All Git Users → CodingZeal

8 open source projects by CodingZeal

1. Redux Persist Sensitive Storage
redux-persist storage engine for react-native-sensitive-info
2. React Native Appstate Listener
Adapt React Native AppState changes to the React component lifecycle
✭ 43
3. Rubyconf2014
RubyConf 2014: Rapidly Mapping JSON/XML API Schemas In Ruby (Adam Cuppy)
✭ 15
4. skinny
RailsConf 2014 : RSpec Taming Chaotic Specs Workshop
5. react-boilerplate
Zeal's React/Redux boilerplate setup
6. phoenix-react-apollo-demo
Example app using the Phoenix Framework with React and GraphQL
7. cellulose
[DEPRECATED] React Flexible Contextual Layout Components
✭ 17
8. hash diff
Diff tool for deep Ruby hash comparison
1-8 of 8 user projects