All Projects → Android Livedata Viewmodel → Similar Projects or Alternatives

800 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Android Livedata Viewmodel

Simple demo of onboarding freebie screens from
Stars: ✭ 37 (-67.54%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Ktarmor Mvvm
👻 Android快速开发框架, KtArmor 寓意着 为Android 赋予战斗装甲, 方便开发者快速进行Android 开发。
Stars: ✭ 148 (+29.82%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Android App for searching for videos on Youtube by keywords using YouTube Data API and download videos from YouTube in different formats.
Stars: ✭ 25 (-78.07%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
This application created for Kotlin Everywhere series as a codelab. It will show step by step Kotlin and Android Jetpack Components fundamentals. 🚀🚀
Stars: ✭ 52 (-54.39%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Restaurants sample app built with the new architecture components (LiveData, Room, ViewModel) and Dagger 2
Stars: ✭ 47 (-58.77%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Livedata Call Adapter
A simple LiveData call adapter for retrofit
Stars: ✭ 119 (+4.39%)
Mutual labels:  okhttp, livedata
Android Architecture using Google guides
Stars: ✭ 127 (+11.4%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, livedata
Android example to show how to use Room to access SQLite database on device for reading and writing data. This example also shows how to use LiveData and ViewModel with Room to build reactive, well performing and easy to maintain applications.
Stars: ✭ 36 (-68.42%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
5 Day Forecast app that works on Android and uses latest tools (Kotlin, Navigation, Room, LiveData, Databinding, Dagger 2)
Stars: ✭ 426 (+273.68%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, viewmodel
Dagger2 Sample
A sample app to demo how to implement dagger in Android using Dagger Android Support library
Stars: ✭ 72 (-36.84%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, livedata
Android Kotlin Modulerized Cleanarchitecture
🚀 Example modularized android application with single activity written in Kotlin
Stars: ✭ 180 (+57.89%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, circleci
Android Kotlin Clean Architecture
Stars: ✭ 94 (-17.54%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, viewmodel
干货集中营 app 安卓实现,基于 RxFlux 架构使用了 RxJava、Retrofit、Glide、Koin等
Stars: ✭ 444 (+289.47%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, viewmodel
Android Mvvm Rx3 Dagger2 Navcomponent
Implemented using MVVM, LiveData, Room, RX3, Dagger2, Coil, View Binding, Navigation Component and AndroidX
Stars: ✭ 72 (-36.84%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, livedata
Awesome Third Library Source Analysis
📖 Deep understanding of popular open source library source code (optimizing...)
Stars: ✭ 866 (+659.65%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, okhttp
EasyChat是一个开源的社交类的App。主要包含消息、好友、群组等相关的IM核心功能。部分界面参照了QQ、微信等相关社交APP。EasyChat APP整体采用MVVM模式,基于JetPack(Lifecycle,LiveData,ViewModel,Room)构建
Stars: ✭ 64 (-43.86%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Mentorship Android
Mentorship System is an application that matches women in tech to mentor each other, on career development, through 1:1 relations during a certain period of time. This is the Android application of this project.
Stars: ✭ 117 (+2.63%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Mvvm Sample App
MVVM, ViewModel and LiveData Sample App
Stars: ✭ 498 (+336.84%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Pet project using Clean Architecture + MVVM + Reactive Extensions + Android Architecture Components. The data are fetched from LondonTheatreDirect API. 🎭
Stars: ✭ 577 (+406.14%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, viewmodel
[DEPRECATED. USE] Clean Android architecture guidelines that are based on MVVM + Offline 1st approach with LiveData and Room
Stars: ✭ 73 (-35.96%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, livedata
working with Stack OverFlow Api
Stars: ✭ 24 (-78.95%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
T Mvvm
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVVM architecture using LiveData,ViewModel,Retrofit,Rxjava
Stars: ✭ 630 (+452.63%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Instant Weather
An Android weather application implemented using the MVVM pattern, Retrofit2, Dagger2, LiveData, ViewModel, Coroutines, Room, Navigation Components, Data Binding and some other libraries from the Android Jetpack.
Stars: ✭ 473 (+314.91%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2, livedata
Reactive Mvvm Android
My way to MVVM using KotlinX Coroutines and Android data-binding
Stars: ✭ 626 (+449.12%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Android Mvvm Coroutine
Kotlin android application example with MVVM pattern, android architecture, kotlin coroutine, unit test, and UI test
Stars: ✭ 111 (-2.63%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel, livedata
Condition Circle
Checks CircleCI environment before publishing successful build using semantic-release
Stars: ✭ 32 (-71.93%)
Mutual labels:  circleci
Android App Architecture Mvvm Databinding
A simple but complete project (in both Java & Kotlin) to demonstrate the Android application architecture with MVVM pattern, a client app for The Movie DB Web API. Dagger2 is used for dependency injection and RxJava is used for RFP (Reactive Functional Programming).
Stars: ✭ 69 (-39.47%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
a powerful android network library base on okhttp
Stars: ✭ 32 (-71.93%)
Mutual labels:  okhttp
Lightweight native iOS MVVM framework
Stars: ✭ 92 (-19.3%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel
Market tech challenge
A best use case Android application sample with latest patterns. This app is developer as part of Tech Challenge.
