carpentries / styles
Licence: other
Styles for The Carpentries lessons. No README to avoid merge conflicts with lessons. Demo 👇
Stars: ✠72
Programming Languages
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to styles
Introduction to Cloud Computing for Genomics
Stars: ✠13 (-81.94%)
Mutual labels: english, stable, carpentries
Data Wrangling and Processing for Genomics
Stars: ✠49 (-31.94%)
Mutual labels: english, stable, carpentries
Data Cleaning with OpenRefine for Ecologists
Stars: ✠20 (-72.22%)
Mutual labels: english, stable, carpentries
Introduction to the Command Line for Genomics
Stars: ✠54 (-25%)
Mutual labels: english, stable, carpentries
Databases and SQL
Stars: ✠59 (-18.06%)
Mutual labels: english, stable, carpentries
Programming with R
Stars: ✠142 (+97.22%)
Mutual labels: english, stable, carpentries
Library Carpentry: Introduction to Working with Data (Regular Expressions)
Stars: ✠16 (-77.78%)
Mutual labels: english, stable, carpentries
Data Management with SQL for Ecologists
Stars: ✠37 (-48.61%)
Mutual labels: english, stable, carpentries
Programming with MATLAB
Stars: ✠26 (-63.89%)
Mutual labels: english, stable, carpentries
Extra Unix Shell Material
Stars: ✠22 (-69.44%)
Mutual labels: english, stable, carpentries
Python Novice Inflammation
Programming with Python
Stars: ✠199 (+176.39%)
Mutual labels: english, stable
Workshop Template
The Carpentries Workshop Template
Stars: ✠137 (+90.28%)
Mutual labels: english, stable
Python for Atmosphere and Ocean Scientists
Stars: ✠78 (+8.33%)
Mutual labels: english, carpentries
The Organization lesson for the Reproducible Science Curriculum
Stars: ✠36 (-50%)
Mutual labels: english, carpentries
Python Ecology Lesson
Data Analysis and Visualization in Python for Ecologists
Stars: ✠116 (+61.11%)
Mutual labels: english, stable
Python Novice Gapminder
Plotting and Programming in Python
Stars: ✠109 (+51.39%)
Mutual labels: english, stable
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for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner.
If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].