nottThe New OTT Platform - an excuse to discuss and design a simple edge computing platform
Stars: ✭ 46 (+15%)
comfy-channelA 24/7 live video broadcast with automatic content selection and overlays using FFMPEG and Python!
Stars: ✭ 37 (-7.5%)
wsaWSA(Websocket Streaming Agent) is a stream server target for mp4/h264 streaming over websocket
Stars: ✭ 35 (-12.5%)
Hls.jsHLS.js is a JavaScript library that plays HLS in browsers with support for MSE.
Stars: ✭ 10,791 (+26877.5%)
smsrtmp server and super media server whith golang.
Stars: ✭ 65 (+62.5%)
Free Hls LiveFree live streaming with Free-HLS (Free HLS 直播姬)
Stars: ✭ 47 (+17.5%)
vidi<video> playback simplified
Stars: ✭ 31 (-22.5%)
Shinobi☮️ 🇵🇸 Shinobi CE - The Free Open Source CCTV platform written in Node.JS (Camera Recorder - Security Surveillance Software - Restreamer
Stars: ✭ 1,099 (+2647.5%)
MagicalexoplayerThe Easiest Way To Play/Stream Video And Audio Using Google ExoPlayer In Your Android Application
Stars: ✭ 171 (+327.5%)
panelReCast is a multi platform restreaming tool, you can stream with one servers to multiple services
Stars: ✭ 40 (+0%)
livego直播服务器 hls stream online RTMP AMF HLS HTTP-FLV
Stars: ✭ 30 (-25%)
mock-hls-serverFake a live/event HLS stream from a VOD one. Useful for testing. Supports looping.
Stars: ✭ 61 (+52.5%)
morestachioLightweight, powerful, flavorful, template engine.
Stars: ✭ 45 (+12.5%)
mediapipe plusThe purpose of this project is to apply mediapipe to more AI chips.
Stars: ✭ 38 (-5%)
Stars: ✭ 60 (+50%)
hls-ripTool for ripping m3u8 playlists/segments.
Stars: ✭ 14 (-65%)
socializerRails engine to make your projects social. Adds stream, profile, circles, groups and notifications.
Stars: ✭ 56 (+40%)
textics📉 JavaScript Text Statistics that counts lines, words, chars, and spaces.
Stars: ✭ 36 (-10%)
hls-ts-jsHLS MPEG-TS parser library in Javascript
Stars: ✭ 35 (-12.5%)
leadSink your streams.
Stars: ✭ 14 (-65%)
jsCast📻 An Audio Streaming Application written in JavaScript
Stars: ✭ 23 (-42.5%)
ZLMediaKitWebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/SRT server and client framework based on C++11
Stars: ✭ 7,790 (+19375%)
SFMediaStreamHTML5 media streamer library for playing music, video, playlist, or even live streaming microphone & camera with node server
Stars: ✭ 97 (+142.5%)
xml-spacHandle streaming XML data with declarative, composable parsers
Stars: ✭ 39 (-2.5%)
stream-feed-flutterStream Feed official Flutter SDK. Build your own feed experience using Dart and Flutter.
Stars: ✭ 67 (+67.5%)
mobius-gui🎨 Reactive & Stream & Driver based UI framework build on Mobius Utils, equipped with neumorphism-derived & utility-first styles.
Stars: ✭ 43 (+7.5%)
aushapeA library and a tool for converting audit logs to XML and JSON
Stars: ✭ 37 (-7.5%)
NPAudioStreamContinuously stream a playlist of audio through a lightweight Objective-C library.
Stars: ✭ 23 (-42.5%)
nsplayerA web player with shakaplayer & hls.js both supported
Stars: ✭ 23 (-42.5%)
LimagoLimago: an FPGA-based Open-source 100 GbE TCP/IP Stack
Stars: ✭ 95 (+137.5%)
hlsqA small CLI for adding some color to your HLS manifests along with some basic filtering
Stars: ✭ 64 (+60%)
vmsStreaming River IPTV server - proxy frontend
Stars: ✭ 27 (-32.5%)
TwitchPotPlayerExtensions for PotPlayer to watch Twitch streams without streamlinks or any crap.
Stars: ✭ 159 (+297.5%)
systemc-compilerThis tool translates synthesizable SystemC code to synthesizable SystemVerilog.
Stars: ✭ 128 (+220%)
node-pg-large-objectLarge object support for PostgreSQL clients using the node-postgres library.
Stars: ✭ 31 (-22.5%)
stalkerhekStalker portal proxy server that allows sharing account on multiple STB boxes and play on VLC.
Stars: ✭ 63 (+57.5%)
stream-throttleRust Stream combinator, to limit the rate at which items are produced
Stars: ✭ 19 (-52.5%)
elasticbulkAdd data in bulk to elasticsearch. It supports data streaming from PostgreSQL or Filesystem
Stars: ✭ 27 (-32.5%)
tpackPack a Go workflow/function as a Unix-style pipeline command
Stars: ✭ 55 (+37.5%)
hms-video-demo-androidHUAWEI Video Kit supports streaming media in 3GP, MP4, or TS format and compliant with HTTP/HTTPS, HLS, or DASH. The Kit also provides abundant playback controls, delivering personalized video experiences to users.
Stars: ✭ 22 (-45%)
mst-effect💫 Designed to be used with MobX-State-Tree to create asynchronous actions using RxJS.
Stars: ✭ 19 (-52.5%)
docker-wyze-bridgeRTMP/RTSP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container
Stars: ✭ 1,146 (+2765%)
GraphOne"GraphOne: A Data Store for Real-time Analytics on Evolving Graphs", Usenix FAST'19
Stars: ✭ 46 (+15%)