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onfido / onfido-ios-sdk

Licence: other
A Swift client for the Onfido API and a collection of UI elements to capture photos of documents.

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The Onfido iOS SDK provides a drop-in set of screens and tools for iOS applications to capture identity documents and selfie photos and videos for the purpose of identity verification.

It offers a number of benefits to help you create the best identity verification experience for your customers:

  • Carefully designed UI to guide your customers through the photo and video capture process
  • Modular design to help you seamlessly integrate the photo and video capture process into your application flow
  • Advanced image quality detection technology to ensure the quality of the captured images meets the requirement of the Onfido identity verification process, guaranteeing the best success rate
  • Direct image upload to the Onfido service, to simplify integration

⚠️ Note: The SDK is only responsible for capturing and uploading photos and videos. You still need to access the Onfido API to manage applicants and perform checks.

Capture Document and face

Getting started

  • SDK supports iOS 11+
  • SDK supports Xcode 13+*
  • SDK has full bitcode support
  • SDK supports following presentation styles:
    • Only full screen style for iPhones
    • Full screen and form sheet styles for iPads

* The latest SDK version to support Xcode 11.5-12 is 22. There is a workaround for older versions of Xcode if required. Please contact support for more information.

⚠️ The Onfido SDK requires CoreNFC to run. Since Xcode 12 there is a bug where libnfshared.dylib is missing from simulators. See Stack Overflow to solve this problem.

⚠️ Even if you don't enable the NFC feature, Apple might ask you to provide a video to demonstrate NFC usage because NFC related code is part of the SDK binary regardless of runtime configuration. While we're working on a permanent solution for this problem, please download the video that has been shared in this post and send to Apple to proceed on your App Review process.

⚠️ The following content assumes you're using our API v3 versions for backend calls. If you are currently using API v2 please refer to this migration guide for more information.

1. Obtain an API token

In order to start integrating, you'll need an API token.

You can use our sandbox environment to test your integration. To use the sandbox, you'll need to generate a sandbox API token in your Onfido Dashboard.

⚠️ Note: You must never use API tokens in the frontend of your application or malicious users could discover them in your source code. You should only use them on your server.

1.1 Regions

Onfido offers region-specific environments. Refer to the Regions section in our API documentation for token format and API base URL information.

2. Create an applicant

To create an applicant from your backend server, make a request to the 'create applicant' endpoint, using a valid API token.

Note: Different report types have different minimum requirements for applicant data. For a Document or Facial Similarity report the minimum applicant details required are first_name and last_name.

$ curl \
    -H 'Authorization: Token token=<YOUR_API_TOKEN>' \
    -d 'first_name=John' \
    -d 'last_name=Smith'

The JSON response will return an id field containing a UUID that identifies the applicant. Once you pass the applicant ID to the SDK, documents and live photos and videos uploaded by that instance of the SDK will be associated with that applicant.

3. Configure the SDK with token

You'll need to generate and include an SDK token every time you initialize the SDK.

To generate an SDK token, make a request to the 'generate SDK token' endpoint.

$ curl \
  -H 'Authorization: Token token=<YOUR_API_TOKEN>' \
  -F 'applicant_id=<APPLICANT_ID>' \
Parameter Notes
applicant_id required
Specifies the applicant for the SDK instance.
application_id required
The application ID (for iOS "application bundle ID") that was set up during development. For iOS, this is usually in the form Make sure to use a valid application_id or you'll receive a 401 error.

⚠️ SDK tokens expire after 90 minutes.


You can use the optional expireHandler parameter in the SDK token configurator function to generate and pass a new SDK token when it expires. This ensures the SDK continues its flow even after an SDK token has expired.

For example:

func getSDKToken(_ completion: @escaping (String) -> Void) {
    <Your network request logic to retrieve SDK token goes here>

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withSDKToken("<YOUR_SDK_TOKEN>", expireHandler: getSDKToken)
-(void) getSDKToken: (void(^)(NSString *)) handler {
  <Your network request logic to retrieve SDK token goes here>

ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];
[configBuilder withSdkToken:@"YOUR_SDK_TOKEN" expireHandler:^(void (^ handler)(NSString *  expireHandler)) {
        [self getSDKToken:handler];

4. App permissions

The SDK uses the device camera. You're required to have the following keys in your application's Info.plist file:

  • NSCameraUsageDescription
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
<string>Required for document and facial capture</string>
<string>Required for video capture</string>

Note: All keys will be required for app submission.

5. Add the SDK dependency

Using Cocoapods

The SDK is available on Cocoapods and you can include it in your projects by adding the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Onfido'

Run pod install to get the SDK.



You can install the extended version of the Onfido SDK, which includes fraud detection signals, through Cocoapods by adding the following to your Podfile:

pod 'OnfidoExtended'

Using Swift Package Manager

The SDK is available with Swift Package Manager and you can include it in your project by adding the following package repository URL:

Manual installation

The SDK is available in the GitHub Releases tab where you can download the compressed framework. You can find the latest release here.

  1. Download the compressed debug zip file containing the Onfido.framework.
  2. Uncompress the zip file and then move the Onfido.framework artefact into your project.
  3. Add Onfido.framework located within your project to the Embedded binaries section in the General tab of your iOS app target.
  4. Open your app's project file in Xcode. Then select your app's target under target list.
  5. Next select the Build Phases tab and under the Embed Frameworks step add a new Run Script Phase. Name it Onfido Framework Archive.
  6. In the text area add the following code:
if [[ "$ACTION" != "install" ]]; then
exit 0;



lipo -remove i386 Onfido -o Onfido
lipo -remove x86_64 Onfido -o Onfido

Non-Swift apps

If your app is not Swift based then you must create a new Swift file inside of your project. This file is required to force Xcode to package Swift runtime libraries required for the Onfido iOS SDK to run.

