All Projects → go-zero → Similar Projects or Alternatives

1716 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to go-zero

Dashboard Server
A JSON file RESTful API with authorization based on json-server
Stars: ✭ 48 (-99.79%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Pascal web application framework
Stars: ✭ 90 (-99.61%)
Mutual labels:  web-framework
Standard RSocket RPC Implementation
Stars: ✭ 29 (-99.88%)
Mutual labels:  rpc-framework
accountbook server
📔 记账本 Django 后端
Stars: ✭ 20 (-99.91%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Details regarding the customer-ready Dapr workshop created by the Microsoft Cloud Native Global Black Belt Team
Stars: ✭ 27 (-99.88%)
Easy OpenAPI specs and Swagger UI for your Flask API
Stars: ✭ 2,825 (-87.87%)
Mutual labels:  restful
An open source project based on the HttpClient. You only need to define the c# interface and modify the related features to invoke the client library of the remote http interface asynchronously.
Stars: ✭ 1,618 (-93.05%)
Mutual labels:  restful
yii2 rbac yii2 rest RBAC Auth manager for Yii2 RESTful(YII2权限管理rbac--rest接口方式)
Stars: ✭ 79 (-99.66%)
Mutual labels:  restful
基于node.js + express + mysql实现的restful风格的CRUD简单示例
Stars: ✭ 44 (-99.81%)
Mutual labels:  restful
A simple way to consume APIs with Javascript.
Stars: ✭ 67 (-99.71%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Vue Chimera
VueJS reactive RESTful API
Stars: ✭ 160 (-99.31%)
Mutual labels:  restful
DavMail POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP Exchange and Office 365 Gateway - Synced with main subversion repository at
Stars: ✭ 250 (-98.93%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
Passwordcockpit is a simple, free, open source, self hosted, web based password manager for teams. It is made in PHP, Javascript, MySQL and it run on a docker service. It allows users with any kind of device to safely store, share and retrieve passwords, certificates, files and much more.
Stars: ✭ 34 (-99.85%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Amazon S3 HTTP Basic Auth Gateway
Stars: ✭ 249 (-98.93%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
Mezon is a simple php framework wich will help you to create business applications.
Stars: ✭ 35 (-99.85%)
Mutual labels:  restful-api
Qtgate Desktop Client
A revolutionary internet infrastructure enabling a truly free Network, that offers Stability, Trust, Privacy, and Security
Stars: ✭ 232 (-99%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
Goku Api Gateway
A Powerful HTTP API Gateway in pure golang!Goku API Gateway (中文名:悟空 API 网关)是一个基于 Golang开发的微服务网关,能够实现高性能 HTTP API 转发、服务编排、多租户管理、API 访问权限控制等目的,拥有强大的自定义插件系统可以自行扩展,并且提供友好的图形化配置界面,能够快速帮助企业进行 API 服务治理、提高 API 服务的稳定性和安全性。
Stars: ✭ 2,773 (-88.1%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
This repository is a playground for API's. These are just a collection of items that you can utilize for learning purposes.
Stars: ✭ 157 (-99.33%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Pomerium is an identity-aware access proxy.
Stars: ✭ 2,860 (-87.72%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
Gentoo remote live patch system
Stars: ✭ 9 (-99.96%)
Mutual labels:  restful
PHP Goridge Protocol implementation
Stars: ✭ 53 (-99.77%)
Mutual labels:  rpc-framework
Iot Dc3
IOT DC3 is an open source, distributed Internet of Things (IOT) platform based on Spring Cloud. It is used for rapid development of IOT projects and management of IOT devices. It is a set of solutions for IOT system.
Stars: ✭ 195 (-99.16%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
A high performance web framework and application server in PHP.
Stars: ✭ 837 (-96.41%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Http Status Codes
List of HTTP status codes and description for each of them, with reference when have.
Stars: ✭ 190 (-99.18%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
Go Base
Go RESTful API Boilerplate with JWT Authentication backed by PostgreSQL
Stars: ✭ 928 (-96.02%)
Mutual labels:  restful
🌱 Simple Microservice Architecture based on Sagas and CQRS patterns
Stars: ✭ 52 (-99.78%)
Rhino Grasshopper's RESTful interface for Google Firebase
Stars: ✭ 18 (-99.92%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Apollo Federation
Stars: ✭ 171 (-99.27%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
Yet Another Rest Client
YARC (Yet Another REST Client) is an easy-to-use REST Client for Google Chrome.
