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ido50 / Sqlz

Licence: apache-2.0
SQL Query Builder for Go

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3204 projects

Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Sqlz

萊納 - A MySQL wrapper which might be better than the ORMs and written in Golang
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Mutual labels:  sql, query-builder, database
🐛 Statically validate Postgres SQL queries in JS / TS code and derive schemas.
Stars: ✭ 104 (+188.89%)
Mutual labels:  sql, query-builder, database
🦑 Provides SQL tagged template strings and schema definition functions.
Stars: ✭ 57 (+58.33%)
Mutual labels:  sql, query-builder, database
SQL query builder, written in c#, helps you build complex queries easily, supports SqlServer, MySql, PostgreSql, Oracle, Sqlite and Firebird
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Evolutility Server Node
Model-driven REST or GraphQL backend for CRUD and more, written in Javascript, using Node.js, Express, and PostgreSQL.
Stars: ✭ 84 (+133.33%)
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Android Orma
An ORM for Android with type-safety and painless smart migrations
Stars: ✭ 442 (+1127.78%)
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IMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie database about movies, people, characters and companies
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Aura.Sql module for Ray.Di
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Sql Streams
Painless low level jdbc abstraction using the java 8 stream api.
Stars: ✭ 17 (-52.78%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database
Pecee Pixie
Lightweight, easy-to-use querybuilder for PHP inspired by Laravel Eloquent - but with less overhead.
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Nano Sql
Universal database layer for the client, server & mobile devices. It's like Lego for databases.
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Hana sql exporter
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Mutual labels:  sql, database
Mysqldump Php
PHP version of mysqldump cli that comes with MySQL
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Mutual labels:  sql, database
Entity Relation Diagrams generation tool
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Mutual labels:  sql, database
Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
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Mutual labels:  sql, database
Entity Framework Core provider for PostgreSQL
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Mutual labels:  sql, database
Db Dumper
Dump the contents of a database
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Mirror of Apache Phoenix
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Node Pg Migrate
Node.js database migration management for Postgresql
Stars: ✭ 838 (+2227.78%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database
Express Knex Objection
A simple API system on a pg database, using knex and objection to simplify connection and management
Stars: ✭ 20 (-44.44%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database


Flexible SQL query builder for Go

sqlz (pronounced "sequelize") is an un-opinionated, un-obtrusive SQL query builder for Go projects, based on sqlx.

As opposed to other query builders, sqlz does not mean to bridge the gap between different SQL servers and implementations by providing a unified interface. Instead, it aims to support an extended SQL syntax that may be implementation-specific. For example, if you wish to use PostgreSQL-specific features such as JSON operators and upsert statements, sqlz means to support these without caring if the underlying database backend really is PostgreSQL. In other words, sqlz builds whatever queries you want it to build.

sqlz is easy to integrate into existing code, as it does not require you to create your database connections through the sqlz API; in fact, it doesn't supply one. You can either use your existing *sql.DB connection or an *sqlx.DB connection, so you can start writing new queries with sqlz without having to modify any existing code.

sqlz leverages sqlx for easy loading of query results. Please make sure you are familiar with how sqlx works in order to understand how row scanning is performed. You may need to add db struct tags to your Go structures.

sqlz provides a comfortable API for running queries in a transaction, and will automatically commit or rollback the transaction as necessary.


go get -u


Once installed, you can import sqlz into your Go packages. To build and execute queries with sqlz, you need to pass the underlying *sql.DB or *sqlx.DB objects. If using database/sql, you'll need to tell sqlz the name of the driver (so that it knows which placeholders to use when building queries); if using, this is not necessary.

package main

import (
    _ "sql driver of choice"

func main() {
    driver := "postgres"

    db, err := sql.Open(driver, "dsn")
    if err != nil {

    // find one row in the database and load it
    // into a struct variable
    var row someStruct
    err = sqlz.New(db, driver).  // if using sqlx: sqlz.Newx(dbx)
        Where(sqlz.Eq("id", 1)).
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", row)


Load one row from a table

var row someStruct
err = sqlz.New(db, driver).
    Where(Sqlz.Eq("id", 1)).

