Django Colorfieldcolor field for django models with a nice color-picker in the admin. 🎨
ElvuiElvUI for World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a)
PfuiA User Interface Replacement for World of Warcraft: Vanilla & TBC
DbiA database interface (DBI) definition for communication between R and RDBMSs
LibagarCross-Platform GUI Toolkit (stable)
Ydl UiA UI for the command-line video downloader "youtube-dl"
GradioCreate UIs for your machine learning model in Python in 3 minutes
Robot GuiA three.js based 3D robot interface.
WikiWikipedia Interface for Node.js
LookingglassIntuitive and configurable search interface for document archives.
Jet DjangoJet Bridge (Django) for Jet Admin – Admin panel framework for your application
DealDesign by contract for Python with static checker and tests' generation.
MailtouiA simple way to enhance your mailto links with a convenient user interface.
OmniguiA cross-platform GUI framework from scratch just to learn
SimplecliCommand Line Interface Library for Arduino
TaggerZero Dependency, Vanilla JavaScript Tag Editor
WebserialRemote Serial monitor for ESP8266 & ESP32
TsugiteThis is the repository of a Tsugite. It is a research prototype of an interactive software that supports the design and fabrication of wood joints.
Chat Ui Kit ReactBuild your own chat UI with React components in few minutes. Chat UI Kit from chatscope is an open source UI toolkit for developing web chat applications.
Dm envA Python interface for reinforcement learning environments
RequestiumIntegration layer between Requests and Selenium for automation of web actions.
Emacs GdbGDB graphical interface for GNU Emacs
OopInterface and abstract class - simple and easy explanation
ShellfuncsPython API to execute shell functions as they would be Python functions
Bbc FdcFloppy disk interface for Raspberry Pi
ElvuiElvUI for World of Warcraft - The Burning Crusade (2.4.3)
InfinityA lightweight C++ RDMA library for InfiniBand networks.
IcedA cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm
AraARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot.
Test demoTesting Using Python Demo. 使用Python测试脚本demo。
DiscordconsoleControl your Discord & Discord bot accounts and Webhooks through the command line.
EmbedpyAllows the kdb+ interpreter to call Python functions
BleeperLibrary to manage your firmware configurations written in C++
TygitA basic terminal interface for git, written on Node.js [Project not maintained]
PluginsPlugins for SmartHomeNG - The device integration platform for your smart home
Binarytraits.jlCan do or not? It's easy. See
TuiA text-based user interface library for golang based on termbox
FeignFeign makes writing java http clients easier
React Planner✏️ A React Component for plans design. Draw a 2D floorplan and navigate it in 3D mode.
CrabJavaScript library for building user interfaces with Custom Elements, Shadow DOM and React like API
Jet BridgeJet Bridge – Admin Panel Framework for your application
Choo🚂🚋 - sturdy 4kb frontend framework
Haproxy WiWeb interface for managing Haproxy, Nginx and Keepalived servers
Prompts❯ Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts
MyetherwalletMyEtherWallet (our friends call us MEW) is a free, client-side interface helping you interact with the Ethereum blockchain.