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486 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Giftsurfaceview

The Xamarin Community Toolkit is a collection of Animations, Behaviors, Converters, and Effects for mobile development with Xamarin.Forms. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building iOS, Android, and UWP apps with Xamarin.Forms.
Stars: ✭ 1,189 (+421.49%)
Mutual labels:  effects
Android P2p Engine
Let your viewers become your unlimitedly scalable CDN.
Stars: ✭ 70 (-69.3%)
Mutual labels:  live
Baffects.js is a library adaptation in JavaScript for Adobe After Effects of the Processing language. It allows for most of the functionality included in Processing to be used natively in After Effects, plus a custom workflow to enhance productivity in After Effects.
Stars: ✭ 141 (-38.16%)
Mutual labels:  effects
Example Datasets
Demo Data for ArangoDB
Stars: ✭ 68 (-70.18%)
Mutual labels:  move
Extensible Effects
Extensible Effects: An Alternative to Monad Transformers
Stars: ✭ 167 (-26.75%)
Mutual labels:  effects
EasyChat是一个开源的社交类的App。主要包含消息、好友、群组等相关的IM核心功能。部分界面参照了QQ、微信等相关社交APP。EasyChat APP整体采用MVVM模式,基于JetPack(Lifecycle,LiveData,ViewModel,Room)构建
Stars: ✭ 64 (-71.93%)
Mutual labels:  room
Android Clean Architecture Mvvm Dagger Rx
Implemented by Clean Architecture, Dagger2, MVVM, LiveData, RX, Retrofit2, Room, Anko
Stars: ✭ 138 (-39.47%)
Mutual labels:  room
React Scrolling Effect
Scrolling Effect Concept
Stars: ✭ 64 (-71.93%)
Mutual labels:  effects
Live Video Study Notes
📺 整理前端视频直播相关技术的笔记,适合想入门前端流媒体技术的人阅读
Stars: ✭ 192 (-15.79%)
Mutual labels:  live
Android tmdb clean architecture
Showcase of clean architecture concepts along with Continuous Integration and Development for modular Android applications. Includes test suits (functional and unit tests) along with code coverage.
Stars: ✭ 63 (-72.37%)
Mutual labels:  room
A helper library to help using Room with existing pre-populated database [DEPRECATED].
Stars: ✭ 138 (-39.47%)
Mutual labels:  room
Algebraic effects and handlers using generators
Stars: ✭ 58 (-74.56%)
Mutual labels:  effects
Android Collectiondemo
Stars: ✭ 166 (-27.19%)
Mutual labels:  live
An application used to convert razer effects to multiple output sdks.
Stars: ✭ 54 (-76.32%)
Mutual labels:  effects
Coinverse Open App is the first audiocast app for cryptocurrency news. 🚀
Stars: ✭ 133 (-41.67%)
Mutual labels:  room
Simple & lightweight (<4kb gzipped) vanilla JavaScript library to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll.
Stars: ✭ 8,274 (+3528.95%)
Mutual labels:  effects
Stars: ✭ 2,858 (+1153.51%)
Mutual labels:  live
Android Scratchoutview
高仿刮奖效果的View 可以设置刮开多少比例范围 自动显现 - Scratch card effect view , and can set the scraping what percentage range automatically displayed below ui
Stars: ✭ 49 (-78.51%)
Mutual labels:  effects
React Navigation Magic Move
Bindings for using react-navigation with react-native-magic-move 🐰🎩✨
Stars: ✭ 132 (-42.11%)
Mutual labels:  effects
Create multiboot live Linux on a USB disk...
Stars: ✭ 1,042 (+357.02%)
Mutual labels:  live
Threejs Sandbox
Set of experiments and extensions to THREE.js.
Stars: ✭ 163 (-28.51%)
Mutual labels:  effects
Stars: ✭ 44 (-80.7%)
Mutual labels:  live
Cocktails Android App with Clean Architecture, MVVM , Retrofit, Coroutines, Navigation Components , Room, Dagger Hilt, Cache Strategy and Coroutines Flow
Stars: ✭ 128 (-43.86%)
Mutual labels:  room
🚀 Instant live visualization of your Go application runtime statistics (GC, MemStats, etc.) in the browser
Stars: ✭ 1,015 (+345.18%)
Mutual labels:  live
Multi-project Clean Architecture MVP app in Kotlin using Conductor, Room, RxJava 2, Dagger 2 with custom scopes
Stars: ✭ 192 (-15.79%)
Mutual labels:  room
Android Debug Database
A library for debugging android databases and shared preferences - Make Debugging Great Again
Stars: ✭ 7,946 (+3385.09%)
Mutual labels:  room
Minimal javascript library for creating movable DOM elements
Stars: ✭ 127 (-44.3%)
Mutual labels:  move
Fx Ts
Computational environments and effects for TypeScript
Stars: ✭ 42 (-81.58%)
Mutual labels:  effects
The custom tableView which can start moving the cell with a long press gesture.
Stars: ✭ 164 (-28.07%)
Mutual labels:  move
Social Note
Social Note - Note-taking, sharing, time & location reminder
Stars: ✭ 38 (-83.33%)
Mutual labels:  room
Kotlin Mvvm Architecture
Android Architecture Design Patterns using Kotlin, MVVM, Dagger2, LiveData, Room, MediatorLiveData, NetworkBoundResources, Retrofit, AndroidX, ViewModels, Dependency Injection using Dagger2, Repository pattern.
