tirthajyoti / Data Science Best Resources
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Data Science Best Resources
Data Science Collected Resources
A trove of carefully curated resources and links (on the topics of software, platforms, language, techniques, etc.) related to data science, all in one place.
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Please feel free toMedium profile to check out all of my data science articles.
Please visit myGithub Repo for all my Tutorial-style Machine Learning Jupyter notebooks
Please check thisArtificial Intelligence related
AI thinks like a corporation—and that’s worrying - Open Voices
Does the Brain Store Information in Discrete or Analog Form?
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (Part 1) — The Importance of Human Interpretable Machine…
Is The Singularity Coming? – Arc Digital
Michael I. Jordan NYSE Machine Learning Presentation
Some scientists fear superintelligent machines could pose a threat to humanity | The Washington Post
The Four Waves of A.I. | LinkedIn
When algorithms go wrong we need power to fight back, say researchers - The Verge
AWS related
Amazon CloudWatch - Application and Infrastructure Monitoring
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) - Amazon Web Services
Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) | Cloud File Storage
AWS Concepts: Understanding AWS - YouTube
AWS Concepts: Understanding the Course Material & Features - YouTube
AWS re:Invent 2017: Building production apps easily with Amazon Lightsail (CMP212) - YouTube
Classless Inter-Domain Routing - Wikipedia
Cloud Compute Products – Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Cloud Object Storage | Store & Retrieve Data Anywhere | Amazon Simple Storage Service
Elastic Load Balancing - Amazon Web Services
Getting Spark, Python, and Jupyter Notebook running on Amazon EC2
Use PuTTY to access EC2 Linux Instances via SSH from Windows
What is Cloud Computing? - Amazon Web Services
Blogs, StacksExchanges
7-Step Guide to Become a Machine Learning Engineer in 2021
Reducing the Need for Labeled Data in Generative Adversarial Networks
10 Free Must-Read Books for Machine Learning and Data Science
Advice to aspiring data scientists: start a blog – Variance Explained
Chris Albon - Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence
explained.ai - Deep explanations of machine learning and related topics
Here Are (Approximately) 3000 Free Data Sources You Can Use Right Now
If you want to learn Data Science, take a few of these statistics classes
Learn Data Science - Infographic (article) - DataCamp
LIGO Gravity Wave GW150914_tutorial
O.R. & Analytics Success Stories - INFORMS
Paul Ford: What Is Code? | Bloomberg
Science Isn’t Broken | FiveThirtyEight
Top 28 Cheat Sheets for Machine Learning, Data Science, Probability, SQL & Big Data
GitHub Python Data Science Spotlight: AutoML, NLP, Visualization, ML Workflows
Books, Courses, Repos
Solved end-to-end Data Science projects
Dive into Deep Learning (An interactive deep learning book with code, math, and discussions)
60+ Free Books on Big Data, Data Science, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Python, R, and more
Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models
Nerual Networks and Deep Learning - an online book
Git and Github
Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line - User Documentation
An Intro to Git and GitHub for Beginners (Tutorial)
Follow these simple rules and you’ll become a Git and GitHub master
git - the simple guide - no deep shit!
How not to be afraid of GIT anymore – freeCodeCamp.org
joshnh/Git-Commands: A list of commonly used Git commands
The beginner’s guide to contributing to a GitHub project – Rob Allen's DevNotes
Understanding the GitHub Flow · GitHub Guides
Interesting Articles
Towards an anti-fascist AI (from opendemocracy.net)
Becoming a Level 3.0 Data Scientist
The Third-wave of Data Scientist
46 Most Intellectually Stimulating Sites That Will Spark Your Inner Genius in 10 Minutes a Day
Artificial Intelligence Learns to Learn Entirely on Its Own | Quanta Magazine
Edward Witten Ponders the Nature of Reality | Quanta Magazine
Foundations Built for a General Theory of Neural Networks - Quanta Magazine
General Thinking Tools: 9 Mental Models to Solve Difficult Problems
How Social Media Endangers Knowledge | WIRED
In These Small Cities, AI Advances Could Be Costly - MIT Technology Review
Machine Learning’s ‘Amazing’ Ability to Predict Chaos | Quanta Magazine
New Brain Maps With Unmatched Detail May Change Neuroscience | WIRED
Pedro Domingos on the Arms Race in Artificial Intelligence - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Quantum Leaps in Quantum Computing? - Scientific American
The Fragile State of the Midwest’s Public Universities - The Atlantic
The Future of Human Work Is Imagination, Creativity, and Strategy
The Quantum Thermodynamics Revolution | Quanta Magazine
What Is Code? | Paul Ford| Bloomberg
The Economics Of Artificial Intelligence - How Cheaper Predictions Will Change The World
OpenAI’s Dota 2 defeat is still a win for artificial intelligence - The Verge
Machine Learning Confronts the Elephant in the Room | Quanta Magazine
MOOC related
Complete lecture notes of the Stanford/Coursera Machine Learning class by Andrew Ng
200 universities just launched 560 free online courses. Here’s the full list.
