SharedropEasy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC - inspired by Apple AirDrop
Stars: ✭ 5,222 (+773.24%)
Stars: ✭ 1,757 (+193.81%)
ipfs-chatReal-time P2P messenger using go-ipfs pubsub. TUI. End-to-end encrypted texting & file-sharing. NAT traversal.
Stars: ✭ 84 (-85.95%)
0x MeshA peer-to-peer network for sharing 0x orders
Stars: ✭ 149 (-75.08%)
FilegogoA file transfer tool that can be used in the browser webrtc p2p
Stars: ✭ 117 (-80.43%)
Rn Voice Video CallUsage of WebRTC for voice & video call with peer-to-peer or conference with Login and Register screen using response & Async storage with Call Dis/Connect, Failed and Idle views in react native. Youtube:
Stars: ✭ 100 (-83.28%)
NetsixNetsix allows you to share videos with your friends in a real peer-to-peer manner using WebRTC.
Stars: ✭ 113 (-81.1%)
PartyshareA free, open source file sharing application, built on the peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol IPFS.
Stars: ✭ 131 (-78.09%)
FigoP2P file transfer utility
Stars: ✭ 88 (-85.28%)
CrocEasily and securely send things from one computer to another 🐊 📦
Stars: ✭ 17,834 (+2882.27%)
Syncthing MacosFrugal and native macOS Syncthing application bundle
Stars: ✭ 1,096 (+83.28%)
portal🔗 zero-config peer-to-peer encrypted live folder syncing that respects your `.gitignore`
Stars: ✭ 284 (-52.51%)
DiztlShare, discover & download files in your network 💥
Stars: ✭ 162 (-72.91%)
CamusPeer-to-peer group video chat using WebRTC, Python, and Javascript
Stars: ✭ 75 (-87.46%)
LaplaceLaplace is an open-source project to enable screen sharing directly via browser. Based on WebRTC for low latency peer-to-peer connections, and WebSocket implemented in golang for signaling.
Stars: ✭ 81 (-86.45%)
StunA Go implementation of STUN
Stars: ✭ 141 (-76.42%)
IceA Go implementation of ICE
Stars: ✭ 114 (-80.94%)
Peer To Peer Cue SystemCue system for simple two-way communication and visual signaling using a PeerJS peer-to-peer connection.
Stars: ✭ 190 (-68.23%)
Pcp📦 Command line peer-to-peer data transfer tool based on libp2p.
Stars: ✭ 687 (+14.88%)
Wave ShareServerless, peer-to-peer, local file sharing through sound
Stars: ✭ 1,641 (+174.41%)
Airdcpp WebclientCommunal peer-to-peer file sharing application for file servers/NAS devices
Stars: ✭ 106 (-82.27%)
Oorja[archived] effortless video-voice chat with realtime collaborative features. extensible using react components 🙌
Stars: ✭ 270 (-54.85%)
PearsendA simple CLI client for peer-to-peer file or message sending. Written in Python
Stars: ✭ 35 (-94.15%)
Decentralized Video Chat🚀 Zipcall- Acquired @ 250k users 🚀 Peer to peer browser video calling platform with unmatched video quality and latency.
Stars: ✭ 3,284 (+449.16%)
Trango Self HostedHost trango and communicate with those around you without the internet!
Stars: ✭ 164 (-72.58%)
Video MeetingGoogle Meet / Zoom clone in a few lines of code
Stars: ✭ 187 (-68.73%)
WebdropEasiest group P2P File & Message transfer in browser with WebRTC 🔥. Cross-platform alternative to Apple's AirDrop, Xender, ShareIT with the same speed over LAN. No installation, just a website :)
Stars: ✭ 119 (-80.1%)
Uproxy P2pInternet without borders
Stars: ✭ 798 (+33.44%)
Filedrop Web📲 WebRTC file transfer - React/TypeScript front end.
Stars: ✭ 375 (-37.29%)
P2p Cdn Sdk JavascriptFree p2p cdn github javascript sdk to reduce video streaming costs of live and on demand video using webrtc by upto 90% and improve scalability by 6x - 🚀 Vadootv 🚀
Stars: ✭ 158 (-73.58%)
IwantCommandline tool for searching and downloading files in LAN network, without any central server
Stars: ✭ 268 (-55.18%)
Wt TrackerHigh-performance WebTorrent tracker
Stars: ✭ 144 (-75.92%)
HyperhostP2P Node Servers in the Browser
Stars: ✭ 46 (-92.31%)
WebrtcPure Go implementation of the WebRTC API
Stars: ✭ 8,399 (+1304.52%)
LavernaLaverna is a JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. Consider it like open source alternative to Evernote.
Stars: ✭ 8,770 (+1366.56%)
Peer CallsGroup peer to peer video calls for everyone written in Go and TypeScript
Stars: ✭ 837 (+39.97%)
Nes RustNES emulator written in Rust + WASM
Stars: ✭ 141 (-76.42%)
Pychatwebchat via WebSockets/WebRTC that allows messaging/video call/screen sharing
Stars: ✭ 152 (-74.58%)
ShareazaShareaza is a peer-to-peer client for Windows that allows you to download any file-type found on several popular P2P networks.
Stars: ✭ 103 (-82.78%)
LibdatachannelC/C++ WebRTC Data Channels and Media Transport standalone library
Stars: ✭ 336 (-43.81%)🌠 Blazing fast file transfer app focused on user-experience. Fastest way to share files without uploading them.
Stars: ✭ 419 (-29.93%)
ZwitterionA web dev server that lets you import anything*
Stars: ✭ 514 (-14.05%)
UnoBuild Mobile, Desktop and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML. Today. Open source and professionally supported.
Stars: ✭ 6,029 (+908.19%)
Stars: ✭ 512 (-14.38%)
Element BlazorA Web UI Library based on Element and Blazor WebAssembly.
Stars: ✭ 585 (-2.17%)
Webtorrent⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web
Stars: ✭ 25,554 (+4173.24%)
DetectrtcDetectRTC is a tiny JavaScript library that can be used to detect WebRTC features e.g. system having speakers, microphone or webcam, screen capturing is supported, number of audio/video devices etc.
Stars: ✭ 509 (-14.88%)
Tesseract.jsPure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
Stars: ✭ 25,246 (+4121.74%)
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Webrtc Sdk CAmazon Kinesis Video Streams Webrtc SDK is for developers to install and customize realtime communication between devices and enable secure streaming of video, audio to Kinesis Video Streams.
Stars: ✭ 503 (-15.89%)
SonobusSource code for SonoBus, a real-time network audio streaming collaboration tool.
Stars: ✭ 586 (-2.01%)
Janus Webrtc Gateway DockerPerfect Docker Image for Media Streaming Expert User ( )
Stars: ✭ 582 (-2.68%)
LndLightning Network Daemon ⚡️
Stars: ✭ 5,623 (+840.3%)
Aws Lex Web UiSample Amazon Lex chat bot web interface
Stars: ✭ 500 (-16.39%)
AirshareCross-platform content sharing in a local network
Stars: ✭ 497 (-16.89%)
PyodidePyodide is a Python distribution for the browser and Node.js based on WebAssembly
Stars: ✭ 7,087 (+1085.12%)