All Git Users → davidortinau

13 open source projects by davidortinau

1. Thelittlethingsplayground
Playground for experimenting with new Xamarin.Forms features.
2. Visualchallenge
Use the new Xamarin.Forms View.Visual to implement a single page
✭ 166
3. Flyme
Xamarin.Forms demo for 3 sessions presented at Microsoft Ignite 2019
✭ 164
4. Gastropods
A playground for exploring Xamarin.Forms Shell previews
✭ 127
5. Flexibility
Xamarin.Forms FlexLayout samples styled in a variety of ways: directly, XAML Styles, XAML Styles in a Resource Dictionary, CSS inline, and CSS loaded from a StyleSheet.
6. Loginshape
Xamarin.Forms sample layout using 4.7 Shapes
✭ 44
7. Xappy
A mobile app to track Xamarin news and explore all the goodness that is .NET for Mobile developers
✭ 291
8. HowYouSay
Xamarin.Forms unfinished port of a Swift/Java app written for Rendr. Ongoing playground.
9. xamarin-forms-movies
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 21
10. WeatherTwentyOne
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 858
11. build2017-new-in-xamarin-forms
Weather demo showing Xamarin.Forms embedded in Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and UWP non-Xamarin.Forms applications.
✭ 47
12. easings
Xamarin.Forms app visually demonstrating animation easings supported.
✭ 26
13. YogaUI
UI exercise using C# UI, Xplat Images and Fonts, and LiveSharp
✭ 23
1-13 of 13 user projects