Top 84 Agda open source projects

51. disco
Functional teaching language for use in a discrete mathematics course
52. tt-in-cubical
Type Theory in Type Theory using Cubical Agda
53. agda-machines
Denotational-categorical design of verified hardware in Agda
✭ 17
54. ataca
A TACtic library for Agda
55. agda2hs
Compiling Agda code to readable Haskell
56. Mini-TT
mirror of A simple type-theoretic language: Mini-TT
57. potpourri
Where my everyday research happens
58. write-yourself-a-scheme-in-agda
Like "Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours", but in Agda
✭ 48
59. ial
The Iowa Agda Library
✭ 30
60. meta-cedille
Minimalistic dependent type theory with syntactic metaprogramming
61. cat
A formalization of category theory in cubical Agda
63. imla2017
Agda formalisation of NbE for λ□
65. generic-lr
AACMM's generic-syntax, but with QTT-style annotations
✭ 18
67. agda-simple-scp
A simple supercompiler formally verified in Agda
✭ 25
68. universe-of-syntax
A universe of scope- and type-safe syntaxes (syntices?). Includes generic implementation of type-preserving renaming/substitution with all the proofs you could possibly need.
69. tt-in-cagda
Simply typed lambda calculus in cubical agda
✭ 18
70. ctlc
(λ) Category theory and lambda calculus, Bachelor's thesis
✭ 37
71. opetopes-in-agda
Formalization of Opetopes and Opetopic Sets in Agda
✭ 15
73. dddp
Deferring the Details and Deriving Programs
✭ 14
74. foundations-harper
Agda proofs for some of the theorems in Robert Harper's Practical Foundations of Programming Languages.
✭ 52
75. setoidtt
Prototype implementations of systems based on setoid type theory
76. cubical-categories
Category theory formalized in cubical agda
78. Bi71
being a bidirectional reformulation of Martin-Löf's 1971 type theory
79. ooAgda
Interactive and object-oriented programming in Agda using coinductive types
✭ 20
80. why-dependent-types-matter
Companion code for "Why Dependent Types Matter" paper.
81. agda-web-semantic
Agda libraries for the semantic web
✭ 21
82. CS410-16
being the lecture materials and exercises for the 2016/17 session of Advanced Functional Programming at Strathclyde
83. lob
Two attempts at formalizing Löb's Theorem, (one based on
84. system-f-omega
System F-omega normalization by hereditary substitution in Agda
✭ 55
51-84 of 84 Agda projects