All Git Users → adafruit

320 open source projects by adafruit

101. Nofrendo arcada
NES emulator in Arduino that runs on SAMD51 at full speed w/audio
✭ 30
102. Micropython Adafruit Bitmap Font
Text rendering module to write messages with simple bitmap fonts on any pixel-based display.
✭ 27
103. Adafruit Usb Serial Rgb Character Backpack
Software & Firmware for USB+Serial Character Backpack
✭ 21
104. Adafruit Vcnl40x0 Pcb
Arduino code for the VCNL4000 all-in-one proximity/light sensor
✭ 14
105. Neopixel painter
Light painting project for Arduino Uno + NeoPixel strips
✭ 14
107. Adafruit newtmgr swift
Apache Mynewt 'newtmgr' over BLE for iOS/OS X
✭ 12
108. Max31850 onewire
A version of the OneWire Arduino library with MAX31850 support
✭ 10
109. Adafruit Feather 32u4 Rfm Lora Pcb
PCB files for the Adafruit Feather 32u4 RFM/LoRa
✭ 10
110. Arduino library github tools
Scripts to help prepare an entire Github user/organization's Arduino library repositories for submission to the Arduino library system.
✭ 9
111. Kegomatic
Adafruit Kegomatic!
✭ 26
112. Adafruit Trinket Pcb
PCB files for Adafruit Trinket 3V & 5V
✭ 26
113. Adafruitclasslibrary
Windows IoT Core libraries for Raspberry Pi
✭ 26
114. Adafruit freetouch
A QTouch-compatible library
✭ 26
115. Adafruit circuitpython bmp280
CircuitPython driver for the BMP280
✭ 26
116. Adafruit wiced arduino
Adafruit WICED Feather Arduino BSP
✭ 25
117. Adafruit l3gd20 u
Unified sensor driver for the L3GD20 Gyroscope
✭ 24
118. Dash Examples
Example code to run on an Amazon Dash using the libopencm3 library.
✭ 24
119. Python Wifi Radio
DEPRECATED CODE, originally to accompany our Pi WiFi Radio guide
✭ 22
120. Adafruit Pi Finder
Find and set up your brand new Raspberry Pi
✭ 795
121. Adafruit sensor
Common sensor library
122. Rtclib
A fork of Jeelab's fantastic RTC library
✭ 610
123. Adafruit Webide
This is a simple editor to be used on the Raspberry Pi (or anywhere?).
✭ 467
124. Adafruit learning system guides
Programs and scripts to display "inline" in Adafruit Learning System guides
✭ 443
125. Adafruit mqtt library
Arduino library for MQTT support
126. Adafruit Beaglebone Io Python
Adafruit's BeagleBone IO Python Library
✭ 437
127. Adafruit python ssd1306
Python library to use SSD1306-based 128x64 or 128x32 pixel OLED displays with a Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black.
✭ 424
128. Adafruit gps
An interrupt-based GPS library for no-parsing-required use
✭ 396
129. Adafruit cad parts
CAD files for various boards, components and parts
✭ 386
130. Adafruit python gpio
DEPRECATED! Please use Adafruit Blinka instead (was: Library to provide a cross-platform GPIO interface on the Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black using the RPi.GPIO and Adafruit_BBIO libraries.)
✭ 383
131. Adafruit python bluefruitle
Python library to simplify access to Bluetooth low energy devices and services on Linux (using bluez) and Mac OSX.
✭ 383
132. Adafruit circuitpython bundle
A bundle of useful CircuitPython libraries ready to use from the filesystem.
✭ 362
133. Adafruit nrf52 arduino
Adafruit code for the Nordic nRF52 BLE SoC on Arduino
✭ 362
134. Awesome Circuitpython
A curated list of awesome CircuitPython guides, videos, libraries, frameworks, software and resources.
135. Adafruit Pcd8544 Nokia 5110 Lcd Library
Arduino driver for PC8544, most commonly found in small Nokia 5110's
✭ 343
136. Adafruit St7735 Library
This is a library for the Adafruit 1.8" SPI display and
✭ 343
137. Adafruit Retrogame
Raspberry Pi GPIO-to-virtual-keyboard utility for classic game emulators
✭ 327
138. Adafruit Pn532
Arduino library for SPI and I2C access to the PN532 RFID/Near Field Communication chip
✭ 306
140. Adafruit Motor Shield Library
Adafruit Motor shield V1 firmware with basic Microstepping support. Works with all Arduinos and the Mega
✭ 288
141. Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library
Arduino library for interfacing to the fingerprint sensor in the Adafruit shop
142. Adafruit cc3000 library
Library code for Adafruit's CC3000 WiFi breakouts &c
✭ 268
143. Adafruit Thermal Printer Library
Arduino Library for Small Thermal Printers
✭ 265
144. Adafruit ili9341
Library for Adafruit ILI9341 displays
✭ 263
145. Pi video looper
Application to turn your Raspberry Pi into a dedicated looping video playback device, good for art installations, information displays, or just playing cat videos all day.
✭ 259
146. LPD6803-RGB-Pixels
Controlling library for strands of these pixel dots
✭ 29
147. IRKey
Adafruit IRKey IR Remote -> Keyboard adapter
148. Adafruit-GPIO-Halt
Press-to-halt program for headless Raspberry Pi. Similar functionality to the rpi_power_switch kernel module from the fbtft project, but easier to compile (no kernel headers needed).
✭ 58
149. Adafruit Python Extended Bus
Helper Library for Blinka to allow creating I2C and SPI busio objects by passing in the Bus ID
✭ 20
150. Adafruit Conway-Game-of-Life-Kit
Adafruit Conway Game of Life Kit
✭ 20
101-150 of 320 user projects