8. Bs4dashBootstrap 4 shinydashboard using AdminLTE3
10. VeganR package for community ecologists: popular ordination methods, ecological null models & diversity analysis
12. MaftoolsSummarize, Analyze and Visualize MAF files from TCGA or in house studies.
13. ContaineritPackage an R workspace and all dependencies as a Docker container
14. Crayon🖍️ R package for colored terminal output
19. CountrycodeR package: Convert country names and country codes. Assigns region descriptors.
20. BaseballrA package written for R focused on baseball analysis. Currently in development.
22. DataanalyticsThis is repository is to be used alongwith with Training Provided through LMS of Henry Harvin Education
25. Data Analysis With RUsing gglot2, tidyr, dplyr, ggmap, choroplethr, shiny, logistic regression, clustering models and more
26. LobstrUnderstanding complex R objects with tools similar to str()
29. ReportersNote that ReporteRs has been removed from CRAN the 16th of July 2018 and is not maintained anymore. please migrate to officer.
31. FlowView and Browse Code Using Flow Diagrams
32. TtrTechnical analysis and other functions to construct technical trading rules with R
35. LittlerA scripting and command-line front-end for GNU R
36. SimpleainteasyA compendium of the pitfalls and problems that arise when using standard statistical methods
39. Dplyr CliManipulate CSV files on the command line using dplyr
41. RexFriendly regular expressions for R.
44. UwotAn R package implementing the UMAP dimensionality reduction method.
47. FactoextraExtract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data Analyses
48. FinalfitQuickly create elegant regression results tables and plots when modelling in R
49. Cmplot📊 Circular and Rectangular Manhattan Plot
50. CatterplotsDid you ever wish you could make scatter plots with cat shaped points? Now you can!