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Top 9 easylist open source projects

Anti Ad
致力于成为中文区命中率最高的广告过滤列表,实现精确的广告屏蔽和隐私保护。anti-AD现已支持AdGuardHome,dnsmasq, Surge,Pi-Hole,smartdns等网络组件。完全兼容常见的广告过滤工具所支持的各种广告过滤列表格式
V2ray Rules Dat
🦄 🎃 👻 V2Ray 路由规则文件加强版,可代替 V2Ray 官方 geoip.dat 和 geosite.dat,兼容 Shadowsocks-windows、Xray-core、Trojan-Go 和 leaf。Enhanced edition of V2Ray rules dat files, compatible with Xray-core, Shadowsocks-windows, Trojan-Go and leaf.
Filter tambahan untuk EasyList memblokir iklan berbahasa Indonesia dan Malaysia.
EasyList Tracker and Adblocks to Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) File and Privoxy Actions and Filters
🛡️ An effective filter for removing most ads on Indonesian and Malaysian websites.
Accelerated subscription for international/China region ad filtering rules(国际/中国地区广告过滤规则的加速订阅)
1-9 of 9 easylist projects