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Top 63 q-learning open source projects

Rl trading
An environment to high-frequency trading agents under reinforcement learning
Deep Math Machine
A blog which talks about machine learning, deep learning algorithms and the Math. and Machine learning algorithms written from scratch.
Accel Brain Code
The purpose of this repository is to make prototypes as case study in the context of proof of concept(PoC) and research and development(R&D) that I have written in my website. The main research topics are Auto-Encoders in relation to the representation learning, the statistical machine learning for energy-based models, adversarial generation networks(GANs), Deep Reinforcement Learning such as Deep Q-Networks, semi-supervised learning, and neural network language model for natural language processing.
Gym Fx
Forex trading simulator environment for OpenAI Gym, observations contain the order status, performance and timeseries loaded from a CSV file containing rates and indicators. Work In Progress
Deep Qlearning Agent For Traffic Signal Control
A framework where a deep Q-Learning Reinforcement Learning agent tries to choose the correct traffic light phase at an intersection to maximize traffic efficiency.
Reinforcement learning in python
Implementing Reinforcement Learning, namely Q-learning and Sarsa algorithms, for global path planning of mobile robot in unknown environment with obstacles. Comparison analysis of Q-learning and Sarsa
Ctc Executioner
Master Thesis: Limit order placement with Reinforcement Learning
Tetris Ai
A deep reinforcement learning bot that plays tetris
Easy Rl
A micro neural network multilayer perceptron for MicroPython (used on ESP32 and Pycom modules)
Rl ardrone
Autonomous Navigation of UAV using Reinforcement Learning algorithms.
tensorflow deep RL for driving a rover around
Implementation of q-learning using TensorFlow
Async Deeprl
Playing Atari games with TensorFlow implementation of Asynchronous Deep Q-Learning
Rubiks Cube
Reinforcement Learning program that looks to be able to quickly learn to solve a Rubik's Cube
Gym Alttp Gridworld
A gym environment for Stuart Armstrong's model of a treacherous turn.
Gym Anytrading
The most simple, flexible, and comprehensive OpenAI Gym trading environment (Approved by OpenAI Gym)
Dissecting Reinforcement Learning
Python code, PDFs and resources for the series of posts on Reinforcement Learning which I published on my personal blog
DEEp Reinforcement learning framework
Reinforcement learning tutorial with demo
Reinforcement Learning Tutorial with Demo: DP (Policy and Value Iteration), Monte Carlo, TD Learning (SARSA, QLearning), Function Approximation, Policy Gradient, DQN, Imitation, Meta Learning, Papers, Courses, etc..
Tf Rex
Play Google Chrome's T-rex game with TensorFlow
Accompanying code for Paperspace tutorial "Build an AI to play Dino Run"
A deep learning library to provide algs in pure Numpy or Tensorflow.
Implementations of algorithms from the Q-learning family. Implementations inlcude: DQN, DDQN, Dueling DQN, PER+DQN, Noisy DQN, C51
Python implementation of QBSO-FS : a Reinforcement Learning based Bee Swarm Optimization metaheuristic for Feature Selection problem.
Demo project using tabular Q-learning algorithm
High frequency AI based algorithmic trading module.
Package provides java implementation of reinforcement learning algorithms such Q-Learn, R-Learn, SARSA, Actor-Critic
Warehouse Robot Path Planning
A multi agent path planning solution under a warehouse scenario using Q learning and transfer learning.🤖️
Code for our AAMAS 2020 paper: "A Story of Two Streams: Reinforcement Learning Models from Human Behavior and Neuropsychiatry".
PyTorch implementation of the implicit Q-learning algorithm (IQL)
Multiagent reinforcement learning simulation framework - Undergraduate thesis in Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Brasília
🐍 AI that learns to play Snake using Q-Learning (Reinforcement Learning)
Operations Research Application Project - Flow Shop Scheduling Based On Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
1-60 of 63 q-learning projects