Generated SQL (disregarding placeholders):

     FROM some-table
    WHERE id = 1

Complex load of many rows with pagination

var rows []struct{
    maxVal int64
    sumCount uint64

err = sqlz.New(db, driver).
     Select("MAX(t.col1) maxVal", "SUM(t.col2) sumCount").
     From("some-table t").
     LeftJoin("other-table o", sqlz.Eq("", sqlz.Indirect(""))). // there's also RightJoin, InnerJoin, FullJoin
     GroupBy("t.col3", "t.col4").
     Having(sqlz.Gte("maxVal", 3)).
     OrderBy(sqlz.Desc("maxVal"), sqlz.Asc("sumCount")).
     Where(sqlz.Or(sqlz.Eq("t.col3", 5), sqlz.IsNotNull("t.col4"))).

Generated SQL (disregarding placeholders):

        SELECT MAX(t.col1) maxVal, SUM(t.col2) sumCount
        FROM some-table t
   LEFT JOIN other-table o ON =
       WHERE t.col3 = 5 OR t.col4 IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY t.col3, t.col4
      HAVING maxVal > 3
    ORDER BY maxVal DESC, sumCount ASC
       LIMIT 5
      OFFSET 10, 20

When paginating results, sqlz provides a nice feature to also calculate the total number of results matching the query, regardless of limiting and offsets:

var rows []struct{
    maxVal int64
    sumCount uint64

query := sqlz.New(db, driver).
     Select("MAX(t.col1) maxVal", "SUM(t.col2) sumCount").
     // rest of the query as before
count, err := query.GetCount() // returns total number of results available, regardless of limits and offsets
err = query.GetAll(&rows)      // returns actual results according to limits and offsets

Simple inserts

res, err := sqlz.New(db, driver).
    Columns("id", "name").
    Values(1, "My Name").

// res is sql.Result

Generated SQL:

INSERT INTO table (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)

Inserts with a value map

res, err := sqlz.New(db, driver).
        "id": 1,
        "name": "My Name",

Generates the same SQL as for simple inserts.

Inserts returning values

var id int64
err := sqlz.New(db, driver).
    Values("My Name").

Update rows

res, err := sqlz.New(db, driver).
    Set("col1", "some-string").
        "col2": true,
        "col3": 5,
    Where(sqlz.Eq("id", 3)).

Generated SQL:

   UPDATE table
      SET col1 = ?, col2 = ?, col3 = ?
    WHERE id = ?

Updates support the RETURNING clause just like inserts.

Delete rows

res, err := sqlz.New(db, driver).
    Where(sqlz.Eq("id", 3)).

Generated SQL:

   DELETE FROM table
         WHERE id = ?

Easy transactions

sqlz makes it easy to run multiple queries in a transaction, and will automatically rollback or commit as necessary:

    New(db, driver).
    Transactional(func(tx *sqlz.Tx) error {
        var id int64
        err := tx.
            Values("some guy").
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting row: %w", err)

        _, err = tx.
            Set("some-col", 4).
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("failed updating row: %w", err)

        return nil

If the function provided to the Transactional method returns an error, the transaction will be rolled back. Otherwise, it will be committed.

Using strings as-is in queries

If you need to compare columns, call database functions, modify columns based on their (or other's) existing values, and any place you need strings to be used as-is and not replaced with placeholders, use the Indirect function:

  • To compare two columns in a WHERE clause, use sqlz.Eq("column-one", sqlz.Indirect("column-two"))
  • To increase a column in a SET clause, use sqlz.Set("int-column", sqlz.Indirect("int-column + 1"))
  • To set a columm using a database function (e.g. LOCALTIMESTAMP), use sqlz.Set("datetime", sqlz.Indirect("LOCALTIMESTAMP"))


The only non-standard library package used is jmoiron/sqlx. The test suite, however, uses DATA-DOG/sqlmock.


sqlz was inspired by gocraft/dbr.

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].