Artificial Intelligence | MIT OpenCourseWare
Dashboard | MIT Professional Education Digital Programs
Data Science A-Z™: Real-Life Data Science Exercises Included | Udemy
How to choose effective MOOCs for machine learning and data science?
I uncovered 1,150+ Coursera courses that are still completely free
Information and Entropy | MIT OpenCourseWare
Introduction to Algorithms | MIT OpenCourseWare
Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel | edX
Introduction to Python for Data Science | edX
Introduction to R for Data Science | edX
Mathematics for Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare
Programming with Python for Data Science!
Statistical Thinking for Data Science course
Top Data Science Online Courses in 2017 – LearnDataSci
U. Wash ML course Jupyter Home
A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins
PostgreSQL: Mathematical Functions and Operators
PostgreSQL: String Functions and Operators
Psycopg2 Tutorial - PostgreSQL with Python
The SQL Tutorial for Data Analysis | SQL Tutorial - Mode Analytics
SQL vs NoSQL or MySQL vs MongoDB - YouTube
Thinking in SQL vs Thinking in Python
Kaggle SQL course (including BigQuery topics)
Common statistical tests are linear models (or: how to teach stats)
Introductory statistics - OpenText Library
Common statistical tests are linear models (or: how to teach stats)
Regression Analysis Tutorial and Examples | Minitab
The 10 Statistical Techniques Data Scientists Need to Master
The Ultimate Guide to 12 Dimensionality Reduction Techniques (with Python codes)
Thomas Bayes and the crisis in science – TheTLS
Welcome to STAT 505! | STAT 505
Introduction to Bayesian Linear Regression – Towards Data Science
Regression Analysis Tutorial and Examples | Minitab
The 10 Statistical Techniques Data Scientists Need to Master
Welcome to STAT 505! | STAT 505
Probability and Statistics Visually
Visualizations (and image processing related)
The paper describing Scikit-image from its core developers
Full-screen interactive that lets you explore the first 300 years of Data Visualization
Gallery of Data Visualization - Missed Opportunities and Graphical Failures
Lesson 1-4, first visualization data - Govind Acharya | Tableau Public
Mapping the 1854 Cholera Outbreak | Tableau Public
10 Free Must-Read Books for Machine Learning and Data Science
60+ Free Books on Big Data, Data Science, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Python, R, and more
GGobi data visualization system.
Here Are (Approximately) 3000 Free Data Sources You Can Use Right Now
If you want to learn Data Science, take a few of these statistics classes
Medium – Read, write and share stories that matter
Top 28 Cheat Sheets for Machine Learning, Data Science, Probability, SQL & Big Data
Learn Data Science - Infographic (article) - DataCamp
Neural Network
Brandon Rohrer - Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
CS231n Lecture 10 - Recurrent Neural Networks, Image Captioning, LSTM - YouTube
Nuts and Bolts of Applying Deep Learning (Andrew Ng) - YouTube
Siraj Raval - LSTM Networks - The Math of Intelligence (Week 8) - YouTube
Siraj Raval - Recurrent Neural Networks - The Math of Intelligence (Week 5) - YouTube
Andrew Ng: Artificial Intelligence is the New Electricity - YouTube
But what is a Neural Network? | Deep learning, chapter 1
Convolutional Networks in Java - Deeplearning4j: Open-source, Distributed Deep Learning for the JVM
CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
Deep Learning Fundamentals - Cognitive Class
Neural networks and deep learning
Understanding Hinton’s Capsule Networks. Part I: Intuition.
