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1190 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Depli

Angularjs Style Guide
📚 Community-driven set of best practices for AngularJS application development
Stars: ✭ 5,037 (+12815.38%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Eventuate Tram Examples Customers And Orders
An example of Choreography-based sagas in Spring Boot/JPA microservices
Stars: ✭ 276 (+607.69%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
基于Java标准doc注释构建的代码零侵入的HTTP RESTful API在线测试,文档阅览以及SDK导出框架,支持Spring-Boot和Spring-MVC
Stars: ✭ 23 (-41.03%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
开源 JavaEE 企业级快速开发平台。提供了 Spring Boot, Struts2, Hibernate, MyBatis, Shiro, EasyUI 等技术,包含完整的权限管理系统等。提供自动化代码生成器。 Open source JaveEE enterprise-class rapid development of the basic platform. Integration of Spring Boot, Struts2, Hibernate, MyBatis, Shiro, EasyUI and other technologies, including the integrity of the rights management. Provides an automated code generator.
Stars: ✭ 275 (+605.13%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Cloud Contract
Support for Consumer Driven Contracts in Spring
Stars: ✭ 569 (+1358.97%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Laravel Angular Cms
CMS built on Laravel, AngularJS and Material Design
Stars: ✭ 272 (+597.44%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Microservices Demo
Using Spring Cloud to develop microservices and deploy to Kubernetes
Stars: ✭ 21 (-46.15%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
springboot2.2、spring-data-jpa、iView4、Vue2 、代码生成器、shiro权限管理、前后端分离、java后台管理系统快速开发框架,通过该框架可以在分钟级别内完成单表的前后端增删改查功能。脚手架工程: ,基于这个工程可以直接开发
Stars: ✭ 270 (+592.31%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Heart First Javaweb
一个走心的 Java Web 入门开发教程
Stars: ✭ 561 (+1338.46%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Cloud Gateway Sample
Sample Spring Cloud Gateway Application
Stars: ✭ 268 (+587.18%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Rails Api And Angularjs
Integration between rails and angularjs which includes rspec tests.
Stars: ✭ 22 (-43.59%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Stars: ✭ 266 (+582.05%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Books Recommendation
程序员进阶书籍(视频),持续更新(Programmer Books)
Stars: ✭ 558 (+1330.77%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Auto Restdocs
Spring Auto REST Docs is an extension to Spring REST Docs
Stars: ✭ 265 (+579.49%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Mastering Microservices With Java Third Edition
Mastering Microservices with Java – Third Edition, published by Packt
Stars: ✭ 39 (+0%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Boot Enterprise Application Development
Spring Boot Enterprise Application Development.《Spring Boot 企业级应用开发实战》
Stars: ✭ 261 (+569.23%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
整合Nacos、Spring Cloud Alibaba,提供了一系列starter组件, 同时提供服务治理、服务监控、OAuth2权限认证,支持服务降级/熔断、服务权重,前端采用vue+elementUI+webpack,可以很好的解决转向Spring Cloud的一系列问题。
Stars: ✭ 545 (+1297.44%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Stars: ✭ 4,290 (+10900%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Mart Holiday Alarm
🛒 마트쉬는날 🏖
Stars: ✭ 22 (-43.59%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Open Warehouse Management System
Stars: ✭ 258 (+561.54%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Cloud Study
SpringBootLearning,SpringCloudStudy,学习SpringBoot2/SpringCloud2的项目,包含Eureka/Zuul/JPA/Mybatis Plus/Feign/WebSocket/JMS/POI-TL/Redis Cache/UDP/SecurityJWT/elasticSearch/Drools
Stars: ✭ 544 (+1294.87%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Deep Learning In Production
In this repository, I will share some useful notes and references about deploying deep learning-based models in production.
Stars: ✭ 3,104 (+7858.97%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Ng Typeview
Enables type-checking of angular1 views
Stars: ✭ 20 (-48.72%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Spring Boot Demo
Spring Boot & Spring Cloud & Spring Security Demo Case(Spring学习示例实战项目)
Stars: ✭ 255 (+553.85%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Cloud Aws
Integration for Amazon Web Services APIs with Spring
Stars: ✭ 541 (+1287.18%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Music Web Player
Web player for Apple Music
Stars: ✭ 908 (+2228.21%)
Mutual labels:  angular-material
Spring Boot Demo
该项目已成功集成 actuator(监控)、admin(可视化监控)、logback(日志)、aopLog(通过AOP记录web请求日志)、统一异常处理(json级别和页面级别)、freemarker(模板引擎)、thymeleaf(模板引擎)、Beetl(模板引擎)、Enjoy(模板引擎)、JdbcTemplate(通用JDBC操作数据库)、JPA(强大的ORM框架)、mybatis(强大的ORM框架)、通用Mapper(快速操作Mybatis)、PageHelper(通用的Mybatis分页插件)、mybatis-plus(快速操作Mybatis)、BeetlSQL(强大的ORM框架)、upload(本地文件上传和七牛云文件上传)、redis(缓存)、ehcache(缓存)、ema…
Stars: ✭ 24,265 (+62117.95%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Todo app using AWS Serverless Application Model
Stars: ✭ 25 (-35.9%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Java Interview Question
Stars: ✭ 531 (+1261.54%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
AngularJS 1.x demo project
Stars: ✭ 49 (+25.64%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Generator Angular Auto Admin Loopback
Generator for automatic CRUD angular backend for loopback apps and apis
Stars: ✭ 32 (-17.95%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Angular.js (1.x) : test code lab
Stars: ✭ 21 (-46.15%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Spring Boot Jwt
JWT auth service using Spring Boot, Spring Security and MySQL
Stars: ✭ 795 (+1938.46%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Jeecg Boot
「企业级低代码平台」前后端分离架构SpringBoot 2.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue,Mybatis-plus,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领新的开发模式OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决70%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,既能快速提高效率,帮助公司节省成本,同时又不失灵活性。
Stars: ✭ 26,432 (+67674.36%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
AngularJS-Learning-zh CN
收集一些关于 AngularJS 的博客,文章,视频,书籍等(A bunch of links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning AngularJS)
Stars: ✭ 254 (+551.28%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Movement is an easier, simpler way to explore and use NIEM. Want to join the Movement and contribute to it? Start here.
