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getkin / Kin Openapi

Licence: mit
OpenAPI 3.0 implementation for Go (parsing, converting, validation, and more)

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Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Kin Openapi

Oas Kit
Convert Swagger 2.0 definitions to OpenAPI 3.0 and resolve/validate/lint
Stars: ✭ 516 (-33.51%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3, documentation
Awesome Openapi3
😎 A list of awesome projects related to OpenAPI 3.0.x, curated by the community
Stars: ✭ 469 (-39.56%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3, documentation
A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification)..
Stars: ✭ 831 (+7.09%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3, documentation
OpenAPI / Swagger, AsyncAPI & Semoasa definitions to (re)Slate compatible markdown
Stars: ✭ 856 (+10.31%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3, documentation
Openapi Codegen
OpenAPI 3.0 CodeGen plus Node.js minus the Java and emojis
Stars: ✭ 224 (-71.13%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3, documentation
Openapi Viewer
Browse and test a REST API described with the OpenAPI 3.0 Specification
Stars: ✭ 82 (-89.43%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
Stars: ✭ 39,588 (+5001.55%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3
Swagger Combine
Combines multiple Swagger schemas into one dereferenced schema.
Stars: ✭ 102 (-86.86%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, documentation
Vue Openapi
OpenAPI viewer component for VueJS
Stars: ✭ 66 (-91.49%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3
L5 Swagger
OpenApi or Swagger integration to Laravel
Stars: ✭ 1,781 (+129.51%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, documentation
Openapi Diff
Utility for comparing two OpenAPI specifications.
Stars: ✭ 208 (-73.2%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3
Openapi Directory
🌐 Wikipedia for Web APIs. Directory of REST API definitions in OpenAPI 2.0/3.x format
Stars: ✭ 2,635 (+239.56%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3
Language-agnostic HTTP API Testing Tool
Stars: ✭ 3,770 (+385.82%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3
Angular Swagger Ui
An angularJS implementation of Swagger UI
Stars: ✭ 131 (-83.12%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3
Mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally. No remote deployment, no account required, open source.
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Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, openapi3
Shins development continues at
Stars: ✭ 250 (-67.78%)
Mutual labels:  api, swagger, openapi, documentation
SqlAlchemy Flask-Restful Swagger Json:API OpenAPI
Stars: ✭ 255 (-67.14%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, openapi, openapi3
JSON Schemas for every version of the OpenAPI Specification
Stars: ✭ 22 (-97.16%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, openapi, openapi3
A collection of Editors, Linters, Parsers, Code Generators, Documentation, Testing
Stars: ✭ 257 (-66.88%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, openapi, openapi3
A plugin for Fastify to autogenerate a configuration based on a OpenApi(v2/v3) specification.
Stars: ✭ 94 (-87.89%)
Mutual labels:  swagger, openapi, openapi3

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A Go project for handling OpenAPI files. We target the latest OpenAPI version (currently 3), but the project contains support for older OpenAPI versions too.

Licensed under the MIT License.

Contributors and users

The project has received pull requests from many people. Thanks to everyone!

Here's some projects that depend on kin-openapi:



  • openapi2 (godoc)
    • Support for OpenAPI 2 files, including serialization, deserialization, and validation.
  • openapi2conv (godoc)
    • Converts OpenAPI 2 files into OpenAPI 3 files.
  • openapi3 (godoc)
    • Support for OpenAPI 3 files, including serialization, deserialization, and validation.
  • openapi3filter (godoc)
    • Validates HTTP requests and responses
  • openapi3gen (godoc)
    • Generates *openapi3.Schema values for Go types.
  • pathpattern (godoc)
    • Matches strings with OpenAPI path patterns ("/path/{parameter}")

Some recipes

Loading OpenAPI document

Use SwaggerLoader, which resolves all references:

swagger, err := openapi3.NewSwaggerLoader().LoadSwaggerFromFile("swagger.json")

Getting OpenAPI operation that matches request

func GetOperation(httpRequest *http.Request) (*openapi3.Operation, error) {
  // Load Swagger file
  router := openapi3filter.NewRouter().WithSwaggerFromFile("swagger.json")

  // Find route
  route, _, err := router.FindRoute("GET", req.URL)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  // Get OpenAPI 3 operation
  return route.Operation

Validating HTTP requests/responses

package main

import (


func main() {
	router := openapi3filter.NewRouter().WithSwaggerFromFile("swagger.json")
	ctx := context.Background()
	httpReq, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/items", nil)

	// Find route
	route, pathParams, _ := router.FindRoute(httpReq.Method, httpReq.URL)

	// Validate request
	requestValidationInput := &openapi3filter.RequestValidationInput{
		Request:    httpReq,
		PathParams: pathParams,
		Route:      route,
	if err := openapi3filter.ValidateRequest(ctx, requestValidationInput); err != nil {

	var (
		respStatus      = 200
		respContentType = "application/json"
		respBody        = bytes.NewBufferString(`{}`)

	log.Println("Response:", respStatus)
	responseValidationInput := &openapi3filter.ResponseValidationInput{
		RequestValidationInput: requestValidationInput,
		Status:                 respStatus,
		Header:                 http.Header{"Content-Type": []string{respContentType}},
	if respBody != nil {
		data, _ := json.Marshal(respBody)

	// Validate response.
	if err := openapi3filter.ValidateResponse(ctx, responseValidationInput); err != nil {

Custom content type for body of HTTP request/response

By default, the library parses a body of HTTP request and response if it has one of the next content types: "text/plain" or "application/json". To support other content types you must register decoders for them:

func main() {
	// ...

	// Register a body's decoder for content type "application/xml".
	openapi3filter.RegisterBodyDecoder("application/xml", xmlBodyDecoder)

	// Now you can validate HTTP request that contains a body with content type "application/xml".
	requestValidationInput := &openapi3filter.RequestValidationInput{
		Request:    httpReq,
		PathParams: pathParams,
		Route:      route,
	if err := openapi3filter.ValidateRequest(ctx, requestValidationInput); err != nil {

	// ...

	// And you can validate HTTP response that contains a body with content type "application/xml".
	if err := openapi3filter.ValidateResponse(ctx, responseValidationInput); err != nil {

func xmlBodyDecoder(body []byte) (interface{}, error) {
	// Decode body to a primitive, []inteface{}, or map[string]interface{}.

Custom function to check uniqueness of array items

By defaut, the library check unique items by below predefined function

func isSliceOfUniqueItems(xs []interface{}) bool {
	s := len(xs)
	m := make(map[string]struct{}, s)
	for _, x := range xs {
		key, _ := json.Marshal(&x)
		m[string(key)] = struct{}{}
	return s == len(m)

In the predefined function using json.Marshal to generate a string can be used as a map key which is to support check the uniqueness of an array when the array items are objects or arrays. You can register you own function according to your input data to get better performance:

func main() {
	// ...

	// Register a customized function used to check uniqueness of array.

	// ... other validate codes

func arrayUniqueItemsChecker(items []interface{}) bool {
	// Check the uniqueness of the input slice

Sub-v0 breaking API changes


Field (*openapi3.SwaggerLoader).LoadSwaggerFromURIFunc of type func(*openapi3.SwaggerLoader, *url.URL) (*openapi3.Swagger, error) was removed after the addition of the field (*openapi3.SwaggerLoader).ReadFromURIFunc of type func(*openapi3.SwaggerLoader, *url.URL) ([]byte, error).

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].