  1. Create a Swift file with the following contents:
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
import CoreImage
import UIKit
import Vision

func fixLibSwiftOnoneSupport() {
    // from
    print("Fixes dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftSwiftOnoneSupport.dylib")
  1. Set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries to Yes in your project configuration.

6. Create the SDK configuration

Once you have an added the SDK as a dependency, and you have an applicant ID, you can configure the SDK:


let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withFaceStep(ofVariant: .photo(withConfiguration: nil))

let onfidoFlow = OnfidoFlow(withConfiguration: config)
    .with(responseHandler: { results in
        // Callback when flow ends


ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];

[configBuilder withSdkToken:@"YOUR_SDK_TOKEN"];
[configBuilder withWelcomeStep];
[configBuilder withDocumentStep];
[configBuilder withProofOfAddressStep];

NSError *variantConfigError = NULL;
Builder *variantBuilder = [ONFaceStepVariantConfig builder];
[variantBuilder withPhotoCaptureWithConfig: NULL];
[configBuilder withFaceStepOfVariant: [variantBuilder buildAndReturnError: &variantConfigError]];

if (variantConfigError == NULL) {
  NSError *configError = NULL;
  ONFlowConfig *config = [configBuilder buildAndReturnError:&configError];

  if (configError == NULL) {
      ONFlow *onFlow = [[ONFlow alloc] initWithFlowConfiguration:config];
      [onFlow withResponseHandler:^(ONFlowResponse *response) {
          // Callback when flow ends

7. Start the flow


let onfidoRun = try!

self.present(onfidoRun, animated: true, completion: nil) //`self` should be your view controller


NSError *runError = NULL;
UIViewController *onfidoController = [onFlow runAndReturnError:&runError];

if (runError == NULL) {
    [self presentViewController:onfidoController animated:YES completion:NULL];

Handling callbacks


To receive the result from the flow, you should pass a callback to the instance of OnfidoFlow.

The result object passed to the callback may include the following attributes:

let responseHandler: (OnfidoResponse) -> Void = { response in
  switch response {
    case .error(let error):

    case .success(let results):

    case .cancel(let reason):

Attribute Notes
.success([OnfidoResult]) User completed the flow. You can now create a check on your backend server.
.error(Error) Some error happened.
.cancel Flow was cancelled by the user. The reason can be .userExit (when the user taps back button on the first screen) or .deniedConsent (when the user denies consent on the consent screen).


To receive the result from the flow, you should pass a callback to the instance of ONFlow.

An instance of ONFlowResponse is passed back to the callback with 3 properties:

(^responseHandlerBlock)(ONFlowResponse *response) {

    if (response.userCanceled) {
    } else if (response.results) {
    } else if (response.error) {
Properties Notes
results User completed the flow. You can now create a check on your backend server.
error Some error happened.
userCanceled Flow was cancelled by the user. You can check why the user cancelled using response.userCanceled.reason. When userCanceled is false then results or error properties will be set.

Success handling

Success is when the user has reached the end of the flow.


[OnfidoResult] is a list with multiple results. The results are different enum values, each with its own associated value (also known as payload). This enum, OnfidoResult, can have the following values:

  1. OnfidoResult.document and OnfidoResult.face: Its payload is relevant in case you want to manipulate or preview the captures in some way.
Capture result payload

You shouldn't need to inspect the results of the document and face captures as the SDK handles file uploads. However, if you want to see further information, you can access the result object.

Example for a document capture:

let document: Optional<OnfidoResult> = results.filter({ result in
  if case OnfidoResult.document = result { return true }
  return false

if let documentUnwrapped = document, case OnfidoResult.document(let documentResult) = documentUnwrapped {

To access the result object for a face capture input the case as OnfidoResult.face.


[ONFlowResult] is a list with multiple results. The result is an instance of ONFlowResult containing 2 properties:

  • type, which is an enum with values ONFlowResultTypeDocument, ONFlowResultTypeFace
  • result, which instance type can be of ONDocumentResult or ONFaceResult. The result type can be derived by the type property
Capture result payload

You shouldn't need to inspect the results of the document and face captures as the SDK handles file uploads.However, if you want to see further information, you can access the result object.

Example for a document capture:

NSPredicate *documentResultPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(id flowResult, NSDictionary *bindings) {

    if (((ONFlowResult *)flowResult).type == ONFlowResultTypeDocument) {
        return YES;
    } else {
        return NO;
NSArray *flowWithDocumentResults = [results filteredArrayUsingPredicate:documentResultPredicate];

if (flowWithDocumentResults.count > 0) {

    ONDocumentResult *documentResult = ((ONFlowResult *)flowWithDocumentResults[0]).result;

To access the result object for a face capture change the type to ONFlowResultTypeFace.