Stars: ✭ 126 (-44.74%)
Mutual labels:  room
Android Clean Architecture Example
Yet another Android clean architecture example using RxJava and Room.
Stars: ✭ 37 (-83.77%)
Mutual labels:  room
Hls Vod
HTTP Live Streaming with on-the-fly encoding of any video file for Web/Apple TV/iPhone/iPad/iPod
Stars: ✭ 221 (-3.07%)
Mutual labels:  live
Node Fs Extra
Node.js: extra methods for the fs object like copy(), remove(), mkdirs()
Stars: ✭ 8,142 (+3471.05%)
Mutual labels:  move
📺 高仿全民直播(全民TV),项目采用 MVP + RXJava + Retrofit + OKHttp + Material Design + Dagger2 + Base + Glide + GreenDao构建。因为全民TV已经凉了,导致App已经连不上。所以本项目已暂停维护。仅供学习。 推荐MVPFrame: 和你值得拥有的MVVMFrame快速开发框架:
Stars: ✭ 1,594 (+599.12%)
Mutual labels:  live
一个完整基于kotlin的安卓开发框架,采用了mvvm设计模式。涵盖了: 1、基于retrofit2封装的通过kotlin协程实现的网络框架 2、基于阿里开源router修改的api-router实现项目模块化 3、基于glide的图片加载缓存框架 4、基于room实现的往来数据缓存加载 5、基于step实现的数据异步提交 6、基于PreferenceHolder实现的本地数据快速存储 7、基于mlist实现的简单复杂列表的快速开发扩展 8、定制的toolbar可以自适应异形屏,挖孔屏,水滴屏等等。。 本框架几乎涵盖了开发所需的所有模块组件。简单fork之后就可以基于框架快速开发。
Stars: ✭ 33 (-85.53%)
Mutual labels:  room
Algebraic Effects
Manage side-effects in your javascript application cleanly with algebraic effects
Stars: ✭ 162 (-28.95%)
Mutual labels:  effects
Ios P2p Engine
Let your viewers become your unlimitedly scalable CDN.
Stars: ✭ 31 (-86.4%)
Mutual labels:  live
直播礼物动画 送赞送礼物动画 仿映客礼物动画侧栏弹出送花人和礼物以及x1 x2 x3效果,支持队列 排序
Stars: ✭ 123 (-46.05%)
Mutual labels:  live
Recommended architecture by Android
Stars: ✭ 883 (+287.28%)
Mutual labels:  room
An attempt at making a aura thingie with a isoline shader.
Stars: ✭ 187 (-17.98%)
Mutual labels:  effects
神奇宝贝 (PokemonGo) 基于 Jetpack + MVVM + Repository 设计模式 + Data Mapper + Kotlin Flow 的实战项目,如果这个仓库对你有帮助,请仓库右上角帮我 star 一下,非常感谢。
Stars: ✭ 848 (+271.93%)
Mutual labels:  room
App to display and monitor the targetSDK from installed apps.
Stars: ✭ 122 (-46.49%)
Mutual labels:  room
A high performance danmaku engine for iOS
Stars: ✭ 844 (+270.18%)
Mutual labels:  live
An example Android app using Retrofit, Room, LiveData, RxJava2, Paging, Koin and the MVVM pattern with the databinding
Stars: ✭ 160 (-29.82%)
Mutual labels:  room
Real Live
A cross-platform network media aggregation application.
Stars: ✭ 942 (+313.16%)
Mutual labels:  live
A collection of custom shaders for Unity particle system (Shuriken).
Stars: ✭ 121 (-46.93%)
Mutual labels:  effects
Android Architecture Components Kotlin
Clean code App with Kotlin and Android Architecture Components
Stars: ✭ 23 (-89.91%)
Mutual labels:  room
Android Arch Components Date Countdown
Stars: ✭ 207 (-9.21%)
Mutual labels:  room
137 Stopmove
Algorithms to automatically discover stops and moves in GPS trajectories.
Stars: ✭ 19 (-91.67%)
Mutual labels:  move
Easy way to implement a Video Monitor use Android's AccessbilityService
Stars: ✭ 120 (-47.37%)
Mutual labels:  live
A unity package for applying post-processing effects to assembled 2D assets
Stars: ✭ 17 (-92.54%)
Mutual labels:  effects
Sofie Tv Automation
This is the documentation for the state-based studio automation system Sofie, used in live TV news production by the Norwegian public service broadcaster NRK since September 2018.
Stars: ✭ 155 (-32.02%)
Mutual labels:  live
AAC Paging Infinite Scrolling With Network Sample
Stars: ✭ 74 (-67.54%)
Mutual labels:  room
file live sync daemon based on inotify/kqueue/bsm (Linux, FreeBSD), written in GNU C
Stars: ✭ 115 (-49.56%)
Mutual labels:  live
Online Python Editor With Live Syntax Checking and Execution
Stars: ✭ 223 (-2.19%)
Mutual labels:  live
Nodemediaclient Ios
NodeMedia RTMP/RTSP/HTTP Play/Publish Client SDK for iOS
Stars: ✭ 221 (-3.07%)
Mutual labels:  live
Swift port of Apple UIImage+UIImageEffecs category.
Stars: ✭ 213 (-6.58%)
Mutual labels:  effects
🔎 A quick and easy in-app database viewer and manager library for your Room databases.
Stars: ✭ 194 (-14.91%)
Mutual labels:  room
Readhub Android 客户端——官网 :
Stars: ✭ 168 (-26.32%)
Mutual labels:  room
121-180 of 486 similar projects