Stars: ✭ 23 (-99.9%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Gin Web
由gin + gorm + jwt + casbin组合实现的RBAC权限管理脚手架Golang版, 搭建完成即可快速、高效投入业务开发
Stars: ✭ 107 (-99.54%)
Mutual labels:  restful
HTTOOP - a fully object oriented HTTP protocol library written in python
Stars: ✭ 15 (-99.94%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Tesla is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing,waf,support spring cloud,gRPC,DUBBO and more.
Stars: ✭ 161 (-99.31%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
Flask Restplus
Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
Stars: ✭ 2,585 (-88.9%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Main API Flight Git Repository
Stars: ✭ 26 (-99.89%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Stars: ✭ 41 (-99.82%)
Mutual labels:  restful
A Type-Friendly Web Framework for Node.js
Stars: ✭ 748 (-96.79%)
Mutual labels:  web-framework
Rpcx Gateway
http gateway for rpcx services. Clients in any programming languages can call them
Stars: ✭ 145 (-99.38%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
Scalable, simple RESTful object storage platform, written in C#
Stars: ✭ 43 (-99.82%)
Mutual labels:  restful
A framework for the automated derivation and parallel execution of finite difference solvers on a range of computer architectures.
Stars: ✭ 56 (-99.76%)
Mutual labels:  code-generation
A cherrypy framework for multi-purpose plug-ins
Stars: ✭ 215 (-99.08%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Yet another awesome Typecho plugin to make your blog RESTful.
Stars: ✭ 41 (-99.82%)
Mutual labels:  restful
tuya-connector helps you efficiently create cloud development projects regarding the OpenAPI or message subscription capabilities. You can put all the focus on business logic without taking care of server-side programming nor relational databases.
Stars: ✭ 28 (-99.88%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Xc Spring Cloud Alibaba
spring cloud alibaba(2.2.1最新版)+nacos+dubbo+gateWay+sentinel+rocketmq+(pgsql/mysql8.0的json支持)+ignite集成可用于docker分布式框架+分布式自动化任务+mybatis多数据源+seate+ shardingSphere分布式分库事务解决方案
Stars: ✭ 131 (-99.44%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
Booktype is a free, open source platform that produces beautiful, engaging books formatted for print, Amazon, iBooks and almost any ereader within minutes.
Stars: ✭ 810 (-96.52%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Guide to Cloud Native Application/云原生应用白皮书 -
Stars: ✭ 21 (-99.91%)
Mutual labels:  cloud-native
Springcloud Learning
学习Spring Cloud框架的总结,使用的是最新的Hoxton版本。主要对包括但不限于Eureka、Ribbon、Hystrix、Zuul、Gateway、Security、Bus、OpenFeign等核心组件的用法进行详细介绍。
Stars: ✭ 129 (-99.45%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
HTTP requests collector to test webhooks, notifications, REST clients and more ...
Stars: ✭ 149 (-99.36%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Multi-gateway payment processing library for java
Stars: ✭ 125 (-99.46%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
A distributed event bus that implements a RESTful API abstraction on top of Kafka-like queues
Stars: ✭ 734 (-96.85%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Jabber-транспорт для ВКонтакте (A jabber gateway to the VK social network)
Stars: ✭ 114 (-99.51%)
Mutual labels:  gateway
Light-weight web framework for Go
Stars: ✭ 26 (-99.89%)
Mutual labels:  web-framework
A PHP framework foucs on API fast development.接口,从简单开始!PhalApi简称π框架,一个轻量级PHP开源接口框架,专注于接口服务开发。
Stars: ✭ 1,365 (-94.14%)
Mutual labels:  restful
sdkgen is a tool to help design, implement and maintain good APIs with minimal effort
Stars: ✭ 61 (-99.74%)
Mutual labels:  restful
🐠 本库是一款Android-Http标准协议网络通讯框架,基于RxJava+NoHttp封装。支持文件上传和断点续传、文件下载和断点下载、Http协议和Https协议队列网络请求、网络请求轮询。
Stars: ✭ 214 (-99.08%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Karesansui is an open-source virtualization management application made in Japan.
Stars: ✭ 97 (-99.58%)
Mutual labels:  restful
RBAC通用角色权限管理系统, 前后端分离架构, 基于 vue-element-admin 和 PHP CodeIgniter RESTful 实现
Stars: ✭ 4 (-99.98%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Inspect HTTP requests
Stars: ✭ 20 (-99.91%)
Mutual labels:  restful
Node Typescript Mongodb
node js typescript mongodb express generator yo
Stars: ✭ 96 (-99.59%)
Mutual labels:  restful
A simple Ruby JSON API client.
Stars: ✭ 15 (-99.94%)
Mutual labels:  restful
🔨 A full-stack real-time auction website built using a microservices architecture
Stars: ✭ 71 (-99.7%)
301-360 of 1716 similar projects