reportfactoryLightweight infrastructure to handle multiple rmarkdown reports
Stars: ✭ 68 (+183.33%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown, r-package
ntuthesis台大碩博士論文模板 (R Package)
Stars: ✭ 14 (-41.67%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown, r-package
heddlrBring a functional programming mindset to R Markdown document generation
Stars: ✭ 14 (-41.67%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown, r-package
PosterdownUse RMarkdown to generate PDF Conference Posters via HTML
Stars: ✭ 602 (+2408.33%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown, r-package
huskydownAn R Markdown template using the bookdown package for preparing a PhD thesis at the University of Washington
Stars: ✭ 116 (+383.33%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown, rmarkdown-template
xaringanBuilderAn R package for building xaringan slides into multiple outputs, including html, pdf, png, gif, pptx, and mp4.
Stars: ✭ 157 (+554.17%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown, r-package
datatoolbox🎓 Data Toolbox Training
Stars: ✭ 18 (-25%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown, r-package
RticlesLaTeX Journal Article Templates for R Markdown
Stars: ✭ 895 (+3629.17%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown, r-package
RmarkdownDynamic Documents for R
Stars: ✭ 2,319 (+9562.5%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown, r-package
lingtypologyR package for linguistic cartography and typological databases search
Stars: ✭ 47 (+95.83%)
Mutual labels: linguistics, r-package
yartRMarkdown Template for writing PDF reports
Stars: ✭ 81 (+237.5%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown, rmarkdown-template
lametaThe Metadata Editor for Transparent Archiving of language document materials
Stars: ✭ 18 (-25%)
Mutual labels: linguistics
lingvo--Ner-ruNamed entity recognition (NER) in Russian texts / Определение именованных сущностей (NER) в тексте на русском языке
Stars: ✭ 38 (+58.33%)
Mutual labels: linguistics
netrankrAn R package for network centrality
Stars: ✭ 39 (+62.5%)
Mutual labels: r-package
tidygenomicsTidy Verbs for Dealing with Genomic Data Frames
Stars: ✭ 97 (+304.17%)
Mutual labels: r-package
jsonvalidate✔️⁉️ Validate JSON
Stars: ✭ 43 (+79.17%)
Mutual labels: r-package
ReproducibleScienceShort course on reproducible science: what, why, how
Stars: ✭ 23 (-4.17%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown
armcompanionCompanion materials for the rstudio::conf 2019 Advanced R Markdown workshop
Stars: ✭ 15 (-37.5%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown
fossosseminar series on data science, reproducible science and open source by @maxheld83
Stars: ✭ 13 (-45.83%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown
uiucthemesRMarkdown Templates for UIUC Theme-Oriented Documents
Stars: ✭ 45 (+87.5%)
Mutual labels: rmarkdown