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Top 142 starter-template open source projects

Ionic4 Start Theme
📱 Ionic 4 start theme (v1.0.0) with: Angular 7 + @ionic/angular 4.0.0 final+ Ionic Native 5 + Ionic CLI 4.5.0 by:
Lumen Api Starter
Lumen 8 基础上扩展出的API 启动项目,精心设计的目录结构,规范统一的响应数据格式,Repository 模式架构的最佳实践。
Phaser Project Template
🕹️ Phaser 3 - Starter Template with TypeScript and webpack.
Hugo Theme Tailwindcss Starter
Starter files for a Hugo theme with Tailwindcss
Go Vue Starter
Starter project - Golang api, Vue.js client with user management and jwt authentication
Admin Template
Tailwind CSS Starter Template - Admin Dashboard Template
Laravel Admin Template
Laravel 4.2 Bootstrap Admin Starter Template [with Oracle DB Support]
Emacs Bootstrap
Your on-the-fly Emacs development environment.
Phaser Project Template Es6
Phaser 3 - Starter Template with ES6 (ESNext features included) and webpack.
Reactjs Cognito Starter
Starter project for ReactJS + Amazon Cognito + Amazon Amplify Framework with AWS CDK support
Next Js Blog Boilerplate
🚀 Nextjs Blog Boilerplate is starter code for your blog based on Next framework. ⚡️ Made with Nextjs, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, PostCSS, Tailwind CSS.
Angular Open Source Starter
This is a starter project for creating open-source libraries for Angular. It is a full fledged Angular workspace with demo application and easy library addition. It is designed to be used for open-sourcing libraries on Github and has everything you'd need ready for CI, code coverage, SSR testing, StackBlitz demo deployment and more.
Hyperledger Typescript Boilerplate
This is a boilerplate that interacts between Hyperledger Fabric Peers and a front end.
Node Flowtype Boilerplate
This boilerplate repository is outdated and no longer maintained. Instead, I strongly recommend to use TypeScript.
Spring Boot React Maven Starter
A multi module Spring Boot React starter for building real-world enterprises apps
Ran Django Template
An awesome Django + Bootstrap4 project template for Django 2.0+ include IOT restful api
Tailwind CSS Starter Template - Ghostwind (Ghost Casper theme in Tailwind CSS)
Phoenix react playground
An example setup for a Phoenix+React project with sensible defaults.
Api Blueprint Boilerplate
Minimalistic boilerplate to quick-start API specification using API Blueprint description language.
Profile Card
Tailwind CSS Starter Template - Profile Card (Single page website for your profile/links)
An opinionated starter app for full-stack web applications in Clojure
Node Vue Template
A starter template for building complete application using Node.js and Vue.js with some included packages and configurations to help start the development quickly.
Nordic Store
Tailwind CSS Starter Template - Nordic Shop / Store
Simple Ionic 3 App
A simple Ionic 3 app with get requests to a local JSON file. It showcases how to set up a simple service and provides some nice components for your own application.
Node Typescript Boilerplate
Minimalistic project template to jump start a Node.js back-end application in TypeScript. ESLint, Jest and type definitions included.
Sage Starter
Starter for Sage 10 with TailwindCSS and PostCSS
Spring Boot Angular Template
Starter Template to create a OAuth2 secured dockerized Spring Boot 2 Application with Angular 8 Frontend
A starter project for Sample Project in swift 3.0/4.0 (also bridging header included so you could use objective c code in it as well ). For objectiveC version : > Supports iOS 8.4+ > Swift 4.x
Admin Template Night
Tailwind CSS Starter Template - Admin Dashboard Template (Night Mode)
Rails Versioned API solution template for hipsters! (Ruby, Ruby on Rails, REST API, GraphQL, Docker, RSpec, Devise, Postgress DB)
Django starter project with 🔋
Gatsby Starter Spectral
Gatsby.js V2 starter template based on Spectral by HTML5 UP
React Rapid
React-Rapid: Fast, Responsive & Free React Starter Template
Gridsome Starter Liebling
Grisome starter based on Ghost Liebling and tailwindcss.
Heroku Django Template
A Django 2.0 base template featuring all recommended best practices for deployment on Heroku and local development.
Landing Page
Tailwind CSS Starter Template - Landing Page
Wp Vue
A simple Vue blog template that displays posts from any WordPress REST API endpoint.
Starter templates for Ionic apps, used by the Ionic CLI
Pug Starter
Simple pug (jade) starter [framework] enabling faster delivery of HTML & CSS projects to a private server and/or automatic deployment of GitHub pages.
Kubernetes Digitalocean Terraform
📋 🌊 🌎 Setup a simple Kubernetes cluster in Digital Ocean using Terraform
ARKit Base Project. Place virtual objects based on WWDC example project
Ts React Webpack
a starter-template with typescript, react, mobx and webpack...
1-60 of 142 starter-template projects