All Projects → Doubanmovie → Similar Projects or Alternatives

753 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Doubanmovie

基于谷歌最新AAC架构,MVVM设计模式的一套快速开发库,整合ViewModel+Lifecycles+Navigation+DataBinding+LiveData+Okhttp+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide等主流模块,满足日常开发需求。使用该框架可以快速开发高质量、易维护的Android应用。 项目组会持续维护,请放心使用.欢迎Start并Fork交流.
Stars: ✭ 382 (+82.78%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
一个尽量做到极致的集大成App,努力做到最好(开发阶段)——MVVM+Retrofit+RxJava+Small 插件化+单元测试+MD
Stars: ✭ 1,011 (+383.73%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
Weather App that uses Android best practices. Android Jetpack, clean architecture. Written in Kotlin
Stars: ✭ 154 (-26.32%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
神奇宝贝 (PokemonGo) 基于 Jetpack + MVVM + Repository 设计模式 + Data Mapper + Kotlin Flow 的实战项目,如果这个仓库对你有帮助,请仓库右上角帮我 star 一下,非常感谢。
Stars: ✭ 848 (+305.74%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
Stars: ✭ 374 (+78.95%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
MVVM 框架,采用 Kotlin+Jetpack,可自由配置功能,欢迎 star,fork,issue
Stars: ✭ 159 (-23.92%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
🏄 基于Architecture Components dependencies (Lifecycles,LiveData,ViewModel,Room)构建的WanAndroid开源项目。 你值得拥有的MVVM快速开发框架:
Stars: ✭ 410 (+96.17%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
Android MVVM Architecture Components based on MVPArms and Android Architecture Components.
Stars: ✭ 425 (+103.35%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
goldze: 本人喜欢尝试新的技术,以后发现有好用的东西,我将会在企业项目中实战,没有问题了就会把它引入到MVVMHabit中,一直维护着这套框架,谢谢各位朋友的支持。如果觉得这套框架不错的话,麻烦点个 star,你的支持则是我前进的动力!
Stars: ✭ 6,789 (+3148.33%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
❤️ A sample Marvel heroes application based on MVVM (ViewModel, Coroutines, LiveData, Room, Repository, Koin) architecture.
Stars: ✭ 826 (+295.22%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
🔥🔥 Kotlin Jetpack zero to hero. 新手到高手
Stars: ✭ 264 (+26.32%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
🏰 MVVMFrame for Android 是一个基于Google官方推出的Architecture Components dependencies(现在叫JetPack){ Lifecycle,LiveData,ViewModel,Room } 构建的快速开发框架。有了MVVMFrame的加持,从此构建一个MVVM模式的项目变得快捷简单。
Stars: ✭ 218 (+4.31%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
Android Mvp Mvvm Flytour
🔥🔥🔥 FlyTour是Android MVVM+MVP+Dagger2+Retrofit+RxJava+组件化+插件组成的双编码架构+双工程架构+双语言Android应用开发框架,通过不断的升级迭代该框架已经有了十个不同的版本,5.0之前工程架构采用gradle配置实现组件化,5.0之后的工程架构采用VirtualAPK实现了插件化,5.0之前采用Java编码实现,5.0之后采用Kotlin编码实现,编码架构由MVVM和MVP组成,工程架构和编码架构及编码语言开发者可根据自己具体的项目实际需求去决定选择使用,该框架是Android组件化、Android插件化、Android MVP架构、Android MVVM架构的集大成者,帮助你快速的搭建自己的App项目开发框架,以便把主要的精…
Stars: ✭ 2,948 (+1310.53%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
Jetpack github
基于Kotlin + Jetpack全家桶 + Coroutines(协程) + Flutter等架构实现的一款精简版Github客户端项目,望与广大小伙伴一起成长,欢迎start or fork!
Stars: ✭ 314 (+50.24%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2, databinding
🔥🔥🔥 Kotlin + MVVM + LCE版玩安卓,暗黑模式、横竖屏、无网、弱网、无数据、加载失败等等各种情况,协程、Room、Hilt、DataStore、LiveData、Retrofit、屏幕适配、本地缓存、多语言切换、多 lib,你想要的我都有!!!