Understanding LSTM Networks -- colah's blog
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
Andrej Carpathy blog - Hacker's guide to Neural Networks
J Alammar – Explorations in touchable pixels and intelligent androids
Guide to the Sequential model - Keras Documentation
How to Use Word Embedding Layers for Deep Learning with Keras - Machine Learning Mastery
Building Input Functions with tf.estimator | TensorFlow
Getting Started With TensorFlow | TensorFlow
Installing TensorFlow on Windows | TensorFlow
TensorFlow Linear Model Tutorial | TensorFlow
TensorFlow Wide & Deep Learning Tutorial | TensorFlow
Using TensorFlow in Windows with a GPU | Heaton Research
Installation Guide Windows :: CUDA Toolkit Documentation
7 Steps to Mastering Machine Learning With Python
A visual introduction to machine learning
Deep Learning For Coders fast.ai
Lecture Collection | Machine Learning - Stanford course
Microsoft Azure ML Cheat sheet
Pedro Domigos Machine Learning lectures
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Machine Learning in Python
Top 10 Machine Learning Projects on Github
UCI Machine Learning Repository
[ISLR class videos](https://www.r-bloggers.com/in-depth-introduction-to-machine-learning-in-15-hours-of-expert-videos/
Machine Learning Zero-to-Hero: Everything you need in order to compete on Kaggle for the first…
GOOGLE - Rules of Machine Learning: | Machine Learning Rules | Google Developers
R Markdown: The Definitive Guide
Understanding the GitHub Flow · GitHub Guides
How to Prepare for a Machine Learning Interview - Semantic Bits
Cheat Sheets for AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Big Data
AI Knowledge Map: How To Classify AI Technologies
Apache Spark
Building A Linear Regression with PySpark and MLlib
Complete Guide on DataFrame Operations in PySpark
Introduction · Mastering Apache Spark
MLlib: Main Guide - Spark 2.3.1 Documentation
Overview - Spark 2.3.1 Documentation
RDD Programming Guide - Spark 2.3.1 Documentation
rdflib 5.0.0-dev — rdflib 5.0.0-dev documentation
Spark SQL and DataFrames - Spark 2.3.1 Documentation
Welcome to Spark Python API Docs! — PySpark 2.3.1 documentation
Cloud computing
Why You Should Consider Google AI Platform For Your Machine Learning Projects
Computation, Computing
A Short Guide to Hard Problems | Quanta Magazine
Data Mining
The 10 Mining Techniques Data Scientists Need for Their Toolbox
Wikipedia Data Science: Working with the World’s Largest Encyclopedia
Data wrangling related
A Brief Overview of Outlier Detection Techniques – Towards Data Science
Docker, Containers
A Beginner-Friendly Introduction to Containers, VMs and Docker
A fast and easy Docker tutorial for beginners (video series)
Docker Compose in 12 Minutes - YouTube
How to Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 | DigitalOcean
How to Install Docker On Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver - LinuxConfig.org
Learn Docker in 12 Minutes 🐳 - YouTube
What is a Container? - YouTube
What is Docker | Docker Tutorial for Beginners | Docker Container | DevOps Tools | Edureka - YouTube
Building Your Own Data Science Platform With Python & Docker - YouTube
Interview related
50+ Data Structure and Algorithms Interview Questions for Programmers
Web Technologies
REST, API, Microservice
GraphQL vs. REST – Apollo GraphQL
Microservices, APIs, and Swagger: How They Fit Together | Swagger
REST API concepts and examples - YouTube
Web Architecture 101 – VideoBlocks Product & Engineering
REST API & RESTful Web Services Explained - YouTube
Our Collections – Towards Data Science
JSON Crash Course - YouTube Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc HTML5 Form Validation Examples < HTML | The Art of Web
The CSS Handbook: a handy guide to CSS for developers
Creating a Simple Website with HTML and CSS - Part 1 - YouTube
Learn CSS in 12 Minutes - YouTube
Beginner JavaScript Tutorial - 1 - Introduction to JavaScript - YouTube
Form Validation with JavaScript - Check for an Empty Text Field - YouTube
JavaScript beginner tutorial 30 - form validation text boxes and passwords - YouTube
JavaScript: Simple Form Validation - YouTube
Learn JavaScript in 12 Minutes - YouTube
Machine Learning with JavaScript : Part 1 – Hacker Noon
Machine Learning with JavaScript : Part 2 – Hacker Noon
W3School - JavaScript Form Validation
W3schools - JavaScript Tutorial
ClearlyDecoded.com - Yaakov Chaikin
GoDaddy Hosting Account Getting Started Guide
How to Make A Website in 2018 - Web Hosting Guide | WHSR
LaTeX, Markdown, reST
