Top 72 Idris open source projects

1. Idris Dev
A Dependently Typed Functional Programming Language
3. IdrisReducers
Transducers for Idris: a library for composable algorithmic transformation.
4. idris-ide-client
TypeScript client for Idris IDE-mode.
5. idris-lens
van Laarhoven lenses for Idris
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6. flying-spaghetti-monster
An Idris type provider for communicating type-checkable protocols.
7. Eff-new
New version of Effects library with dependent states
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8. idris-config
Parsers for various configuration files written in Idris.
10. Idris2-Effect
Experimental effects library for Idris 2
11. idris-tmustache
Total Logic-Less Templating Library
12. idris-cph-exercises
Exercises from the Idris lecture series presented at the ITU Copenhagen on March 11--15, updated to work with latest Idris releases.
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13. idris-go
A Go backend for Idris
14. sirdi
Package manager for Idris
16. spidr
Marrying research in probabilistic modelling, language theory and hardware accelerators.
17. modal-types
Experiments with modal types
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18. idris-ffi-example
A minimal example of the Idris C FFI
19. order-taking
Idris version of Domain Modeling Made Functional Book.
20. spsc
SPSC: A Small Positive Supercompiler
21. RingIdris
Ring solver for Idris
22. juvix
Juvix empowers developers to write code in a high-level, functional language, compile it to gas-efficient output VM instructions, and formally verify the safety of their contracts prior to deployment and execution.
23. idris-sublime
A Plugin to use Idris with Sublime
24. IdrisExtSTGCodegen
No description, website, or topics provided.
25. IdrisScript
FFI Bindings to interact with the unsafe world of JavaScript
26. idrispkgs
Old Nix expressions for Idris packaging. Idris support moved into Nixpkgs!
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27. rekenaar
Idris tactics for (commutative) monoids
28. servis
Github project where I track everything related to my thesis
29. Idris-Bifunctors
A small bifunctor library for idris
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30. idris2-dom
Javascript DOM bindings for Idris2
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31. fp-in-idris
Functional Programing in Scala (in Idris) [Idris]
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32. cambria
No description, website, or topics provided.
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33. idris2-pkgs
An unofficial Idris2 package repository for Nix
34. Iaia
A recursion scheme library for Idris.
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35. permutations
Provides a type-safe way of working with permutations in Idris
36. extensible-records
Extensible records for Idris
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37. iQuery
Idris Lib to interact with the DOM and Browser API for the JavaScript backend
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38. pearl-binary-search
Functional Pearl: Certified Binary Search in a Read-Only Array
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39. Idris-HoTT
Homotopy Type Theory proofs in Idris
40. potpourri
Where my everyday research happens
41. idris-malfunction
Experimental Malfunction backend for Idris
42. IdrisSqlite
Effectful bindings for SQLite (forked from IdrisWeb)
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43. rust-idris-fs
An attempt at writing C libraries in Rust that can be called from Idris
44. Idris-Profunctors
A small profunctor library for idris
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46. idris-quickcheck
A port of QuickCheck to Idris
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47. gl-idris
No description, website, or topics provided.
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48. idris-but-its-c
Idris, but it's C
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49. gpif-idris
Translation of Agda code in A. Löh and J. P. Magalhães *Generic Programming with Indexed Functors* to Idris.
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50. idrall
Dhall bindings for Idris
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1-50 of 72 Idris projects