All Projects β†’ randyviandaputra β†’ Programming Notes

randyviandaputra / Programming Notes

Semua catatan tentang teknologi dan development 😎

Programming Languages

184084 projects - #8 most used programming language

Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Programming Notes

A rapid development environment using docker for convenience.
Stars: ✭ 271 (+560.98%)
Mutual labels:  hacktoberfest, development
TakeNote is a note-taking app for the web. You can use the demo app at It is a static site without a database and does not sync your notes to the cloud. The notes are persisted temporarily in local storage, but you can download all notes in markdown format as a zip.
Stars: ✭ 5,180 (+12534.15%)
Mutual labels:  hacktoberfest, notes
The content behind Elixir School
Stars: ✭ 3,171 (+7634.15%)
Mutual labels:  hacktoberfest, programming
This repo aim to show you what to learn on the way to excellence.
Stars: ✭ 67 (+63.41%)
Mutual labels:  development, programming
Interactive Coding Challenges
120+ interactive Python coding interview challenges (algorithms and data structures). Includes Anki flashcards.
Stars: ✭ 24,317 (+59209.76%)
Mutual labels:  programming, development
Code a program in a language of your choice.
Stars: ✭ 269 (+556.1%)
Mutual labels:  hacktoberfest, programming
Simple Notes
A simple textfield for adding quick notes without ads.
Stars: ✭ 386 (+841.46%)
Mutual labels:  hacktoberfest, notes
Stars: ✭ 13 (-68.29%)
Mutual labels:  development, programming
A laboratory for learning secure web and mobile development in a practical manner.
Stars: ✭ 547 (+1234.15%)
Mutual labels:  hacktoberfest, development
A supercharged AWS command line interface (CLI).
Stars: ✭ 4,886 (+11817.07%)
Mutual labels:  programming, development
Open-source knowledge base covering topics about developer experience.
Stars: ✭ 73 (+78.05%)
Mutual labels:  development, knowledge
App Tutorial
Tutorial app which is built in the tutorial
Stars: ✭ 29 (-29.27%)
Mutual labels:  hacktoberfest, development
A curated list of blockchain resources for developers
Stars: ✭ 106 (+158.54%)
Mutual labels:  development, programming
Awesome Algorithms Education
A curated list to learning and practicing about algorithm.
Stars: ✭ 267 (+551.22%)
Mutual labels:  programming, development
Personal Wiki of Interesting things I learn every day at the intersection of software, life & stuff aka my second brain 🧠️
Stars: ✭ 41 (+0%)
Mutual labels:  knowledge, notes
Programming Books
A collection of Programming books πŸ“–
Stars: ✭ 367 (+795.12%)
Mutual labels:  hacktoberfest, programming
Semantic version generator using git commit keywords and overrides
Stars: ✭ 26 (-36.59%)
Mutual labels:  development, programming
Everything I know. My knowledge wiki. My notes (mostly for Document everything. Brain dump.
Stars: ✭ 118 (+187.8%)
Mutual labels:  knowledge, notes
#DevJoke. Submit a PR if you know a good dev joke.
Stars: ✭ 516 (+1158.54%)
Mutual labels:  hacktoberfest, programming
Meta Knowledge
πŸ’‘ A list of knowledge repositories
Stars: ✭ 676 (+1548.78%)
Mutual labels:  notes, knowledge

Programming Notes

Ini adalah kumpulan catatan tentang teknologi khususnya di bidang programming & development 😎. silahkan bagi temen-temen yang mau share catatan hasil belajar temen-temen di repo ini langsung aja fork ya 😎dan jangan lupa klik ⭐️ nya ya πŸ˜ƒ

Cara Menambahkan Catatan Baru

  • Fork repo ini, dan buat branch baru
  • PR ke branch master dari repo ini
  • Jangan menambahkan kontributor sendiri ! πŸ˜ƒ
  • Makasih buat kontribusinya, jangan lupa di share dan semoga bermanfaat

List Catatan

  1. Penulisan ES6 & Pengenalan Fitur
  2. Kenalan dengan React
  3. Memulai dengan Git

Kontak Saya


Randy Vianda Putra

Ilham Fadillah


MIT Copyright (c) 2019 - Randy Vianda Putra

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].