Art of Problem Solving - LaTeX symbols
Detexify LaTeX handwritten symbol recognition
The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol ListThe Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List - symbols-a4.pdf
MathJax Documentation — MathJax 2.7 documentation
TeX Commands available in MathJax
Linux, OS
How to Install Ubuntu Linux on VirtualBox on Windows 10 [Step by Step Guide] | It's FOSS
Microsoft PowerShell Tutorial & Training Course – Microsoft Virtual Academy
Most Popular Linux Distributions and Why They Dominate the Market
[Solved] Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock Error in Ubuntu | It's FOSS
Time series
Time Series Analysis in Python: An Introduction – Towards Data Science
RJT1990/pyflux: Open source time series library for Python
Getting Started with Time Series — PyFlux 0.4.7 documentation
Complete guide to create a Time Series Forecast (with Codes in Python)
How to Create an ARIMA Model for Time Series Forecasting with Python
Time series with Siraj course by Kaggle
Interesting Articles
Debunking The Myths And Reality Of Artificial Intelligence - Forbes
Artificial Intelligence — The Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet
Artificial Intelligence Learns to Learn Entirely on Its Own | Quanta Magazine
Can Buddhist philosophy explain what came before the Big Bang? | Aeon Essays
Coming to Grips with the Implications of Quantum Mechanics - Scientific American Blog Network
Did Toolmaking Pave the Road for Human Language? - The Atlantic
Edward Witten Ponders the Nature of Reality | Quanta Magazine
Gatekeeping and Elitism in Data Science
How Do Aliens Solve Climate Change? - The Atlantic
How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the LHC’s Missing New Physics
How Information Got Re-Invented – Limits – Medium
How Social Media Endangers Knowledge | WIRED
In These Small Cities, AI Advances Could Be Costly - MIT Technology Review
Inside Amazon’s $3.5 million competition to make Alexa chat like a human - The Verge
Let’s make private data into a public good - MIT Technology Review
On Chomsky and the Two Cultures of Statistical Learning
Quantum Leaps in Quantum Computing? - Scientific American
Strategy vs. Tactics: What's the Difference and Why Does it Matter?
The Fragile State of the Midwest’s Public Universities - The Atlantic
The Quantum Thermodynamics Revolution | Quanta Magazine
The Way You Read Books Says A Lot About Your Intelligence, Here’s Why
To Build Truly Intelligent Machines, Teach Them Cause and Effect | Quanta Magazine
Why Is American Mass Transit So Bad? It's a Long Story. - CityLab
Yuval Noah Harari on what 2050 has in store for humankind | WIRED UK
Yuval Noah Harari on Why Technology Favors Tyranny - The Atlantic
Yuval Noah Harari: ‘The idea of free information is extremely dangerous’ | Culture | The Guardian
Beyond Weird: Decoherence, Quantum Weirdness, and Schrödinger's Cat - The Atlantic
Life Is a Braid in Spacetime – Time – Medium
Mental Models: How to Train Your Brain to Think in New Ways - James Clear - Pocket
Don’t Compete. Create! - Darius Foroux - Pocket
Tesla will live and die by the Gigafactory - The Verge
So you want to be a Research Scientist – Vincent Vanhoucke – Medium
Homeland Security Will Let Software Flag Potential Terrorists
What Happens When a World Order Ends
Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world | TED Talk
The Brain's Autopilot Mechanism Steers Consciousness - Scientific American
What is Intelligence? – Towards Data Science
This Is Exactly How You Should Train Yourself To Be Smarter - Michael Simmons - Pocket
The blind spot of science is the neglect of lived experience | Aeon Essays
A Complete Tutorial to Learn Data Science with Julia from Scratch
Machine Learning
Fairness and bias
Evaluating machine learning models for fairness and bias
Deployment of ML
Creating data science APIs with Flask
Flask and Heroku for online Machine Learning deployment
Overview of the different approaches to putting Machine Learning (ML) models in production
[Guide] Building Data Science Web Application with React, NodeJS, and MySQL
A beginner’s guide to training and deploying machine learning models using Python
A Guide to Scaling Machine Learning Models in Production
Deploying Keras Deep Learning Models with Flask – Towards Data Science
Deploying Machine Learning at Scale - Algorithmia Blog
Deploying Machine Learning has never been so easy – Towards Data Science
Quora - How do you take a machine learning model to production?
