All Git Users → nahidulhasan

13 open source projects by nahidulhasan

1. Solid Principles
SOLID Principles - simple and easy explanation
2. Laravel Docker K8s
Running Laravel project using Docker and Deploying using Kubernetes
3. Oop
Interface and abstract class - simple and easy explanation
✭ 109
4. Laravel Pdf
A Simple package for easily generating PDF documents from HTML. This package is specially for laravel but you can use this without laravel.
5. Git Flow Example
Git Flow Example
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6. Laravel Jwt
Laravel with JWT Authentication for API development
7. Eloquent Filter
This simple package helps you filter Eloquent data using query filters.
8. Laravel Docker Elasticsearch
This is a simple repo for practicing elasticsearch with laravel and docker.
9. laravel-docker-redis
Simple example: How to use laravel and redis using docker compose
11. nodejs-weather-app
Node Js Weather App is a simple module for obtaining weather information
12. laravel-gentelella
Laravel with Gentelella admin template for developing Laravel applications
13. lumen-jwt-api
Lumen with JWT Authentication for API development
1-13 of 13 user projects