AdfiltThe place where I, DandelionSprout, store my web filter lists for countless topics, including my Nordic adblock list. As simple as that, really.
All In One Customized Adblock ListAn all-in-one adblock list that thoroughly blocks trackers, popup ads, ads, unwanted cookies, fake news, cookie warning messages, typosquatters, unwanted comment sections, crypto-coin mining, YouTube clutter, Twitter guff and social network hassles.
YouslistBlock filter for advertisements, mainly on Korean sites
Ttv aderaserTTV AdEraser aims to remove livestream ads as well as add some useful features to our favourite streaming site.
IploggerfilterThis is a list for ublock Origin to filter any site who's only purpose is to log your IP
PersonalfilterlistcollectionTotal resources of documentation, filterlists, hosts file, ruleset that I've created, mostly for private use and/or test.
Ubo YoutubeEasier way to exempt your favorite YouTube channels from adblocking.
List KrAdGuard를 위한 한국어 웹 사이트 필터 리스트입니다.
PornlistAd-blocking porn websites filter list for Adblock Plus and uBlock Origin.
MyassetsCustom filters and other resources to use with uBlock Origin and uMatrix.
EasylistEasyList filter subscription (EasyList, EasyPrivacy, EasyList Cookie, Fanboy's Social/Annoyances/Notifications Blocking List)
WebannoyancesFix and remove annoying web elements such as sticky headers, floating boxes, floating videos, dickbars, social share bars and other distracting elements.
UblockuBlock Origin's manifesto.
Polish Ads FilterCertyficateIT - Oficjalne polskie filtry do Adblock, uBlock Origin, Adguard
uBO-ScriptletsA custom arsenal of scriptlets to be used for injecting userscripts via uBlock Origin.
abpvnABPVN - Bộ lọc quảng cáo cho người việt
filter-listsAdditional Filters for AdGuard on iOS and uBlock Origin on Google Chrome
letsblockitRemove low-quality content and useless nags, focus on what matters. A community-maintained uBlock Origin filter set.
uBlacklistRuleuBlacklist向けのルールです。Firefox for AndroidのuBlock Origin向けのルールもあります。
abp-rulesMy list of Adblock Plus rules, mainly for China websites
AdBlockID🛡️ An effective filter for removing most ads on Indonesian and Malaysian websites.
adblockfaA set of adblock filters to block advertisement in Persian websites. Works with Adblock Plus and uBlock Origin.
AnifiltrsA collection of filter lists for anime streaming, manga reading, and downloading of such things.