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Top 6 islandora open source projects

The purpose of the Islandora Metadata Interest Group (IMIG) is to investigate and provide metadata solutions that help improve metadata creation, maintenance and enhancement in Islandora.
The Move to Islandora Kit is an extensible PHP command-line tool for converting source content and metadata into packages suitable for importing into Islandora (or other digital repository and preservations systems).
islandora solution pack oralhistories
Adds all required Fedora objects to allow users to ingest and retrieve Oral Histories (video/audio) files through the Islandora interface
Drupal modules for browsing and managing Fedora-based digital repositories.
Islandora Enterprise (ISLE) is a community project that addresses two of the most significant pain-points in Islandora: installation and maintenance.
1-6 of 6 islandora projects