Error handling


Response Handler Errors

The Error object returned as part of OnfidoResponse.error(Error) is of type OnfidoFlowError. It's an enum with multiple cases depending on the error type.

switch response {
  case let OnfidoResponse.error(error):
    switch error {
      case OnfidoFlowError.cameraPermission:
        // It happens if the user denies permission to the sdk during the flow
      case OnfidoFlowError.microphonePermission:
        // It happens when the user denies permission for microphone usage by the app during the flow
      case OnfidoFlowError.motionUnsupported:
        // It happens when the device does not support the Motion product and no fallback capture method has been configured
      case OnfidoFlowError.failedToWriteToDisk:
        // It happens when the SDK tries to save capture to disk, maybe due to a lack of space
      case OnfidoFlowError.upload(let OnfidoApiError):
        // It happens when the SDK receives an error from a API call see []( for more information
      case OnfidoFlowError.exception(withError: let error, withMessage: let message):
        // It happens when an unexpected error occurs, please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?Subject=ISSUE%3A) when this happens
      default: // necessary because swift

Note: Not all errors will be passed to OnfidoResponse.error. Run Exceptions and Configuration errors will be returned as an exception.

Run exceptions

When initiating the SDK there can be an exception.

You can handle run exceptions in Swift with a do/catch as shown below:

do {
  let onfidoRun = try self.onfidoFlow!.run()
  self.present(onfidoRun, animated: true, completion: nil)
catch let error {
  switch error {
    case OnfidoFlowError.cameraPermission:
      // do something about it here
    case OnfidoFlowError.microphonePermission:
      // do something about it here
      // should not happen, so if it does, log it and let us know
Configuration errors

You must provide the following when configuring the Onfido iOS SDK:

  • SDK token
  • applicant
  • at least one capture step

Otherwise, you may encounter the following errors when calling the build() function on the OnfidoConfig.Builder instance:

Error Notes
OnfidoConfigError.missingSDKToken When no token is provided or the token is an empty string.
OnfidoConfigError.invalidSDKToken When an invalid token is provided.
OnfidoConfigError.missingSteps When no step is provided.
OnfidoConfigError.invalidDocumentFormatAndCountryCombination When it is an unsupported document format for the specified country provided. See Document Type Configuration to check supported combinations.
OnfidoConfigError.invalidCountryCode When an invalid country code is provided.


Response Handler Errors

The error property of the ONFlowResponse is of type NSError.

You can identify the error by comparing the code property of the NSError instance with ONFlowError, i.e. response.code == ONFlowErrorCameraPermission. You can also print or log the userInfo property of the NSError instance.

The NSError contained within the ONFlowResponse's error property can be handled as follows:

switch (error.code) {
    case ONFlowErrorCameraPermission:
        // It happens if the user denies permission to the sdk during the flow
    case ONFlowErrorMicrophonePermission:
        // It happens when the user denies permission for microphone usage by the app during the flow
    case ONFlowErrorMotionUnsupported:
        // It happens when the device does not support the Motion product and no fallback capture method has been configured
    case ONFlowErrorFailedToWriteToDisk:
        // It happens when the SDK tries to save capture to disk, maybe due to a lack of space
    case ONFlowErrorUpload:
        // It happens when the SDK receives an error from a API call see []( for more information
        // you can find out more by printing or logging userInfo from error
    case ONFlowErrorException:
        // It happens when an unexpected error occurs, please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?Subject=ISSUE%3A) when this happens

Note: Not all errors which are part of ONFlowError will be passed to the response handler block. Run Exceptions and Configuration errors will be returned as an exception.

Run exceptions

You can handle run exceptions as shown below:

NSError *runError = NULL;
UIViewController *onfidoController = [onFlow runAndReturnError:&runError];

if (runError) {
    switch (runError.code) {
        case ONFlowErrorCameraPermission:
            // do something about it here
        case ONFlowErrorMicrophonePermission:
            // do something about it here
            // do something about it here
} else {
    [self presentViewController:onfidoController animated:YES completion:NULL];
Configuration errors

You must provide the following when configuring the Onfido iOS SDK:

  • SDK token
  • applicant
  • at least one capture step

Otherwise you may encounter the following errors when calling the build() function on the ONFlowConfigBuilder:

Error Notes
ONFlowConfigErrorMissingToken When no token is provided or the token is an empty string.
ONFlowConfigErrorMissingApplicant When no applicant instance is provided.
ONFlowConfigErrorMissingSteps When no step is provided.
ONFlowConfigErrorMultipleTokenTypes When both an SDK token and a Mobile token are provided.
ONFlowConfigErrorApplicantProvidedWithSDKToken When both an SDK token and an applicant are provided.
ONFlowConfigErrorInvalidDocumentFormatAndCountryCombination When it is an unsupported document format for the specified country provided. See Document Type Configuration to check supported combinations.
ONFlowConfigErrorInvalidCountryCode When an invalid country code is provided.

Custom Callbacks

Media Callbacks (beta)


Onfido provides the possibility to integrate with our Smart Capture SDK, without the requirement of using this data only through the Onfido API. Media callbacks enable you to control the end user data collected by the SDK after the end user has submitted their captured media. As a result, you can leverage Onfido’s advanced on-device technology, including image quality validations, while still being able to handle end users’ data directly. This unlocks additional use cases, including compliance requirements and multi-vendor configurations, that require this additional flexibility.

This feature must be enabled for your account. Please contact your Onfido Solution Engineer or Customer Success Manager.


To use this feature, use .withMediaCallback and provide the callbacks for MediaDocumentResult for documents and MediaFile for live photos and live videos.

final class SwiftDynamicFrameworkOnfidoRunner: OnfidoRunner, MediaCallback {
    func onMediaCaptured(result: MediaResult) {
           switch result {
               case let documentResult as MediaDocumentResult:
                   // Your callback code here
               case let selfieResult as SelfieResult:
                   // Your callback code here
               case let livenessResult as LivenessResult:
                   // Your callback code here

    configBuilder.withMediaCallback(mediaCallback: self)


User data

The callbacks return an object including the information that the SDK normally sends directly to Onfido. The callbacks are invoked when the end user confirms submission of their image through the SDK’s user interface.