Tutorial to deploy Machine Learning model in Production as API with Flask
From Big Data to micro-services: how to serve Spark-trained models through AWS lambdas
How to deliver on Machine Learning projects – Insight Data
Deploying a Keras Deep Learning Model as a Web Application in P
Genetic Algorithm
Genetic Algorithm Implementation in Python – Towards Data Science
Introduction to Optimization with Genetic Algorithm
A tutorial on Differential Evolution with Python · Pablo R. Mier
Guide to the Sequential model - Keras Documentation
How to Use Word Embedding Layers for Deep Learning with Keras - Machine Learning Mastery
Neural Network
Brandon Rohrer - Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
CS231n Lecture 10 - Recurrent Neural Networks, Image Captioning, LSTM - YouTube
Nuts and Bolts of Applying Deep Learning (Andrew Ng) - YouTube
Siraj Raval - LSTM Networks - The Math of Intelligence (Week 8) - YouTube
Siraj Raval - Recurrent Neural Networks - The Math of Intelligence (Week 5) - YouTube
Andrew Ng: Artificial Intelligence is the New Electricity - YouTube
A Visual Guide to Evolution Strategies
Andrej Carpathy blog - Hacker's guide to Neural Networks
Best (and Free!!) Resources to understand Nuts and Bolts of Deep learning
But what is a Neural Network? | Deep learning, chapter 1
Cheat Sheets for AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Big Data
Convolutional Networks in Java - Deeplearning4j: Open-source, Distributed Deep Learning for the JVM
CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
Deep Dive into Math Behind Deep Networks – Towards Data Science
Deep Learning Fundamentals - Cognitive Class
J Alammar – Explorations in touchable pixels and intelligent androids
Learning without Backpropagation: Intuition and Ideas (Part 1) – Tom Breloff
Must know Information Theory concepts in Deep Learning (AI)
Neural networks and deep learning
Neural Style Transfer: Creating Art with Deep Learning using tf.keras and eager execution
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
Understanding Hinton’s Capsule Networks. Part I: Intuition.
Understanding LSTM Networks -- colah's blog
A Neural Network in 13 lines of Python (Part 2 - Gradient Descent) - i am trask
How Do Artificial Neural Networks Learn? – Towards Data Science
The Neural Network Zoo - The Asimov Institute
A History of Deep Learning | Import.io
The Ultimate NanoBook to understand Deep Learning based Image Classifier
How to solve 90% of NLP problems: a step-by-step guide
Coding & English Lit: Natural Language Processing in Python
TextBlob: Simplified Text Processing — TextBlob 0.15.1 documentation
Python Regular Expression Tutorial (article) - DataCamp
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning Course - Full Machine Learning Tutorial
A brief introduction to reinforcement learning – freeCodeCamp.org
An introduction to Reinforcement Learning – freeCodeCamp.org
Key Papers in Deep RL — Spinning Up documentation
Nuts & Bolts of Reinforcement Learning: Model Based Planning using Dynamic Programming
Reinforcement Learning: A Deep Dive | Toptal
Part 1: Key Concepts in RL — Spinning Up documentation
Dissecting Reinforcement Learning-Part.1
Reinforcement Q-Learning from Scratch in Python with OpenAI Gym – LearnDataSci
Google AI Blog: Curiosity and Procrastination in Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning: Monte Carlo Learning using OpenAI Gym
Building Input Functions with tf.estimator | TensorFlow
Getting Started With TensorFlow | TensorFlow
Installing TensorFlow on Windows | TensorFlow
TensorFlow Linear Model Tutorial | TensorFlow
TensorFlow Wide & Deep Learning Tutorial | TensorFlow
Using TensorFlow in Windows with a GPU | Heaton Research
Installation Guide Windows :: CUDA Toolkit Documentation
7 Steps to Mastering Machine Learning With Python
A visual introduction to machine learning
Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem | Abhishek Thakur | No Free Hunch
Automated Machine Learning Hyperparameter Tuning in Python
