Wp React Starter🚀WordPress Plugin Boilerplate using modern web techs like TypeScript, SASS, and so on... on top of a local development environment with Docker and predefined GitLab CI for continous integration and deployment!
TablepressTablePress is a plugin for WordPress. It enables you to create and manage tables on your website.
Gamajo Template LoaderA class to copy into your WordPress plugin, to allow loading template parts with fallback through the child theme > parent theme > plugin.
Multilingual PressThe multisite-based free open source plugin for your multilingual WordPress websites.
GivewpGiveWP - The #1 Donation Plugin for WordPress. Easily accept donations and fundraise using your WordPress website.
Wordpress Ajax Load More🔥 WordPress infinite scroll with Ajax Load More - the ultimate solution to add infinite scroll functionality to your WordPress powered website.
List Category PostsWordPress plugin which allows you to list posts from a category into a post/page using the [catlist] shortcode.
BrizyBrizy is the most user-friendly visual page builder in town! No designer or developer skills required. The only tools you'll need to master are clicks and drags.
Glotpress Wp🌍 🌎 🌏 GlotPress is a WordPress plugin to let you set up your own collaborative, web-based software translation tool.
Redis CacheA persistent object cache backend for WordPress powered by Redis. Supports Predis, PhpRedis, Credis, HHVM, replication and clustering.
NrkbetaquizRequire the reader to pass a quiz before being able to comment on an article
Awesome ElementorA collection of third party add-ons for the Elementor page builder plugin.
Co Cart🛒 CoCart is a flexible, open-source solution to enabling the shopping cart via the REST API for WooCommerce.
SyntaxhighlighterWordPress plugin that makes it easy to post syntax-highlighted code snippets.
ClassifaiEnhance your WordPress content with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning services.
GcfGutenberg Custom Fields... wait what?
Wp SentryA (unofficial) WordPress plugin reporting PHP and JavaScript errors to Sentry.
LearnpressLearnPress WordPress LMS Plugin by ThimPress
Nginx HelperNginx Helper for WordPress caching, permalinks & efficient file handling in multisite
Wp Multi NetworkA network management interface for global multisite administrators
ModelsWordPress plugin to create custom post types and taxonomies using JSON, YAML or PHP files
PopMonorepo of the PoP project, including: a server-side component model in PHP, a GraphQL server, a GraphQL API plugin for WordPress, and a website builder
GitiumKeep all your WordPress code on git with a simple plugin and a repo
Wp Document RevisionsA document management and version control plugin that allows teams of any size to collaboratively edit files and manage their workflow.
StackablePage Builder Blocks for WordPress. An Amazing Block Library for the new WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg).
Codestar FrameworkA Simple and Lightweight WordPress Option Framework for Themes and Plugins
GdprThis plugin is meant to assist a Controller, Data Processor, and Data Protection Officer (DPO) with efforts to meet the obligations and rights enacted under the GDPR.
Wp ToolbeltA lightweight, multi-purpose, WordPress plugin with a focus on privacy and speed
WpreconWPrecon (WordPress Recon), is a vulnerability recognition tool in CMS Wordpress, developed in Go and with scripts in Lua.
WpgulpAn advanced Gulp workflow for WordPress development with extensive documentation. Used by 40,000+ themes and plugins.
Gravity Forms IframeA Gravity Forms add-on to embed a form in an auto-resizing iframe on external sites.
Amp WpEnable AMP on your WordPress site, the WordPress way.
Wp SlackThis plugin allows you to send notifications to Slack channels when certain events in WordPress occur.
RestsplainWordPress REST API documentation generator