Stars: ✭ 31 (-72.81%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
RankMusic音乐排行榜 一个使用kotlin 语言开发的android项目。
Stars: ✭ 30 (-73.68%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
A JUnit rule to easily override Dagger 2 objects
Stars: ✭ 1,156 (+914.04%)
Mutual labels:  espresso
Statussaver For Whatsapp
A simple app to save Whatsapp Status Images! Developed using MVP, rxJava, Dagger2 etc.
Stars: ✭ 30 (-73.68%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
Android Kotlin Boilerplate
This project demonstrates Android Architecture Components (Viewodel, Livedata) and Dagger for dependency Injection in Kotlin
Stars: ✭ 28 (-75.44%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
Kotlin Espresso Sample
MVP Android project that uses Espresso instrumentation tests and Robolectric. All written in Kotlin.
Stars: ✭ 104 (-8.77%)
Mutual labels:  espresso
如艺术一般优雅,像 1、2、3 一样简单,前后端通用,轻量却强大的 HTTP 客户端(同时支持 WebSocket 与 Stomp 协议)
Stars: ✭ 92 (-19.3%)
Mutual labels:  okhttp
An OkHttp interceptor which has pretty logger for request and response. +Mock support
Stars: ✭ 1,149 (+907.89%)
Mutual labels:  okhttp
Mvp With Dagger 2.11
Stars: ✭ 20 (-82.46%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
Multi Threadeddownload
仿喜马拉雅 安卓版,音乐播放器 在线下载 多进程通信aidl
Stars: ✭ 66 (-42.11%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
A pure shopping App based on Kotlin + ARouter + MVP + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Dagger2 + 七牛云 + Glide
Stars: ✭ 20 (-82.46%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
Silvia Pi
A Raspberry Pi modification to the Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine implementing PID temperature control.
Stars: ✭ 91 (-20.18%)
Mutual labels:  espresso
Simple Example Dagger Android
Example repository displaying the usage of Dagger's new Android injection
Stars: ✭ 13 (-88.6%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
Simple Dribbble Client using Dribbble API, fully written in Kotlin 😱 ❤️
Stars: ✭ 872 (+664.91%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
Stars: ✭ 108 (-5.26%)
Mutual labels:  livedata
A kotlin library to simplify how to do espresso tests on Android.
Stars: ✭ 104 (-8.77%)
Mutual labels:  espresso
👕基于MVVMHabit框架,结合阿里ARouter打造的一套Android MVVM组件化开发方案
Stars: ✭ 857 (+651.75%)
Mutual labels:  okhttp
Getting started with Espresso Unit Testing
Stars: ✭ 10 (-91.23%)
Mutual labels:  espresso
AvenueNet 是一个基于 Retrofit 二次封装的网络请求库,使用 Rxjava 的链式调用方式,二次封装的目的是为了对请求数据的正确性以及错误状态做统一的处理,对 Retrofit 对象做管理,有点为业务而生的味道,并非纯正的网络请求库
Stars: ✭ 10 (-91.23%)
Mutual labels:  okhttp
Dagger dependency graph generator for Android Developers
Stars: ✭ 1,140 (+900%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
Android 程序员需要掌握的技术栈:数据结构算法、程序架构、设计模式、性能优化、插件化、热更新、Kotlin、NDK、Jetpack,以及常用的开源框架源码分析如 Flutter、Router、RxJava、Glide、LeakCanary、Dagger2、Retrofit、OkHttp、ButterKnife 等
Stars: ✭ 849 (+644.74%)
Mutual labels:  okhttp
👊 持续更新,Java Android 近几年最全面的技术点以及面试题 供自己学习使用
Stars: ✭ 841 (+637.72%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
Android Http网络开发神兵利器
Stars: ✭ 88 (-22.81%)
Mutual labels:  okhttp
Hello Mvp
A small MVP Android project
Stars: ✭ 65 (-42.98%)
Mutual labels:  dagger2
😠⚔️😈 A minimalistic 2D turn-based tactical game in Rust
Stars: ✭ 940 (+724.56%)
Mutual labels:  circleci
Kodein Mvvm
Example app using Kodein for dependency injection with MVVM and Architecture Components
Stars: ✭ 26 (-77.19%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel
Android Okgraphql
Reactive GraphQl client for Android
Stars: ✭ 64 (-43.86%)
Mutual labels:  okhttp
Elegant library to manage the interactions between view and model in Swift
Stars: ✭ 26 (-77.19%)
Mutual labels:  viewmodel
Android Permission lib PowerPermission makes handling runtime permissions extremely easy.
Stars: ✭ 103 (-9.65%)
Mutual labels:  livedata
Kotlin Networking
Kotlin Networking - An elegant networking library written in Kotlin
Stars: ✭ 88 (-22.81%)
Mutual labels:  okhttp
Material design、MVC、OKHttp、Glide、greendao 设计的一款面试题题库的app完整项目
Stars: ✭ 25 (-78.07%)
Mutual labels:  okhttp
121-180 of 800 similar projects