers for printing messages out to the console. Useful for debugging context in templates. Should work with any template engine.
Stars: ✭ 5 (-99.7%)
Mutual labels: helper, helpers
React Native HelpersAll helpers in one; iPhone series support, dimensions helper, hasNotch helper, normalize text helper and text helpers for React Native with very easy useEasy to use & awesome helpers for React Native.
Stars: ✭ 31 (-98.12%)
Mutual labels: helper, helpers
MorphextA simple, high-performance and cross-browser jQuery rotating / carousel plugin for text phrases powered by Animate.css.
Stars: ✭ 384 (-76.74%)
Mutual labels: css3, css-animations
MorphistA simple, high-performance and cross-browser jQuery slider / slideshow / carousel plugin for child objects powered by Animate.css.
Stars: ✭ 60 (-96.37%)
Mutual labels: css3, css-animations
css3-animation-generatorchrome plugin css3 animation generator
Stars: ✭ 93 (-94.37%)
Mutual labels: css3, css3-animations
Styled MapA super simple way to map props to styles with Styled Components ✨
Stars: ✭ 582 (-64.75%)
Mutual labels: helper, helpers