Stars: ✭ 414 (+98.09%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Android Mvvm
MVVM on Android using RxJava and Data Binding
Stars: ✭ 443 (+111.96%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Stars: ✭ 199 (-4.78%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Mvvm Android
Build MVVM APP With Kotlin,完整示例见PaoNet
Stars: ✭ 184 (-11.96%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
🗡️ 云阅:一款基于网易云音乐UI,使用玩Android Api,Retrofit2 + RxJava2 + Room + MVVM-databinding架构开发的Android客户端
Stars: ✭ 4,611 (+2106.22%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
People Mvvm
Sample created to practice MVVM and DataBinding in Android Applications.
Stars: ✭ 660 (+215.79%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Jetpack Mvvm Best Practice
是 难得一见 的 Jetpack MVVM 最佳实践!在 以简驭繁 的代码中,对 视图控制器 乃至 标准化开发模式 形成正确、深入的理解!
Stars: ✭ 6,950 (+3225.36%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Coroutines Flows Modularised
Clean Architecture Modular Project: MVVM + Coroutines+ Flows + Dagger2 + LiveData + UnitTests + UITests + MockWebServer
Stars: ✭ 166 (-20.57%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
👕基于MVVMHabit框架,结合阿里ARouter打造的一套Android MVVM组件化开发方案
Stars: ✭ 857 (+310.05%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Repository that showcases 3 different Android app architectures, all with Java and Kotlin versions: "Standard Android", MVP and MVVM. The exact same app is built 6 times following the different patterns.
Stars: ✭ 20 (-90.43%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Jetpack MVVM For Wanandroid 最佳实践 !
Stars: ✭ 1,004 (+380.38%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Loxodon Framework
An MVVM & Databinding framework that can use C# and Lua to develop games
Stars: ✭ 802 (+283.73%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Blockchain Tracker
A blockchain market tracking app. Example implementation of reactive clean architecture and testing.
Stars: ✭ 30 (-85.65%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Anko Core
基于Kotlin+Anko+协程+Retrofit2的demo,完全采用anko DSL布局,也可以作为Android快速开发框架,大量常用工具类,扩展函数
Stars: ✭ 189 (-9.57%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
A sample Android gallery to search images posted on Reddit built using modern Android development tools (Architecture Components, MVVM, Coroutines, Flow, Navigation, Retrofit, Room, Koin)
Stars: ✭ 153 (-26.79%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Instant Weather
An Android weather application implemented using the MVVM pattern, Retrofit2, Dagger2, LiveData, ViewModel, Coroutines, Room, Navigation Components, Data Binding and some other libraries from the Android Jetpack.
Stars: ✭ 473 (+126.32%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2, databinding
Mvvm Juejin
高仿"掘金Android App": databinding + kotlin + rx 的优雅实践。(持续打磨中~)
Stars: ✭ 403 (+92.82%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Local Db Cache Retrofit Rest Api Mvvm
App that interacts with a REST API using Retrofit. There is a local db cache and architecture is MVVM
Stars: ✭ 171 (-18.18%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Sample Offline-First MVVM app that uses Android Priority Job Queue, Room, Retrofit2, LiveData, LifecycleObserver, RxJava2, Dagger Android
Stars: ✭ 653 (+212.44%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Upcoming Games
Android app for viewing release dates and other details for every video game ever made.
Stars: ✭ 65 (-68.9%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Kodein Mvvm
Example app using Kodein for dependency injection with MVVM and Architecture Components
Stars: ✭ 26 (-87.56%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Base Mvvm
App built to showcase basic Android View components like ViewPager, RecyclerView(homogeneous and heterogeneous items), NavigationDrawer, Animated Vector Drawables, Collapsing Toolbar Layout etc. housed in a MVVM architecture
Stars: ✭ 18 (-91.39%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Moviefinderusingmvvm Android
🔥 MVVM + Clean Architecture + Best Practices | 🍿Movie Finder is a sample Android application 📱to search movies using OMDb API which is built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Kodein, Architecture Components, MVVM, Retrofit, Gson, Material Components) 😊😊😉
Stars: ✭ 66 (-68.42%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Android App Architecture Mvvm Databinding
A simple but complete project (in both Java & Kotlin) to demonstrate the Android application architecture with MVVM pattern, a client app for The Movie DB Web API. Dagger2 is used for dependency injection and RxJava is used for RFP (Reactive Functional Programming).