Note: Currently, end user data will still automatically be sent to the Onfido backend, but you are not required to use Onfido to process this data.

The callback returns 3 possible objects:

  1. For documents, the callback returns a MediaDocumentResult object:
         metadata: DocumentMetadata
         file: MediaFile

The DocumentMetadata object contains the metadata of the captured document:

         side: String
         type: String
         issuingCountry: String?

Note: issuingCountry is optional based on end-user selection, and can be null. Note: If a document was scanned using NFC, the callback will return the passport photo in file but no additional data.

  1. For live photos, the callback returns a SelfieResult object:
    fileData: MediaFile
  1. For videos, the callback returns a LivenessResult object:
    fileData: MediaFile

And the MediaFile object has:

    name: String
    data: Data

Create a check with Onfido

After receiving the user data from the SDK, you can choose to create a check with Onfido. In this case, you don’t need to re-upload the end user data as it is sent automatically from the SDK to the Onfido backend.

Please see our API documentation for more information on how to create a check.

Customizing SDK

The iOS SDK has multiple customizable options. You can also read our SDK customization guide.

Flow customization

Welcome step

This step is the introduction screen of the SDK. It displays a summary of the capture steps the user will pass through. This is an optional screen.

You can show the welcome screen by calling configBuilder.withWelcomeStep() in Swift or [configBuilder withWelcomeStep] in Objective-C.

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];
[configBuilder withSdkToken:@"YOUR_SDK_TOKEN_HERE"];
[configBuilder withWelcomeStep];

NSError *configError = NULL;
ONFlowConfig *config = [configBuilder buildAndReturnError:&configError];

if (configError) {
    // Handle config build error
} else {
    // use config

Document step

In the Document step, a user can select the issuing country and document type before taking the photo. This selection screen is optional, and will only show to the end user if a specific country and document type is not configured for the SDK.

You can configure the Document step to capture single document types with specific properties, as well as customize the screen to display only a limited list of document types:

  • Document type

The list of document types visible for the user to select can be shown or hidden using this option. Each document type has its own configuration class. While configuring document type, you can optionally pass a configuration object along with the document type.

The following document types are supported:

Document Type Configuration Class Configurable Properties
passport PassportConfiguration
drivingLicence DrivingLicenceConfiguration - country
- documentFormat
nationalIdentityCard NationalIdentityConfiguration - country
- documentFormat
residencePermit ResidencePermitConfiguration - country
visa VisaConfiguration - country
workPermit WorkPermitConfiguration - country
generic GenericDocumentConfiguration - country

Note: Generic document type doesn't offer an optimized capture experience for a desired document type.

Note: If only one document type is specified, users will not see the selection screen and will be taken directly to the capture screen. Please see a more detailed guide here for Android, and here for iOS

  • Document country

Country configuration allows you to specify the country of origin of the document. If issuing country is specified for a particular document type, the selection screen is not displayed.

You'll need to pass the corresponding ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 3 letter country code to the SDK.

Note: You can specify country for all document types except passport. This is because passports have the same format worldwide so the SDK does not require this additional information.

⚠️ Note:: The SDK will throw a OnfidoConfigError.invalidCountryCode (ONFlowConfigErrorInvalidCountryCode) error if an invalid country code is provided.

For example, to only capture UK driving licenses:

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withDocumentStep(ofType: .drivingLicence(config: DrivingLicenceConfiguration(country: "GBR")))
ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];

[configBuilder withSdkToken:@"YOUR_SDK_TOKEN_HERE"];
NSError *documentVariantError = NULL;
DocumentConfigBuilder * documentVariantBuilder = [ONDocumentTypeVariantConfig builder];
[documentVariantBuilder withDrivingLicenceWithConfig:[[DrivingLicenceConfiguration alloc] initWithCountry: @"GBR"]];
ONDocumentTypeVariantConfig *documentStepVariant = [variantBuilder buildAndReturnError: documentVariantError];

if (documentVariantError) {
  // Handle variant config error
} else {
  NSError *configError = NULL;
  ONFlowConfig *config = [configBuilder buildAndReturnError:&configError];
  • Document format

The format of some documents can be specified as a plastic card Card or folded document Folded. Card is the default document format value for all document types.

If Folded is configured the SDK will show a specific template overlay during document capture.

The following document formats are supported for each document type:

Document Type/ Document Format card folded
drivingLicence ALL COUNTRIES Only France (Country code "FRA")
nationalIdentityCard ALL COUNTRIES Only Italy (Country code "ITA")
Document Type/ Document Format
residencePermit NOT CONFIGURABLE

Note: If you configure the SDK with an unsupported document format the SDK will throw an OnfidoConfigError.invalidDocumentFormatAndCountryCombination (ONFlowConfigErrorInvalidDocumentFormatAndCountryCombination in Objective-C) error during runtime.

