Top 350 autohotkey open source projects

202. sogou-proxy
No description, website, or topics provided.
203. KeypressOSD
Display key press on screen
✭ 69
204. Chocolatey-Packages
Repo for hosting Chocolatey packages
205. skeletonKey
unified interface for ROMs, emulators and frontends.
206. hoot
No description, website, or topics provided.
208. ahkdll-v1-release
AutoHotkey_H v1 release
209. SlideBar
SlideBar software
210. ppttimer
一个简易的 PPT 计时器
✭ 45
211. PoEFlaskScript
An autohotkey Script for using flasks in Path of Exile
212. AutoHotFlow
AutoHotFlow - Simply draw your applictaions
213. appetizer
Official repository for Appetizer, the open source application launcher, or dock, for Windows.
214. SublimeStudio
RStudio Experience in a Real Editor
215. VxCommunity
This repository contains free Hybrid Analysis contributions to the IT-Security community
216. Awesome-Windows
A port of JavaCafe01's dotfiles for AwesomeWM to Windows.
217. AutoHotkey-Editors
AutoHotkey Syntax Highlighting for text editors
✭ 19
218. ahkDBA
AutoHotkey DBA is an OOP-SQL DataBase access framework. It currently supports SQLite, MySQL and ADO.
✭ 51
219. DebugVars.ahk
View and edit variables of other AutoHotkey scripts while they are running.
✭ 44
220. DoMiSo-genshin
Genshin impact Lyre Automatic player
222. winautohide
Automatically exported from
✭ 21
223. sumatra highlight helper
AutoHotkey helper script to add, remove and jump between different color highlights in Sumatra PDF reader
✭ 20
226. sux
An alternative to Alfred+Wox+Listary+OneQuick+CapslockPlus.一个只有2M+大小的强大效率工具
227. kkrc
Simple one-shot configuration updater for various dot rc files.
228. AutoHotStreamDeck
An AutoHotkey wrapper for interacting with the Elgato Stream Deck
229. todoist-global-shortcuts-WIN10
Since TODOIST its Windows 10 app doesn’t support global shortcuts at the moment. I made a little workaround for the "open TODOIST" global shortcut.
230. Sx2vJoy-test
Sx2vJoy test build
231. clicker-heroes-sw1ft-bot
A game bot for Clicker Heroes
232. yep util
Tools for use with Yanfly Engine Plugins.
✭ 19
233. PoE-Item-Info
AHK script for Path of Exile that shows detailed item info like affix breakdown and weapon DPS.
✭ 29
MACRO RECORDER script in AutoHotKey
✭ 29
235. autohotkey emacs keymap
AutoHotkey script to simulate Emacs keybindings on Windows
✭ 26
237. AHK-Windows-Enhancement
AutoHotKey scripts to improve windows, the windows explorer, and the windows task switcher for windows 10.
✭ 20
238. dotfiles
Some of my setup to quickly setup a laptop with my preferred config.
239. heropicker
Automatic pick hero in overwatch
240. SurvivingMars CheatMods
Collection of mods for the game Surviving Mars
241. AutoHotPie
Radial menus in Windows, aka PIE MENYOOS!
242. music
A collection of tools for DJs (CUEs conversion, Flac testing, downloads)
243. FoldersPopup
Popup menu to jump instantly from one folder to another. Freeware.
✭ 37
244. ahk library
Object oriented library for Autohotkey
✭ 22
245. Breeze-Angular-Meetup-20130312
Material from Ward Bell's Breeze/Angular CRUD Apps Meetup presentation on 12 March 2013
246. in-line-calculator
📟 an interface-less calculator for Windows
247. cToalCMD
(又)一个Total Commander 的启动器 / A(nother) Total Commander Luancher
✭ 33
248. yys pc ahk script
✭ 16
249. Apex-NoRecoil-2021
Scripts to reduce recoil for Apex Legends. (auto weapon detection, support multiple resolutions)
250. Matthew-Lancaster
A Collect of Script For AutohotKey, DOS Command, VBScript, VB6, VB2008, Grub4Dos, Reg Keys, Win Powershell, SMTP, ARDUNIO, GITHUB Begin OCT 2018
201-250 of 350 autohotkey projects