Stars: ✭ 69 (-66.99%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Stocker is a currency monitoring app. It offers instant currency rates of banks.
Stars: ✭ 38 (-81.82%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Android App Template
Kickstart your new project with Android App Template (Kotlin + MVVM + AAC + Dagger 2 + Retrofit 2 + RxJava)
Stars: ✭ 34 (-83.73%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Kotlin Architecture Components Notes Demo
Example of Android Architecture Components which implements MVVM Pattern and written in Kotlin
Stars: ✭ 103 (-50.72%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Its a playground application focusing on Paging3, MVVM architecture, Kotlin Extension functions, Retrofit, DSL, Navigation component, MotionLayout, SharedElementTransition, Single Activity Architecture, DataStore etc.
Stars: ✭ 78 (-62.68%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
🧙🏻 Sample HarryPotter application based on MVVM architecture (ViewModel, LiveData, Repository, Coroutines, Koin or Dagger-Hilt)
Stars: ✭ 116 (-44.5%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Mentorship Android
Mentorship System is an application that matches women in tech to mentor each other, on career development, through 1:1 relations during a certain period of time. This is the Android application of this project.
Stars: ✭ 117 (-44.02%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Android Architecture Components Mvvm Retrofit Java
This repository contains Android Architecture Components ( LiveData , View Model and MVVM pattern with retrofit for consuming rest api )
Stars: ✭ 63 (-69.86%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
🐔🏀一个Jetpack结合MVVM的快速开发框架,基于MVVM模式集成谷歌官方推荐的JetPack组件库:LiveData、ViewModel、Lifecycle、Navigation组件 使用Kotlin语言,添加大量拓展函数,简化代码 加入Retrofit网络请求,协程,帮你简化各种操作,让你快速开发项目
Stars: ✭ 1,100 (+426.32%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Business Search App Java
Showcases object oriented programming in Java, Java Swing, Kotlin, and Android
Stars: ✭ 53 (-74.64%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
[DEPRECATED]Badass MVVM architecture.
Stars: ✭ 84 (-59.81%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Price Tracker
Price Tracking Application - An experimental Kotlin Android project with complex android app requirements.
Stars: ✭ 80 (-61.72%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Mvvm Kotlin Android Architecture
MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + Kotlin Flow + mockK + Espresso + Junit5
Stars: ✭ 1,014 (+385.17%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Android Architecture using Google guides
Stars: ✭ 127 (-39.23%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
🔥Android Github客户端,基于组件化开发,支持账户密码与认证登陆。使用Kotlin语言进行开发,项目架构是基于JetPack&DataBinding的MVVM;项目中使用了Arouter、Retrofit、Coroutine、Glide、Dagger与Hilt等流行开源技术。
Stars: ✭ 128 (-38.76%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
The Movie Db Kotlin
The Movie DB app using Kotlin with updated Android features
Stars: ✭ 176 (-15.79%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Android Clean Architecture Mvvm Dagger Rx
Implemented by Clean Architecture, Dagger2, MVVM, LiveData, RX, Retrofit2, Room, Anko
Stars: ✭ 138 (-33.97%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Modular App Core
Core implementations for a modular Android App
Stars: ✭ 127 (-39.23%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
🧬 Android DataBinding kit for notifying data changes from Model layers to UI layers on MVVM architecture.
Stars: ✭ 130 (-37.8%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
It simply loads Posts data from API and stores it in persistence storage (i.e. SQLite Database). Posts will be always loaded from local database. Remote data (from API) and Local data is always synchronized.
Stars: ✭ 1,940 (+828.23%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
Android Vmlib
VMLib is an Android framework based on Android Jetpack, easy to use, desinged for fast development. Embrace the new way devloping Android :)
Stars: ✭ 146 (-30.14%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Android Jetpack Demo
🔥 快速入门Android Jetpack以及相关Kotlin、RxJava、MVVM等主流技术,独立构架App的基础技能
Stars: ✭ 335 (+60.29%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, databinding
Android 技术中台,但愿人长久,搬砖不再有
Stars: ✭ 4,398 (+2004.31%)
Mutual labels:  mvvm, retrofit2
1-60 of 753 similar projects