Kafka Connect HdfsKafka Connect HDFS connector
Stars: ✭ 400 (-42.69%)
Mutual labels: kafka, confluent, streaming
ExamplesDemo applications and code examples for Confluent Platform and Apache Kafka
Stars: ✭ 571 (-18.19%)
Mutual labels: kafka, jdbc, confluent
Ksql Udf Deep Learning Mqtt IotDeep Learning UDF for KSQL for Streaming Anomaly Detection of MQTT IoT Sensor Data
Stars: ✭ 219 (-68.62%)
Mutual labels: kafka, confluent
MaterializeMaterialize lets you ask questions of your live data, which it answers and then maintains for you as your data continue to change. The moment you need a refreshed answer, you can get it in milliseconds. Materialize is designed to help you interactively explore your streaming data, perform data warehousing analytics against live relational data, or just increase the freshness and reduce the load of your dashboard and monitoring tasks.
Stars: ✭ 3,341 (+378.65%)
Mutual labels: kafka, streaming
ksql-jdbc-driverJDBC driver for Apache Kafka
Stars: ✭ 85 (-87.82%)
Mutual labels: jdbc, confluent
Voik♒︎ [WIP] An experimental ~distributed~ commit-log
Stars: ✭ 200 (-71.35%)
Mutual labels: kafka, streaming
Data AcceleratorData Accelerator for Apache Spark simplifies onboarding to Streaming of Big Data. It offers a rich, easy to use experience to help with creation, editing and management of Spark jobs on Azure HDInsights or Databricks while enabling the full power of the Spark engine.
Stars: ✭ 247 (-64.61%)
Mutual labels: kafka, streaming
Kafka Connect Storage CloudKafka Connect suite of connectors for Cloud storage (Amazon S3)
Stars: ✭ 153 (-78.08%)
Mutual labels: kafka, confluent
Cp AnsibleAnsible playbooks for the Confluent Platform
Stars: ✭ 285 (-59.17%)
Mutual labels: kafka, confluent
Real Time Stock Market PredictionIn this repository, I have developed the entire server-side principal architecture for real-time stock market prediction with Machine Learning. I have used Tensorflow.js for constructing ml model architecture, and Kafka for real-time data streaming and pipelining.
Stars: ✭ 414 (-40.69%)
Mutual labels: kafka, streaming
Kafka Streams In ActionSource code for the Kafka Streams in Action Book
Stars: ✭ 167 (-76.07%)
Mutual labels: kafka, streaming
Confluent Kafka DotnetConfluent's Apache Kafka .NET client
Stars: ✭ 2,110 (+202.29%)
Mutual labels: kafka, confluent
GimelBig Data Processing Framework - Unified Data API or SQL on Any Storage
Stars: ✭ 216 (-69.05%)
Mutual labels: kafka, jdbc
RedpandaRedpanda is the real-time engine for modern apps. Kafka API Compatible; 10x faster 🚀 See more at vectorized.io/redpanda
Stars: ✭ 3,114 (+346.13%)
Mutual labels: kafka, streaming
TributaryStreaming reactive and dataflow graphs in Python
Stars: ✭ 231 (-66.91%)
Mutual labels: kafka, streaming
SpartaReal Time Analytics and Data Pipelines based on Spark Streaming
Stars: ✭ 513 (-26.5%)
Mutual labels: kafka, streaming
Azure Event Hubs SparkEnabling Continuous Data Processing with Apache Spark and Azure Event Hubs
Stars: ✭ 140 (-79.94%)
Mutual labels: kafka, streaming
StreamlineStreamLine - Streaming Analytics
Stars: ✭ 151 (-78.37%)
Mutual labels: kafka, streaming
Cp DemoConfluent Platform Demo including Apache Kafka, ksqlDB, Control Center, Replicator, Confluent Schema Registry, Security
Stars: ✭ 278 (-60.17%)
Mutual labels: kafka, confluent