For example, for a folded Italian national identity card:

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withDocumentStep(ofType: .nationalIdentityCard(config: NationalIdentityConfiguration(documentFormat: .folded, country: "ITA")))
ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];

[configBuilder withSdkToken:@"YOUR_SDK_TOKEN_HERE"];
NSError *documentVariantError = NULL;
DocumentConfigBuilder * documentVariantBuilder = [ONDocumentTypeVariantConfig builder];
[documentVariantBuilder withNationalIdentityCardWithConfig:[[NationalIdentityConfiguration alloc] initWithDocumentFormat:DocumentFormatFolded country: @"ITA"]];

ONDocumentTypeVariantConfig *documentStepVariant = [variantBuilder buildAndReturnError: documentVariantError];

if (documentVariantError) {
  // Handle variant config error
} else {
  NSError *configError = NULL;
  ONFlowConfig *config = [configBuilder buildAndReturnError:&configError];
  • Customize the issuing country and document type selection screen

You can also customize the screen to display only a limited list of document types, using the configuration function to specify the ones you want to show.

⚠️ Currently you can only include passport, identityCard, drivingLicence, residencePermit in the list.

For example, to show only the passport and drivingLicence document types:


let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withDocumentStep(ofSelectableTypes: [.passport, .drivingLicence])


ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];
[configBuilder withDocumentStepWithSelectableDocumentTypes: @[@(SelectableDocumentTypePassport), @(SelectableDocumentTypeDrivingLicence)]];

Face step

In the Face step, a user can use the front camera to capture a live photo of their face (Photo), a live video (Video) or a motion capture using the Motion product (Motion).

The Face step has 3 variants for the Swift interface:

  • PhotoStepConfiguration?)
  • VideoStepConfiguration?)
  • FaceStepVariant.motion(with: MotionStepConfiguration?)

For the Objective-C interface, you should use ONFaceStepVariantConfig as below.

To configure for a live photo:

NSError * error;
Builder * variantBuilder = [ONFaceStepVariantConfig builder];
[variantBuilder withPhotoCaptureWithConfig: [[PhotoStepConfiguration alloc] initWithShowSelfieIntroScreen: YES]]];
[configBuilder withFaceStepOfVariant: [variantBuilder buildAndReturnError: &error]];

To configure for a live video:

NSError * error;
Builder * variantBuilder = [ONFaceStepVariantConfig builder];
[variantBuilder withVideoCaptureWithConfig:
   [[VideoStepConfiguration alloc] initWithShowIntroVideo: YES manualLivenessCapture: NO]];
[configBuilder withFaceStepOfVariant: [variantBuilder buildAndReturnError: &error]];

To configure for Motion with no fallback:

NSError * error;
Builder * variantBuilder = [ONFaceStepVariantConfig builder];
[variantBuilder withMotionWithConfig: NULL];
[configBuilder withFaceStepOfVariant: [variantBuilder buildAndReturnError: &error]];

To configure for Motion with fallback to capturing a live photo:

NSError * error;
Builder * variantBuilder = [ONFaceStepVariantConfig builder];
[variantBuilder withMotionWithConfig:
    [[MotionStepConfiguration alloc] initWithCaptureFallback:
        [[MotionStepCaptureFallback alloc] initWithPhotoFallbackWithConfiguration:
            [[PhotoStepConfiguration alloc] initWithShowSelfieIntroScreen: YES]]]];
[configBuilder withFaceStepOfVariant: [variantBuilder buildAndReturnError: &error]];

To configure for Motion with fallback to capturing a live video:

NSError * error;
Builder * variantBuilder = [ONFaceStepVariantConfig builder];
[variantBuilder withMotionWithConfig:
    [[MotionStepConfiguration alloc] initWithCaptureFallback:
        [[MotionStepCaptureFallback alloc] initWithVideoFallbackWithConfiguration:
            [[VideoStepConfiguration alloc] initWithShowIntroVideo: YES manualLivenessCapture: NO]]]];
[configBuilder withFaceStepOfVariant: [variantBuilder buildAndReturnError: &error]];

The fallback configured for Motion will be triggered if the device does not support Motion, based on minimum device and OS requirements. In the case that the device does not support Motion and no fallback is configured, an ONFlowError of case motionUnsupported will be returned through the response handler.


To configure for a live photo:

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withFaceStep(ofVariant: .photo(withConfiguration: PhotoStepConfiguration(showSelfieIntroScreen: true)))

To configure for a live video:

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withFaceStep(ofVariant: .video(withConfiguration: VideoStepConfiguration(showIntroVideo: true, manualLivenessCapture: false)))

To configure for Motion with no fallback:

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withFaceStep(ofVariant: .motion(withConfiguration: nil))

To configure for Motion with fallback to capturing a live photo:

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withFaceStep(ofVariant: .motion(withConfiguration:
                PhotoStepConfiguration(showSelfieIntroScreen: true)))))

To configure for Motion with fallback to capturing a live video:

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withFaceStep(ofVariant: .motion(withConfiguration:
                VideoStepConfiguration(showIntroVideo: true, manualLivenessCapture: false)))))
ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];

[configBuilder withSdkToken:@"YOUR_SDK_TOKEN_HERE"];
[configBuilder withWelcomeStep];
[configBuilder withDocumentStep];
NSError *variantError = NULL;
Builder * variantBuilder = [ONFaceStepVariantConfig builder];
[variantBuilder withVideoCaptureWithConfig: [[VideoStepConfiguration alloc] initWithShowIntroVideo: YES]];
[configBuilder withFaceStepOfVariant: [variantBuilder buildAndReturnError: &variantError]];

if (variantError) {
  // Handle variant config error
} else {
  NSError *configError = NULL;
  ONFlowConfig *config = [configBuilder buildAndReturnError:&configError];

  if (configError) {
      // Handle config build error
  } else {
      // use config

Proof of Address step

In the Proof of Address step, a user picks the issuing country and type of document that proves their address before capturing the document with their phone camera or uploading it.