Stars: ✭ 19 (-51.28%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
✈️ UI tour for Angular 9+ apps
Stars: ✭ 36 (-7.69%)
Mutual labels:  angular-material
Date Time Picker
Angular Date Time Picker (Responsive Design)
Stars: ✭ 528 (+1253.85%)
Mutual labels:  angular-material
AngularJS directive for caret aware elements
Stars: ✭ 12 (-69.23%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Ionic3 Angular43 Httpclient
Example of Ionic 3 and the new Angular 4.3 HTTPClient
Stars: ✭ 20 (-48.72%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Full-stack with nest js & angular 8
Stars: ✭ 32 (-17.95%)
Mutual labels:  angular-material
Spring React Example
Isomorphic Spring Boot React.js Example
Stars: ✭ 514 (+1217.95%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
A set of AngularJS directives designed to rapidly build modern web applications
Stars: ✭ 44 (+12.82%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Angular Google Chart
Google Chart Tools AngularJS Directive Module
Stars: ✭ 899 (+2205.13%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Angular Socialshare
Angular social share module, share urls and content on social networks such as facebook, google+, twitter, pinterest and more ... -
Stars: ✭ 508 (+1202.56%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Webpack loader for AngularJs components
Stars: ✭ 28 (-28.21%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Spring Cloud Learning
Stars: ✭ 37 (-5.13%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
WebStore is a full fledged online shopping system built in Spring-MVC. It uses JSP for view templating and MySql at the database end.
Stars: ✭ 29 (-25.64%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Material Design Palette/Theme Generator - AngularJS, React, Ember, Vue, Android, Flutter & More!
Stars: ✭ 507 (+1200%)
Mutual labels:  angular-material
Great Big Example Application
A full-stack example app built with JHipster, Spring Boot, Kotlin, Angular 4, ngrx, and Webpack
Stars: ✭ 899 (+2205.13%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Lsp Java
lsp-mode ❤️ java
Stars: ✭ 446 (+1043.59%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Angular Gridster2
Angular gridster 2
Stars: ✭ 956 (+2351.28%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Stars: ✭ 867 (+2123.08%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Newbee Mall
🔥 🎉newbee-mall 项目(新蜂商城)是一套电商系统,包括 newbee-mall 商城系统及 newbee-mall-admin 商城后台管理系统,基于 Spring Boot 2.X 及相关技术栈开发。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品分类、新品上线、首页轮播、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单结算、订单流程、个人订单管理、会员中心、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含数据面板、轮播图管理、商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、分类管理、设置等模块。
Stars: ✭ 8,319 (+21230.77%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
How do you achieve your career objectives? Complete career paths with amazing Cloud, Full Stack and Microservice Courses and Videos from in28Minutes
Stars: ✭ 447 (+1046.15%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Official AngularJS directive for Handsontable
Stars: ✭ 438 (+1023.08%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Springcloud Learning
Spring Cloud基础教程,持续连载更新中
Stars: ✭ 6,839 (+17435.9%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Boot Study
SpringBoot框架源码实战(已更新到springboot2版本实现)~基本用法,Rest,Controller,事件监听,连接数据库MySQL,jpa,redis集成,mybatis集成(声明式与xml两种方式~对应的添删查改功能),日志处理,devtools配置,拦截器用法,资源配置读取,测试集成,Web层实现请求映射,security安全验证,rabbitMq集成,kafka集成,分布式id生成器等。项目实战: 已投入生产线上使用
Stars: ✭ 440 (+1028.21%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
meanTorrent - MEAN.JS BitTorrent Private Tracker - Full-Stack JavaScript Using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js, A BitTorrent Private Tracker CMS with Multilingual, and IRC announce support, CloudFlare support. Demo at:
Stars: ✭ 438 (+1023.08%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
Angular Svg Timer
An SVG-based timer button in AngularJS
Stars: ✭ 11 (-71.79%)
Mutual labels:  angularjs
361-420 of 1190 similar projects