All Git Users → machakann

11 open source projects by machakann

1. Vim Swap
Reorder delimited items.
✭ 196
2. Vim Vimhelplint
A lint tool for vim help files.
✭ 31
3. Vim Colorscheme Kemonofriends
✭ 24
4. Vim Sandwich
The set of operator and textobject plugins to search/select/edit sandwiched textobjects.
✭ 778
5. Vim Highlightedyank
Make the yanked region apparent!
✭ 632
6. vim-highlightedundo
Make the undo region apparent!
✭ 18
Vim Script
7. vim-textobj-functioncall
The vim textobject plugin to treat function-call regions.
✭ 18
Vim Script
8. vim-patternjump
Move cursor as you like.
✭ 13
Vim Script
9. vim-Verdin
An omni completion function for Vim script
✭ 35
Vim Script
10. vim-multiselect
A library plugin to handle multiple visual selections
11. vim-columnmove
Move cursor along a column.
✭ 46
Vim Script
1-11 of 11 user projects