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];
[configBuilder withSdkToken:@"YOUR_SDK_TOKEN_HERE"];
[configBuilder withProofOfAddressStep];

NSError *configError = NULL;
ONFlowConfig *config = [configBuilder buildAndReturnError:&configError];

if (configError) {
    // Handle config build error
} else {
    // use config

Enabling ePassport NFC extraction


  • This feature requires Near Field Communication Tag Reading capability in your app target. If you haven't added it before, please follow the steps in Apple's documentation.

  • You're required to have the following key in your application's Info.plist file:

<string>Required to read ePassports</string>
  • You have to include the entries below in your app target's Info.plist file to be able to read NFC tags properly.

SDK integration

Some passports contain a chip which can be accessed using Near Field Communication. The SDK provides a set of screens to extract the information contained within the chip to verify the original document is present.

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];

[configBuilder withSdkToken:@"YOUR_SDK_TOKEN_HERE"];
[configBuilder withWelcomeStep];
[configBuilder withDocumentStep];
[configBuilder withNFCReadFeatureEnabled];

NSError *configError = NULL;
ONFlowConfig *config = [configBuilder buildAndReturnError:&configError];

Creating checks with NFC

Please refer to our NFC for document report guide in our developer hub to learn how to create a check containing a document report with nfc.

Enabling Canadian Driver Licence Auto-capture (beta)

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];

[configBuilder withSdkToken:@"YOUR_SDK_TOKEN_HERE"];
[configBuilder withWelcomeStep];
[configBuilder withDocumentStep];
[configBuilder withCanadianDrivingLicenceAutoCaptureBetaFeatureEnabled];

NSError *configError = NULL;
ONFlowConfig *config = [configBuilder buildAndReturnError:&configError];

UI customization

The iOS SDK supports the customization of colors, fonts and strings used in the SDK flow. For visualizations of the available options please see our SDK customization guide.


let appearance = Appearance()
appearance.primaryColor = <DESIRED_UI_COLOR_HERE>
appearance.primaryTitleColor = <DESIRED_UI_COLOR_HERE>
appearance.secondaryTitleColor = <DESIRED_UI_COLOR_HERE>
appearance.primaryBackgroundPressedColor = <DESIRED_UI_COLOR_HERE>
appearance.secondaryBackgroundPressedColor = <DESIRED_UI_COLOR_HERE>
appearance.borderCornerRadius = <DESIRED_CGFLOAT_BORDER_RADIUS_HERE>
appearance.fontRegular = <DESIRED_FONT_NAME_HERE>
appearance.fontBold = <DESIRED_FONT_NAME_HERE>
appearance.supportDarkMode = <true | false>
appearance.captureSuccessColors = <CaptureSuccessColors object>

let configBuilder = OnfidoConfig.builder()


ONAppearance *appearance = [[ONAppearance alloc] init];
appearance.primaryColor = <DESIRED_UI_COLOR_HERE>;
appearance.primaryTitleColor = <DESIRED_UI_COLOR_HERE>;
appearance.secondaryTitleColor = <DESIRED_UI_COLOR_HERE>;
appearance.primaryBackgroundPressedColor = <DESIRED_UI_COLOR_HERE>;
appearance.secondaryBackgroundPressedColor = <DESIRED_UI_COLOR_HERE>;
appearance.buttonCornerRadius = <DESIRED_CGFLOAT_BORDER_RADIUS_HERE>;
appearance.fontRegular = <DESIRED_FONT_NAME_HERE>;
appearance.fontBold = <DESIRED_FONT_NAME_HERE>;
appearance.supportDarkMode = <true | false>;
appearance.captureSuccessColors = <CaptureSuccessColors object>;

ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];
[configBuilder withAppearance:appearance];
  • primaryColor: Defines the icon background color, button color and back navigation button color
  • primaryTitleColor: Defines the primary button text color
  • secondaryTitleColor: Defines the secondary button text and border color
  • primaryBackgroundPressedColor: Defines the primary button pressed state color
  • secondaryBackgroundPressedColor: Defines the secondary button pressed state color
  • borderCornerRadius: Defined border corner radius for all the buttons (default 5.0)
  • fontRegular: Defines the custom font name for the regular style labels
  • fontBold: Defines the custom font name for the bold style labels
  • supportDarkMode: Defines if iOS Dark Mode will be enabled on SDK screens. The value is true by default. Note: This property is applicable only for Xcode 11 and above built apps and devices running on iOS 13 and above
  • captureSuccessColors: Defines the color values for the capture screen success auto capture state
    • borderColor: Defines the border color of the area of interest in capture screen
    • tickViewImageTintColor: Defines the tick icon's tint color shown in capture screen after auto capture happens
    • tickViewBackgroundColor: Defines the tick icon's background color shown in capture screen after auto capture happens

Dark Mode only UI customisation

To just change supportDarkMode, you can use initialiser below:

let appearance = Appearance(supportDarkMode: <true|false>)
let configBuilder = OnfidoConfig.builder()
ONAppearance *appearance = [[ONAppearance alloc] initWithSupportDarkMode:<true|false>];

Language customization

The SDK supports and maintains the following 7 languages:

  • English (en) 🇬🇧
  • Spanish (es) 🇪🇸
  • French (fr) 🇫🇷
  • German (de) 🇩🇪
  • Italian (it) 🇮🇹
  • Portuguese (pt) 🇵🇹
  • Dutch (nl) 🇳🇱

The strings used within the SDK can be customised by having a Localizable.strings in your app for the desired language and by configuring the flow using withCustomLocalization() method on the configuration builder.