Deep Learning For Coders fast.ai
Essentials of Machine Learning Algorithms (with Python and R Codes)
GOOGLE - Rules of Machine Learning: | Machine Learning Rules | Google Developers
Lecture Collection | Machine Learning - Stanford course
Machine Learning Zero-to-Hero: Everything you need in order to compete on Kaggle for the first…
Microsoft Azure ML Cheat sheet
Open Machine Learning Course (beta) • mlcourse.ai
Pedro Domigos Machine Learning lectures
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Machine Learning in Python
Top 10 Machine Learning Projects on Github
UCI Machine Learning Repository
Optimization and ML
Hello Kaggle! - A Kaggle Guide for someone who is new at Kaggle
Everything About Python — Beginner To Advanced
Jupyter and IDE related
Interactive spreadsheets in Jupyter
Built-in magic commands — IPython 6.2.1 documentation
Concrete Statistics Jupyter Notebook Peter Norvig
Economics simulation Jupyter Notebook Peter Norvig
Using Interact — Jupyter Widgets 7.0.3 documentation
Pixie - visual Python debugger for Jupyter notebook
Matplotlib, Seaborn, Visualization
color example code: colormaps_reference.py — Matplotlib 2.0.2 documentation
Matplotlib Plotting commands summary —
Seaborn tutorial — seaborn 0.7.1 documentation
MOOC courses
Github/jmportilla/Complete-Python-Bootcamp: Lectures
Jupyter Notebook - Udemy Complete Python Bootcamp course
Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp | Udemy
Computational Science and Engineering I | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare
Foundations of Machine Learning (A course by Bloomberg)
NumPy and SciPy
Linear algebra (numpy.linalg) — NumPy v1.12 Manual
NumPy v1.12 Universal functions
Random sampling (numpy.random) — NumPy v1.13 Manual
SciPy — SciPy v0.19.0 Reference Guide
numpy-100/100 Numpy exercises with hint.md at master · rougier/numpy-100
Pandas: Python Data Analysis Library
Setup, PyPi, Creating your own packages
How to publish your own Python Package on PyPi – freeCodeCamp
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating R and Python Libraries (in JupyterLab)
How to submit a package to PyPI — Peter Downs
Packaging and Distributing Projects — Python Packaging User Guide
reStructuredText Primer — Sphinx 1.8.0+ documentation
Using TestPyPI — Python Packaging User Guide
How to open source your Python library | Opensource.com
Spark and AWS
Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Cloud Computing Services
Connecting to Your Linux Instance from Windows Using PuTTY - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
Install Spark on Windows (PySpark) – Michael Galarnyk – Medium
10 Steps to Set Up Your Python Project for Success
Tools and Utilities
itertools — Functions creating iterators for efficient looping — Python 3.6.3 documentation
Web Data Analytics
Processing XML in Python with ElementTree - Eli Bendersky's website
28 Jupyter Notebook tips, tricks and shortcuts
A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
Archived Problems - Project Euler
Choosing the right estimator — scikit-learn 0.18.1 documentation
Installing XGBoost For Anaconda on Windows (IT Best Kept Secret Is Optimization)
Python Conquers The Universe | Adventures across space and time with the Python programming language
Python Flask From Scratch - YouTube
Python Tricks 101 – Hacker Noon
Python tutorial - TutorialsPoint
Regular Expressions for Data Scientists
Simple Linear Regression Analysis - ReliaWiki
Introduction — Python 101 1.0 documentation
Documenting Python Code: A Complete Guide – Real Python
MIT AI: Python (Guido van Rossum) - YouTube
Python IDEs and Code Editors (Guide) – Real Python
Advanced Python web scraping tricks and tips
R related
A Beginner’s Guide to Neural Networks with R
A Comprehensive Guide to Data Visualisation in R for Beginners
An R Introduction to Statistics | R Tutorial
Data Manipulation with dplyr | R-bloggers
Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with R | Udemy
R Tutorial Series - Statistical Tests | Saranya Anandh | Pulse | LinkedIn