vmayoral / Basic_reinforcement_learning
Licence: gpl-3.0
An introductory series to Reinforcement Learning (RL) with comprehensive step-by-step tutorials.
Stars: ✭ 826
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Basic reinforcement learning
Amacımız Türkçe NLP literatüründeki birçok farklı sorunu bir arada çözebilen, eşsiz yaklaşımlar öne süren ve literatürdeki çalışmaların eksiklerini gideren open source bir yazım destekleyicisi/denetleyicisi oluşturmak. Kullanıcıların yazdıkları metinlerdeki yazım yanlışlarını derin öğrenme yaklaşımıyla çözüp aynı zamanda metinlerde anlamsal analizi de gerçekleştirerek bu bağlamda ortaya çıkan yanlışları da fark edip düzeltebilmek.
Stars: ✭ 165 (-80.02%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, ai, jupyter-notebook, neural-networks, deeplearning
Text summurization abstractive methods
Multiple implementations for abstractive text summurization , using google colab
Stars: ✭ 359 (-56.54%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, ai, jupyter-notebook, reinforcement-learning, deeplearning
Machine Learning From Scratch
Succinct Machine Learning algorithm implementations from scratch in Python, solving real-world problems (Notebooks and Book). Examples of Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, Decision Trees, K-means clustering, Sentiment Analysis, Recommender Systems, Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning.
Stars: ✭ 42 (-94.92%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, jupyter-notebook, reinforcement-learning, neural-networks
Mit Deep Learning
Tutorials, assignments, and competitions for MIT Deep Learning related courses.
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Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, jupyter-notebook, neural-networks, deeplearning
A micro neural network multilayer perceptron for MicroPython (used on ESP32 and Pycom modules)
Stars: ✭ 92 (-88.86%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, ai, deeplearning, q-learning
Awesome Ai Ml Dl
Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it. Study notes and a curated list of awesome resources of such topics.
Stars: ✭ 831 (+0.61%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, ai, jupyter-notebook, neural-networks
Computer code collated for use with Artificial Intelligence Engines book by JV Stone
Stars: ✭ 35 (-95.76%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, reinforcement-learning, neural-networks, deeplearning
Awesome Ai Books
Some awesome AI related books and pdfs for learning and downloading, also apply some playground models for learning
Stars: ✭ 855 (+3.51%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, ai, jupyter-notebook, reinforcement-learning
Debugging, monitoring and visualization for Python Machine Learning and Data Science
Stars: ✭ 3,191 (+286.32%)
Mutual labels: ai, jupyter-notebook, reinforcement-learning, deeplearning
Grokking Deep Reinforcement Learning
Stars: ✭ 304 (-63.2%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, jupyter-notebook, reinforcement-learning, neural-networks
Hands On Reinforcement Learning With Python
Master Reinforcement and Deep Reinforcement Learning using OpenAI Gym and TensorFlow
Stars: ✭ 640 (-22.52%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, reinforcement-learning, openai-gym, q-learning
Ctc Executioner
Master Thesis: Limit order placement with Reinforcement Learning
Stars: ✭ 112 (-86.44%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, reinforcement-learning, openai-gym, q-learning
Some notebooks
Stars: ✭ 53 (-93.58%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, jupyter-notebook, reinforcement-learning, q-learning
Interpretable ML package 🔍 for concise, transparent, and accurate predictive modeling (sklearn-compatible).
Stars: ✭ 194 (-76.51%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, ai, jupyter-notebook, tutorial
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Repo for the Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree program
Stars: ✭ 4,012 (+385.71%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, reinforcement-learning, neural-networks, openai-gym
Reinforcement learning tutorial with demo
Reinforcement Learning Tutorial with Demo: DP (Policy and Value Iteration), Monte Carlo, TD Learning (SARSA, QLearning), Function Approximation, Policy Gradient, DQN, Imitation, Meta Learning, Papers, Courses, etc..
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Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, tutorial, reinforcement-learning, q-learning
Lab Materials for MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning
Stars: ✭ 4,955 (+499.88%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, neural-networks, deeplearning
Rl Book
Source codes for the book "Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation"
Stars: ✭ 464 (-43.83%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, reinforcement-learning, openai-gym
Gans In Action
Companion repository to GANs in Action: Deep learning with Generative Adversarial Networks
Stars: ✭ 748 (-9.44%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, ai, jupyter-notebook
Dissecting Reinforcement Learning
Python code, PDFs and resources for the series of posts on Reinforcement Learning which I published on my personal blog
Stars: ✭ 512 (-38.01%)
Mutual labels: reinforcement-learning, neural-networks, q-learning
Basic Reinforcement Learning (RL)
This repository aims to provide an introduction series to reinforcement learning (RL) by delivering a walkthough on how to code different RL techniques.
Background review
A quick background review of RL is available here.
- [x] Tutorial 1: Q-learning
- [x] Tutorial 2: SARSA
- [x] Tutorial 3: Exploring OpenAI gym
- [x] Tutorial 4: Q-learning in OpenAI gym
- [x] Tutorial 5: Deep Q-learning (DQN)
- [x] Tutorial 6: Deep Convolutional Q-learning
- [x] Tutorial 7: Reinforcement Learning with ROS and Gazebo
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Tutorial 8: Reinforcement Learning in DOOM(unfinished) - [x] Tutorial 9: Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG)
- [ ]
Tutorial 10: Guided Policy Search (GPS)(unfinished) - [ ] Tutorial 11: A review of different AI techniques for RL (WIP)
- [x] Tutorial 12: Reviewing Policy Gradient methods
- [ ]
Tutorial 13: Continuous-state spaces with DQN(merged) - [x] Tutorial 14: Benchmarking RL techniques
- [ ]
Tutorial 15: Reviewing Vanilla Policy Gradient (VPG)(failed miserably)
- Chris Watkins, Learning from Delayed Rewards, Cambridge, 1989 (thesis)
- Awesome Reinforcement Learning repository, https://github.com/aikorea/awesome-rl
- Reinforcement learning CS9417ML, School of Computer Science & Engineering, UNSW Sydney, http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9417ml/RL1/index.html
- Reinforcement learning blog posts, https://studywolf.wordpress.com/2012/11/25/reinforcement-learning-q-learning-and-exploration/
- OpenAI gym docs, https://gym.openai.com/docs
- Vincent Bons implementations, https://gist.github.com/wingedsheep
- David Silver's Deep Reinforcement Learning talk, http://videolectures.net/rldm2015_silver_reinforcement_learning/
- Brockman, G., Cheung, V., Pettersson, L., Schneider, J., Schulman, J., Tang, J., & Zaremba, W. (2016). OpenAI Gym. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.01540.
- https://sites.google.com/view/deep-rl-bootcamp/lectures
- https://github.com/vmayoral/gym-cryptocurrencies
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