10 open source projects by WPTT

1. Theme Sniffer
Theme Sniffer plugin using sniffs.
2. Wpthemereview
PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress theme review coding conventions
3. Autoload
Basic PSR-4 autoloader for themes.
✭ 33
4. Code Examples
Code examples and snippet library
✭ 332
5. admin-notices
Package for standardizing how themes output admin notices.
✭ 74
6. checklist
A WPTRT project with a basic checklist for authors and reviewers
✭ 13
7. sample-theme-readme
Sample Readme file for themes
✭ 12
8. doingitwrong
Doing it wrong theme
9. theme-test-data
Theme Test Data
✭ 516
10. Theme-Requirements
A repo where everyone can contribute to keeping the theme requirements relevant and easy to understand and follow
✭ 17
1-10 of 10 user projects