ArraymancerA fast, ergonomic and portable tensor library in Nim with a deep learning focus for CPU, GPU and embedded devices via OpenMP, Cuda and OpenCL backends
Stars: ✭ 793 (+343.02%)
gardeniaGARDENIA: Graph Analytics Repository for Designing Efficient Next-generation Accelerators
Stars: ✭ 22 (-87.71%)
learn-gpgpuAlgorithms implemented in CUDA + resources about GPGPU
Stars: ✭ 37 (-79.33%)
articThe AlteRnaTive Impala Compiler
Stars: ✭ 16 (-91.06%)
BlendluxcoreBlender Integration for LuxCore
Stars: ✭ 287 (+60.34%)
EtalerA flexable HTM (Hierarchical Temporal Memory) framework with full GPU support.
Stars: ✭ 79 (-55.87%)
AccelerateEmbedded language for high-performance array computations
Stars: ✭ 751 (+319.55%)
ParenchymaAn extensible HPC framework for CUDA, OpenCL and native CPU.
Stars: ✭ 71 (-60.34%)
gpuowlGPU Mersenne primality test.
Stars: ✭ 77 (-56.98%)
hpcLearning and practice of high performance computing (CUDA, Vulkan, OpenCL, OpenMP, TBB, SSE/AVX, NEON, MPI, coroutines, etc. )
Stars: ✭ 39 (-78.21%)
MOTMulti-threaded Optimization Toolbox
Stars: ✭ 28 (-84.36%)
KernelsThis is a set of simple programs that can be used to explore the features of a parallel platform.
Stars: ✭ 287 (+60.34%)
BohriumAutomatic parallelization of Python/NumPy, C, and C++ codes on Linux and MacOSX
Stars: ✭ 209 (+16.76%)
boxtreeQuad/octree building for FMMs in Python and OpenCL
Stars: ✭ 52 (-70.95%)
CUDAfy.NETCUDAfy .NET allows easy development of high performance GPGPU applications completely from the .NET. It's developed in C#.
Stars: ✭ 56 (-68.72%)
HipsyclImplementation of SYCL for CPUs, AMD GPUs, NVIDIA GPUs
Stars: ✭ 377 (+110.61%)
PyopenclOpenCL integration for Python, plus shiny features
Stars: ✭ 790 (+341.34%)
opensbliA framework for the automated derivation and parallel execution of finite difference solvers on a range of computer architectures.
Stars: ✭ 56 (-68.72%)
Trisycl Generic system-wide modern C++ for heterogeneous platforms with SYCL from Khronos Group
Stars: ✭ 354 (+97.77%)
LuxcoreLuxCore source repository
Stars: ✭ 601 (+235.75%)
OpenPHParallel reduction of boundary matrices for Persistent Homology with CUDA
Stars: ✭ 14 (-92.18%)
PyMFEMPython wrapper for MFEM
Stars: ✭ 91 (-49.16%)
BayaderaHigh-performance Bayesian Data Analysis on the GPU in Clojure
Stars: ✭ 342 (+91.06%)
ClojureclClojureCL is a Clojure library for parallel computations with OpenCL.
Stars: ✭ 266 (+48.6%)
NeanderthalFast Clojure Matrix Library
Stars: ✭ 927 (+417.88%)
Autodock GpuAutoDock for GPUs and other accelerators
Stars: ✭ 65 (-63.69%)
CekirdeklerMulti-device OpenCL kernel load balancer and pipeliner API for C#. Uses shared-distributed memory model to keep GPUs updated fast while using same kernel on all devices(for simplicity).
Stars: ✭ 76 (-57.54%)
ClvkExperimental implementation of OpenCL on Vulkan
Stars: ✭ 158 (-11.73%)
dlprimitivesDeep Learning Primitives and Mini-Framework for OpenCL
Stars: ✭ 65 (-63.69%)
DtcraftA High-performance Cluster Computing Engine
Stars: ✭ 122 (-31.84%)
Dicom⚡High Performance DICOM Medical Image Parser in Go.
Stars: ✭ 643 (+259.22%)
OpenclgaA Python Library for Genetic Algorithm on OpenCL
Stars: ✭ 103 (-42.46%)
PrimitivA Neural Network Toolkit.
Stars: ✭ 164 (-8.38%)
Ngsolve Netgen/NGSolve is a high performance multiphysics finite element software. It is widely used to analyze models from solid mechanics, fluid dynamics and electromagnetics. Due to its flexible Python interface new physical equations and solution algorithms can be implemented easily.
Stars: ✭ 171 (-4.47%)
StaintoolsTools for tissue image stain normalisation and augmentation in Python 3
Stars: ✭ 164 (-8.38%)
ComputelibraryThe Compute Library is a set of computer vision and machine learning functions optimised for both Arm CPUs and GPUs using SIMD technologies.
Stars: ✭ 2,123 (+1086.03%)
GpufitGPU-accelerated Levenberg-Marquardt curve fitting in CUDA
Stars: ✭ 174 (-2.79%)
SamraiStructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Application Infrastructure - a scalable C++ framework for block-structured AMR application development
Stars: ✭ 160 (-10.61%)
KhivaAn open-source library of algorithms to analyse time series in GPU and CPU.
Stars: ✭ 161 (-10.06%)
Koel🐦 A personal music streaming server that works.
Stars: ✭ 13,105 (+7221.23%)
PelemayPelemay is a native compiler for Elixir, which generates SIMD instructions. It has a plan to generate for GPU code.
Stars: ✭ 161 (-10.06%)
Future.apply🚀 R package: future.apply - Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
Stars: ✭ 159 (-11.17%)
HstreamThe streaming database built for IoT data storage and real-time processing in the 5G Era
Stars: ✭ 166 (-7.26%)
LiftbridgeLightweight, fault-tolerant message streams.
Stars: ✭ 2,175 (+1115.08%)
LogstashLogstash - transport and process your logs, events, or other data
Stars: ✭ 12,543 (+6907.26%)
Medical TransformerPytorch Code for "Medical Transformer: Gated Axial-Attention for Medical Image Segmentation"
Stars: ✭ 153 (-14.53%)
OnyxDistributed, masterless, high performance, fault tolerant data processing
Stars: ✭ 2,019 (+1027.93%)
ClojurecudaClojure library for CUDA development
Stars: ✭ 158 (-11.73%)
DolfinxNext generation FEniCS problem solving environment
Stars: ✭ 171 (-4.47%)
Montecarlomeasurements.jlPropagation of distributions by Monte-Carlo sampling: Real number types with uncertainty represented by samples.
Stars: ✭ 168 (-6.15%)
Smart openUtils for streaming large files (S3, HDFS, gzip, bz2...)
Stars: ✭ 2,306 (+1188.27%)
AkkaBuild highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM
Stars: ✭ 11,938 (+6569.27%)
Tvm MaliOptimizing Mobile Deep Learning on ARM GPU with TVM
Stars: ✭ 156 (-12.85%)
Render MediaIntelligently render media files in the browser
Stars: ✭ 181 (+1.12%)
VisvisVisvis - the object oriented approach to visualization
Stars: ✭ 180 (+0.56%)