You can find the keys for the localizable strings under the localization directory which contains strings files for supported languages.


let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withDocumentStep(ofType: .drivingLicence(config: DrivingLicenceConfiguration(country: "GBR")))
    .withFaceStep(ofVariant: .photo(withConfiguration: nil))
    .withCustomLocalization() // will look for localizable strings in your Localizable.strings file


ONFlowConfigBuilder *configBuilder = [ONFlowConfig builder];

[configBuilder withSdkToken:@"YOUR_SDK_TOKEN_HERE"];
[configBuilder withWelcomeStep];
[configBuilder withDocumentStepOfType:ONDocumentTypeDrivingLicence andCountryCode:@"GBR"];
NSError *variantError = NULL;
Builder * variantBuilder = [ONFaceStepVariantConfig builder];
[variantBuilder withPhotoCaptureWithConfig: NULL];
[configBuilder withFaceStepOfVariant: [variantBuilder buildAndReturnError: &variantError]];

if (variantError) {
  // Handle variant config error
} else {
  [configBuilder withCustomLocalization]; // will look for localizable strings in your Localizable.strings file
  NSError *configError = NULL;
  ONFlowConfig *config = [configBuilder buildAndReturnError:&configError];

Custom languages

The SDK can also be displayed in a custom language for locales that Onfido does not currently support. You can supply full or partial translations. For any key without a translation, the supported language default will be used.

When adding custom translations, you must add the whole set of keys included in the Localizable.strings file. In particular, onfido_locale, which identifies the current locale being added. The value for this string should be the ISO 639-1 2-letter language code corresponding to the translation being added.

For example:

  • When strings file added for Russian language, the onfido_locale key should have ru as its value.
  • When strings file added for American English language (en-US), the onfido_locale key should have en as its value.

Without onfido_locale correctly included, we won't be able to determine which language the user is likely to use when doing the video liveness challenge. It may result in our inability to correctly process the video, and the check may fail.

You can name the strings file with the translated keys as you desire but the name of the file will have to be provided to the SDK as a parameter to the withCustomLocalization() method:

withCustomLocalization(andTableName: "MY_CUSTOM_STRINGS_FILE") (swift) or [configBuilder withCustomLocalizationWithTableName:@"MY_CUSTOM_STRINGS_FILE"]; (Objective-C).

Additionally you can specify the bundle from which to read the strings file:

withCustomLocalization(andTableName: "MY_CUSTOM_STRINGS_FILE", in: myBundle) (swift) [configBuilder withCustomLocalizationWithTableName:@"MY_CUSTOM_STRINGS_FILE" in: myBundle]; (Objective-C).

Note: If string translations change it will result in a MINOR version change. If you have custom translations you're responsible for testing your translated layout.

If you want a language translated you can get in touch with us at [email protected]

Creating checks

The SDK is responsible for the capture of identity documents and selfie photos and videos. It doesn't perform any checks against the Onfido API. You need to access the Onfido API in order to manage applicants and perform checks.

For a walkthrough of how to create a check with a Document and Facial Similarity report using the iOS SDK read our Mobile SDK Quick Start guide.

Read our API documentation for further details on how to create a check with the Onfido API.

Note: If you're testing with a sandbox token, please be aware that the results are pre-determined. You can learn more about sandbox responses.

Note: If you're using API v2, please refer to the API v2 to v3 migration guide for more information.

Setting up webhooks

Reports may not return results straightaway. You can set up webhooks to be notified upon completion of a check or report, or both.

User Analytics

The SDK allows you to track a user's journey through the verification process via a definable hook. This gives insight into how your users make use of the SDK screens.

Overriding the hook

In order to expose a user's progress through the SDK a hook method must be defined while creating the OnfidoFlow.swift instance using a .with(eventHandler: EventHandler) call. For example:

OnfidoFlow(withConfiguration: config)
    .with(eventHandler: {
        (event: Event) -> () in
        // Your code here

The code inside of the defined method will now be called when a particular event is triggered, usually when the user reaches a new screen. For a full list of events see tracked events.

The parameter being passed in is an OnfidoFlow.Event struct which contains the following:

eventName string < /br> Indicates the type of event. This will always be returned as "Screen" as each tracked event is a user visiting a screen.
properties dictionary < /br> Contains the specific details of an event. For example, the name of the screen visited.

Using the data

You can use the data to keep track of how many users reach each screen in your flow. You can do this by storing the number of users that reach each screen and comparing that to the number of users who reached the Welcome screen.

