Top 692 common lisp open source projects

501. cl-interval
Intervals and interval trees for Common Lisp
503. cl4py
Common Lisp for Python
504. lispcord
A client library for the discordapp bot api
505. clean
A Clean Compile to JavaScript Language
506. anaphora
The anaphoric macro collection from Hell
507. clgplot
A Gnuplot front-end for Common lisp
508. Clobber
A simpler alternative to object prevalence for Common Lisp.
509. paren-psos
A simplified CLOS (Common Lisp Object System) for Parenscript
510. the-little-prover
All code examples from "The Little Prover" book
511. cl-fm
A File Manager in Common Lisp, using cl-cffi-gtk
513. cl-twitter
cl-twitter : Common Lisp Client for Twitter
514. vert
2d game engine
515. qbase64
Fast and flexible base64 encoder/decoder in Lisp
516. lispkit
FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING: Application and Implementation, Peter Henderson, ISBN 0-13-331579-7
517. CertWare
No description, website, or topics provided.
518. CoDa microbiome tutorial
Workshop for NGS'18 conference, Barcelona 2018
519. SMQ
SMQ is an easy to use IoT pub/sub protocol designed and optimized for embedded systems
520. tls1.3
A Common Lisp implementation of TLS1.3
521. keykit
KeyKit - an algorithmic MIDI scripting language and GUI system
522. cl-dropbox
Common Lisp Client for Dropbox API
523. one
A framework for processing input like streams, pathnames and sequences
524. sigil
A Parenscript to Javascript command line compiler and interpreter.
526. donuts
Graph Drawing DSL (or Graphviz Interface) for Common Lisp.
527. commonqt5
No description, website, or topics provided.
528. Serial-Experiments-Lain
Common Lisp source code from Iwakura Lain's HandiNAVI displayed in Layer:07
529. SmackJack
An Ajax Common Lisp Library using parenscript to generate javascript and hunchentoot (for now) as the web server. Basically a fork and refactoring of ht-simple-ajax with an attempt merge ideas and code from ht-ajax.
530. cl-influxdb
Common Lisp interface to the Time Series Database InfluxDB
531. ner-uk
Ukranian NER annotation project
532. dotfiles
Personal settings and dotfiles
533. clrt-tutorial
Source code for the corresponding series of screencasts
534. dotfiles
Messy configuration repository / Gentoo / Coreboot / XMonad / Ergodox / Home Cooked ZSH microframework / Eye candy stuff / Miscellaneous hacks
535. cl-slice
Array slices for Common Lisp
536. ninglex
Easy to learn, quick and dirty, bare-bones web framework for Common Lisp
538. usenet-legend
Produce a searchable archive of an author's Usenet articles
539. lw2-viewer
An alternative frontend for LessWrong 2.0
540. contextl
ContextL is a CLOS extension for Context-oriented Programming (COP), and was the first language extension that explicitly supports COP when it was originally introduced in 2005.
541. cl-asm
A x86 assembler in Commn Lisp
542. cl-openal
Common Lisp bindings for the OpenAL audio library.
543. CL-HEAP
Common Lisp implementations of heap data structures (a binary heap and a Fibonacci heap) as well as an efficient priority queue
544. AutoCAD-Utils
Small AutoCAD autolisp utils for everyday use
545. Bluetooth HC05
Library for using HC-05 bluetooth module with Arduino.
546. yale-haskell
HASKELL: Yale Haskell system written in Lisp
547. manardb
Persistent, fast mmap'd database for Common Lisp using MOP; includes its own GC systems
548. cmucl-direct-syscalls
Douglas Crosher's public domain code for direct system calls from CMUCL on Linux
549. 3bgl-shader
CL-hosted CL-like DSL for generating GLSL
501-550 of 692 common lisp projects