gaerae / Awesome Algorithms Education
A curated list to learning and practicing about algorithm.
Stars: ✭ 267
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Interactive Coding Challenges
120+ interactive Python coding interview challenges (algorithms and data structures). Includes Anki flashcards.
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Algo ds notes
It is a repository that is a collection of algorithms and data structures with implementation in various languages.
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Mutual labels: algorithm, programming
⚡️ codezilla ⚡️ One giant 🦖 collection of algorithms & design patterns.
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Cs Books
📚 Computer Science Books 计算机技术类书籍 PDF
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Hayate-Shiki is an improved merge sort algorithm with the goal of "faster than quick sort".
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JavaScript Algorithm Visualization library
Stars: ✭ 87 (-67.42%)
Mutual labels: algorithm, education
Rust Algorithms
Common data structures and algorithms in Rust
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Mutual labels: algorithm, education
Coderchef Kitchen
The official repository for our programming kitchen which consists of 50+ delicious programming recipes having all the interesting ingredients ranging from dynamic programming, graph theory, linked lists and much more. All the articles contain beautiful images and some gif/video at times to help clear important concepts.
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Semantic version generator using git commit keywords and overrides
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A curated list of blockchain resources for developers
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Usaco Guide
A free collection of curated, high-quality resources to take you from Bronze to Platinum and beyond.
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Mutual labels: algorithm, education
Acm Icpc Algorithms
Algorithms used in Competitive Programming
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Learn Something Every Day
📝 A compilation of everything that I learn; Computer Science, Software Development, Engineering, Math, and Coding in General. Read the rendered results here ->
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Mutual labels: algorithm, education
📚 List of resources for Algorithms and Data Structures in Python & other CS topics @2017
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You Dont Know Js
A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
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Mutual labels: education, programming
Freecodecamp's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
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All Algorithms implemented in Python
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Short C# code snippets for all your development needs
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Mutual labels: education, programming
Awesome Algorithms Education
An algorithm is a list of rules to follow in order to solve a problem.
Algorithms need to have their steps in the right order. Think about an algorithm for getting dressed in the morning. What if you put on your coat before your jumper? Your jumper would be on top of your coat and that would be silly! When you write an algorithm the order of the instructions is very important.
If you want to contribute, please read the contribution guidelines.
Language: 😎 English • 한국어 (Korean)
- Courses
- Competitive programming
- Visualizations
- Interviews
- Videos
- Books
- Articles
- Competitions
- Miscellaneous
- Algorithms - Khan Academy.
- Fundamentals of Algorithms - Geeks for Geeks.
- Algorithm course for smart programming - Korean / Inflearn.
- Algorithms and Data Structures - Class Central.
- Algorithms - edX(IITBombay).
- Intro to Algorithms - Udacity.
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2015 - MIT OCW.
- Introduction to Algorithms, 2011 - MIT OCW.
- Classes and Teaching by Erik Demaine - MIT(Lecture notes).
- Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems, 2001 - UC Berkeley(Lecture notes).
- Data Structures, 2014 - UC Berkeley(Lecture notes).
- Algorithms, Etc., 2015 - Illinois University(Lecture notes).
- Algorithms, Part I - Coursera(Princeton University).
- Algorithms, Part II - Coursera(Princeton University).
- Data Structures and Algorithms - Paid Content. / Harvard University.
- Algorithms Specialization - Paid Content. / Coursera(Stanford University).
Competitive programming
- HackerRank
- Codility
- TopCoder
- CodeWars
- CodeChef
- Codeforces - English, Romanian, Russian.
- A2 Online Judge
- ACM-ICPC Live Archive
- CS Academy - English, Russian, Arabic.
- CoderByte
- HackerEarth
- Infoarena - Romanian.
- Kattis
- Learneroo Algorithms Tutorials
- LeetCode - English, Chinese.
- Rosalind
- ShareCode
- Snakify
- Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ)
- URI - English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese.
- PKU JudgeOnline - English, Chinese.
- AIZU ONLINE JUDGE - English, Japanese.
- Project Euler
- Project Euler @kr - Korean.
- Baekjoon - Korean.
- Algospot - Korean.
- Dovelet - Korean.
- JUNGOL - Korean.
- Koistudy - Korean.
- CodeUp - Korean.
- Codingdojang - Korean.
- Programmers - Korean.
- Codeground - English, Korean.
- SW Expert Academy - Korean.
- Algorithm Visualizer
- A Visual Guide to Graph Traversal Algorithms
- VisuAlgo - English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese.
- Algomation
- Algorithms Visualization
- Data Structure Visualizations
- Sorting Algorithms Animations
- String Matching Visualization
- Path Finding
- Algorithm Wiki by Will Thimbleby
- TensorFlow Playground
- Tangle - JavaScript Programming Language.
- Vamonos - JavaScript Programming Language.
- The Sound of Sorting - C ++ Programming Language.
- GeneaQuilts - Java Programming Language.
- Interview Cake
- Top 10 Algorithms for Coding Interview
- Software Engineering technical interviews
- Tech Interview Handbook
- Interactive Python coding interview challenges
- How algorithms shape our world - Kevin Slavin.
- Algorithms - Oresoft LWC.
- Computer Sc - Programming and Data Structure - Nptelhrd.
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2015
- Introduction to Algorithms, 2011
- Merge Sort vs Quick Sort
- 15 Sorting Algorithms in 6 Minutes
- AlgoRythmics - Sapientia University.
- Elementary Algorithms
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Korea Olympiad in Informatics
- Thinking critically about and researching algorithms
- Algorithm Design
- Algorithms
- Introduction to Algorithms
- Grokking Algorithms
- Algorithmic Problem Solving Strategies - Korean.
- stoimen's web log
- What are the best and efficient ways to learn algorithms for beginners?
- What are the best books on algorithms and data structures?
- Study data for algorithm - Korean.
- Google Code Jam - Google’s largest coding competition, calls on programmers around the world to put their skills to the test by solving multiple rounds of algorithmic puzzles.
- Google Kick Start - University students looking to develop their coding skills and potentially pursue a Google career.
- Google Hash Code - Students in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East looking to work as a team on real Google problems.
- Google Summer of Code - A global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source organization during their break from university.
- Competitive Programming
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- OEDb(Open Education Databases): Algorithm
- Awesome Data Science
- Awesome Machine Learning
- Rosetta Code - The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another.
- - Anybody can learn.
- CheckiO - Online game for Python and JavaScript coders.
- HUST Online Judge System - Online Judge is a web application.
- Tech stack for Baekjoon online judge - Korean / How to choose a technology stack for judge?
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