All Git Users → resir014

8 open source projects by resir014

1. Gatsby Starter Typescript Plus
A starter kit for TypeScript-based Gatsby projects with sensible defaults.
Source for
✭ 83
3. Phoenix react playground
An example setup for a Phoenix+React project with sensible defaults.
4. Clear Sans Webfont
Webfont conversion of the Clear Sans typeface designed by Intel.
5. React Redux Typescript Example
Demonstrating the common patterns when using React, Redux v4, and TypeScript.
Source code for
7. headless-wordpress-gutenberg-example
Example Headless WordPress setup, powered by Gutenberg. Forked from Postlight's Headless WordPress + React starter kit.
8. nextjs-typescript-quickstart
Get started on Next.js with TypeScript in seconds.
1-8 of 8 user projects