Tracked events

Below is the list of potential events currently being tracked by the hook:

WELCOME - User reached the "Welcome" screen
USER_CONSENT - User reached "user consent" screen
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE - User reached the "document capture" screen (for one-sided document)
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE_FRONT - User reached the "document capture" screen for the front side (for two-sided document)
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE_BACK - User reached the "document capture" screen for the back side (for two-sided document)
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE_CONFIRMATION - User reached the "document confirmation" screen (for one-sided document)
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE_CONFIRMATION_FRONT - User reached the "document confirmation" screen for the front side (for two-sided document)
DOCUMENT_CAPTURE_CONFIRMATION_BACK - User reached the "document confirmation" screen for the back side (for two-sided document)
DOCUMENT_UPLOAD - User's document is uploading
FACIAL_INTRO - User reached the "selfie intro" screen
FACIAL_CAPTURE - User reached the "selfie capture" screen
FACIAL_CAPTURE_CONFIRMATION - User reached the "selfie confirmation" screen
FACIAL_UPLOAD - User's selfie is uploading
VIDEO_FACIAL_INTRO - User reached the "liveness intro" screen
VIDEO_FACIAL_CAPTURE - User reached the "liveness video capture" screen
VIDEO_FACIAL_CAPTURE_STEP_1 - User reached the 1st challenge during "liveness video capture", challenge_type can be found in eventProperties
VIDEO_FACIAL_CAPTURE_STEP_2 - User reached the 1st challenge during "liveness video capture", challenge_type can be found in eventProperties
VIDEO_FACIAL_CAPTURE_CONFIRMATION - User reached the "liveness video confirmation" screen
VIDEO_FACIAL_UPLOAD - User's liveness video is uploading

Going live

Once you are happy with your integration and are ready to go live, please contact Client Support to obtain a live API token. You will have to replace the sandbox tokens in your code with the live tokens.

Check the following before you go live:

Size Impact

User iOS Version SDK Size Impact (MB)
12.2 and above 6.473
Below 12.2 up to 6.473* or up to 15.831**

* If the application is in Swift but doesn't include any Swift libraries that Onfido iOS SDK requires
** If the application doesn't include any Swift code, i.e. written completely in Objective-C, and Onfido iOS SDK is the only Swift library that application integrates with

Note: These calculations were performed based on a single application architecture


You can find the migration guide at


Certificate pinning

Note: Certificate pinning works only on devices running on iOS 10.3 or above.

You can pin any communications between our SDK and server through the .withCertificatePinning() method in our OnfidoConfig.Builder configuration builder. This method accepts CertificatePinningConfiguration as a parameter, with sha-256 hashes of the certificate's public keys. For more information about the hashes, please email [email protected].


    let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    do {
      config.withCertificatePinning(try CertificatePinningConfiguration(hashes: ["<EXAMPLE_HASH>"]))
    } catch {
      // handle CertificatePinningConfiguration initialisation failures. i.e Providing empty array causes initialiser to be failed.


    ONFlowConfigBuilder * builder = [ONFlowConfig builder];
    NSError * error = NULL;
    ONCertificatePinningConfiguration * pinningConf = [[ONCertificatePinningConfiguration alloc] initWithHashes: @[@"<EXAMPLE_HASH>"] error: &error]];
    if(error != NULL) {
      // handle ONCertificatePinningConfiguration initialisation failures. i.e Providing empty array causes initialiser to be failed.

    [builder withCertificatePinningConfiguration: pinningConf];


Handling certificate pinning error

To identify a certificate pinning error, check the message property of the OnfidoFlowError.exception object. It will return invalid_certificate for certificate pinning related errors.

let responseHandler: (OnfidoResponse) -> Void = { response in
  switch response {
    case let .error(error):
        // Some error happened
        if case OnfidoFlowError.exception(withError: _, withMessage: let optionalMessage) = error, let message = optionalMessage {
            if message == "invalid_certificate" {
    case let .success(results):
        // User completed the flow
        // You can create your check here
    case .cancel:
        // Flow cancelled by the user


The Onfido iOS SDK has been optimised to provide the following accessibility support by default:

  • Screen reader support: accessible labels for textual and non-textual elements available to aid VoiceOver navigation, including dynamic alerts
  • Dynamic font size support: all elements scale automatically according to the device's font size setting
  • Sufficient color contrast: default colors have been tested to meet the recommended level of contrast
  • Sufficient touch target size: all interactive elements have been designed to meet the recommended touch target size

Refer to our accessibility statement for more details.


Due to API design constraints, and to avoid possible conflicts during the integration, we bundle some of our 3rd party dependencies. For those, we include the licensing information inside our bundle and also in this repo under license folder, with the file named onfido_licenses.json. This file contains a summary of our bundled dependencies and all the licensing information required, including links to the relevant license texts contained in the same folder. Integrators of our library are then responsible for keeping this information along with their integrations.

Example on how to access the licenses:

let onfidoBundle = Bundle(for: OnfidoFlow.self)
guard let licensesPath = onfidoBundle.path(forResource: "onfido_licenses", ofType: "json", inDirectory: nil),
    let licensesData = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: licensesPath)),
    let licensesContent = String(data: licensesData, encoding: .utf8) else {


guard let mitLicensePath = onfidoBundle.path(forResource: "onfido_licenses_mit", ofType: "txt", inDirectory: nil),
    let mitLicenseData = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: mitLicensePath)),
    let mitLicenseFileContents = String(data: mitLicenseData, encoding: .utf8) else {


More Information

Sample App

We have included sample apps to show how to integrate with the Onfido iOS SDK using both Swift and Objective-C. See the SampleApp and SampleAppObjC directories for more information.


Please open an issue through GitHub. Please be as detailed as you can. Remember not to submit your token in the issue. Also check the closed issues to see whether it has been previously raised and answered.

If you have any issues that contain sensitive information please send us an email with the ISSUE: at the start of the subject to [email protected]

Previous versions of the SDK will be supported for a month after a new major version release. Note that when the support period has expired for an SDK version, no bug fixes will be provided, but the SDK will keep functioning (until further notice).

Copyright 2022 Onfido, Ltd. All rights reserved.

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].