jsdelivr / Bootstrapcdn
Licence: mit
Free Bootstrap CDN hosting
Stars: ✭ 1,075
Programming Languages
184084 projects - #8 most used programming language
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Bootstrapcdn
Font Awesome Stylus
Stylus port for font-awesome 4.7.0
Stars: ✭ 77 (-92.84%)
Mutual labels: font, fontawesome, font-awesome
Font Awesome Php
A PHP library for Font Awesome 4.7.
Stars: ✭ 47 (-95.63%)
Mutual labels: font, fontawesome, font-awesome
Awesome Bootstrap Checkbox
✔️Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios. Pure css way to make inputs look prettier
Stars: ✭ 2,044 (+90.14%)
Mutual labels: font-awesome, bootstrap, bootstrap4
AVFonts for change/swap fontname throughout app.
Stars: ✭ 200 (-81.4%)
Mutual labels: font, fontawesome, font-awesome
fontawesome icon list for rofi dmenu
Stars: ✭ 58 (-94.6%)
Mutual labels: font, fontawesome, font-awesome
Fontawesome Iconpicker
Font Awesome Icon Picker component for Bootstrap.
Stars: ✭ 519 (-51.72%)
Mutual labels: font, fontawesome, bootstrap
[FireMonkey] FontAwesome
Stars: ✭ 21 (-98.05%)
Mutual labels: font, fontawesome, font-awesome
Alfred Font Awesome Workflow
🎩 Font Awesome workflow for Alfred
Stars: ✭ 714 (-33.58%)
Mutual labels: font, fontawesome, font-awesome
Startbootstrap New Age
A web app landing page theme created by Start Bootstrap
Stars: ✭ 855 (-20.47%)
Mutual labels: bootstrap, bootstrap4
E Commerce 2 django
Guest register, user register, user login, user logout, account home page, product view history, change password, reset password, change name, send activation email when register, resend activation email, add shipping address, add billing address, add nickname to the addresses, edit shipping address, edit billing address, view list of your addresses, reuse shipping addresses when order products, reuse billing addresses when ordeer products, show sales analytics if staff or admin only using -chart.js-, get analytics data with Ajax, receive marketing email, change if user will receive marketing email or not by admin, send contact message with Ajax, products list, product detail, download product detail as a PDF file, download digital product files -if the user purchased that digital product only-, orders list, list of digital products files, order detail, download order detail as a PDF file, verify order ownership with Ajax -to secure order detail page-, show cart products, add or remove product from cart, checkout page, thanks page when order placed successfully, add or reuse payment method, add or reuse payment method with Ajax, search products by title, search products by description, search products by price, search products by tag title, write tags for products -by admin only-, auto fill contact email, full name if user logged in.
Stars: ✭ 20 (-98.14%)
Mutual labels: bootstrap, bootstrap4
Vue Bootstrap With Material Design
Vue Bootstrap with Material Design - Powerful and free UI KIT
Stars: ✭ 803 (-25.3%)
Mutual labels: bootstrap, bootstrap4
Fork Awesome
A fork of the iconic font and CSS toolkit
Stars: ✭ 878 (-18.33%)
Mutual labels: font-awesome, bootstrap
Startbootstrap Modern Business
A multipurpose Bootstrap full website template created by Start Bootstrap
Stars: ✭ 753 (-29.95%)
Mutual labels: bootstrap, bootstrap4
Startbootstrap Round About
A Bootstrap HTML template for creating about pages - created by Start Bootstrap
Stars: ✭ 35 (-96.74%)
Mutual labels: bootstrap, bootstrap4
Startbootstrap Stylish Portfolio
A stylish, one page, Bootstrap portfolio theme created by Start Bootstrap
Stars: ✭ 748 (-30.42%)
Mutual labels: bootstrap, bootstrap4
Grav Theme Landio
Land.io is a carefully crafted landing page UI kit and landing page template built on Bootstrap 4, designed by Peter Finlan and developed by Taty Grassini.
Stars: ✭ 28 (-97.4%)
Mutual labels: bootstrap, bootstrap4
We're going to take you step-by-step to build a modern, fully open-source, eCommerce web application using Python, Django, Bootstrap, Javascript, and more.
Stars: ✭ 980 (-8.84%)
Mutual labels: bootstrap, bootstrap4
Deploy your own copy on Heroku
Use npm run <task>
npm install
npm test && npm run dev
# start development server and watch for changes
npm run dev
# or
npm run watch
# start production server
npm start
# and more
npm run
The Express.js app configuration.
- port: Integer value of the Node application port.
- theme: Integer value of the default theme we use; it's the array index value from the
section below. - siteurl: Our canonical URL.
- authors: Array of author Objects. Accepts the following:
- name
- twitter: the Twitter handler without
- url: author's website URL (optional)
- work: (optional) Object which can contain:
- text: the text to show for the
bellow - url: the link to the work
- text: the text to show for the
- description: String containing the default meta description of the site.
- favicon: The path to
. - stylesheet: Array of stylesheet file(s) we use apart from the Bootswatch stylesheet.
- javascript: Array of javascript file(s) we use.
- redirects: Array of Objects for the page redirects.
Contains the /showcase/
and /integrations/
config we use in the Express.js app.
Contains the CDN files we host.The SRI values are updated by running npm run integrity
Our CSP config using https://github.com/helmetjs/csp
Updating Bootstrap/Bootlint/Bootswatch
Replace package
by the package you want to update and version
with its version in the following commands:
npm i [email protected] -ED
npm run package version
- Update
accordingly npm run integrity
- Make sure
npm run all
passes after the files are on S3/CDN and verify the frontend works as expected without any visual breakage
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Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks,
for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner.
If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].